

Takeda-theatercolor 38172_1

No, well, it is necessary, as not on time!

Taya stared at his feet in the sandals with gold or wings, or with stylized leaves, on each six pieces. That is, on their left, they were, as it should be, six, but on the right ... On the right in place it is unknown when the tagged wing leaf dark of the glue spots ...

Taya was upset. The day was to have a long one, the pereobluchi was not included in the plans, you will have to go to the evening abrasion ...

Just in case, she has touched the remaining plastic wings, densely covered with gold paint. It seems to have kept. But sandals will have to throw ...

From this thought Taya was upset even more. The shoes were her puncture. She bought her in the online store, carefully choosing the models unusual, extravagant - then acid-pink sneakers on a unthinkable platform, then the boats on the heels of a firm form, then densely decorated with flowers and butterflies sandals ... Shoes were famous firms - Labuthen, Zanotti ... well, not Real, understandable. Copies. The word "fake" taia considered rude. Copies. Is it thinking about a couple of shoes a thousand euros when you can buy the same for two thousand rubles? Taya was sure that there was no difference between the real Zanotti and his copies from the online store, so it's the meaning of overpaying? Yes, she did not have money for real. And so, thanks to the Internet, there is always a shit so that they turn around on the streets. Chic, shine, beauty!

Another puncture of Tai was decorations. Plastic bracelets, chains, necklaces with glasss were at all a penny, Taya put on them immediately almost dozens, and it was very much! True, paint from plastic quickly seated, but not trouble, but, on the contrary, an excellent reason to upgrade jewelry!

In mini-shorts, barely covered - yes, honestly, nothing covers, "in a transparent top, we put on the contrasting color of the underwear, on the still heels and in the bracelets from the underground transition, the impression of Taya made it even. Ellochka cannibal when looking at her would be lazy envy. But tai of the existence of the Ellochka can not suspect. She generally considered the books with a completely excess invention of humanity. Here is a movie - yes! This is quite another thing. Especially American, in which you can carefully consider what the heroine are dressed, and then find something similar on the Internet.

Taya sighed, remembering the wing with the wing, but because it was not able to be sad for more than five minutes, looked around. Beyond the streets of the street cafe, where she flopped in exhaustion after a hike shopping, the people had enough. Sunday, sunny - why not sit in the cafe! And drink coffee, and you can get acquainted. Coffee, however, was expensive here, but the public is decent, there is some student's chantrant. The income on the faces is written.

Tae was to marry. Already nineteen, two years after school spacked the saleswoman in the metro shop, realizing that these were temporary difficulties, and ahead is a successful marriage with a secured solid man, better aged. To appreciate her more youth, beauty and taste. And not walked. What is the demand from young? And the man for the years to the forty, coming and held, Tae just fit. Moreover, the men in Moscow are now not hurry to marry early, according to her observations, the forty-haired bachelors around was quite a lot, it is necessary only to know the places. In her shop, they, of course, did not look around, had to spend money on coffee in expensive institutions. I recently invented this tactic tactics, but I understood: the right plan. The men are found here, it is only necessary to choose the right to choose the sacrifice and make sure about fishing.

For example, now a suitable candidate was served through the table from Taii. Cute, elegantly dressed. One, again. Not beech: I looked around, smiling. Need to act.

Taya corrected the red strap - so that it is visible from under the black mesh blouse, and moved on his winged stilts to the planned victim.

"Sorry for God's sake," she whipped with an erotic voice. "I have a strange request for you." Allow me to sit down?

A slightly awesome man jumped up, moved her chair, put something inviting something. Excellent. You can move on.

"You know, I love the theater very much and wanted to go to the premiere to Fomenko." And tickets to buy is not a problem. But only one I do not want, and friends, you know, I do not have theater, so I thought ... Do you like Fomenko?

Theater Taya did not like the same as the books, considering him some kind of unnatural. And the outfits there are still, from past centuries mainly. In general, the useless spending time. But she understood that the future positive and wealthy husband had already converts nightclubs, but the theater was Brr! - It can love ... Therefore, I all turned out about the performances and the premieres, learned the repertoire and names and, on the case of a boring conversation, theatrons could support without a special knockout.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm called me," Tai of all the forces played secular art.

"Alexander," answered the battered man. - Somehow it is really strange and unexpectedly ...

Tia silently looked at him, wide opening his eyes and waiting for a response. Positive, of course.

- You know, I somehow the theater is not very ... Well, and we are not familiar with you ...

- Of course, Taya was ready for such a turn of events. - Of course, you must first meet. You are, for example, what do you do?

Alexander seems to have already come to himself and considered a girl as some exotic clus.

- It is famous! - he murmured. - And I thought everything you remind me?

Tia straightened shoulders. Surely, the actress from the American series, how her name was ... Taya very diligently copied her dressing bag.

- And who?

- Yes, the character is alone. Ellochka is called.

Well, for sure, it is about an American, thought Tia. So I liked him. Eh, if the wing did not fly off, she would generally be impeccable.

And Taya moved closer to Alexander, trying to touch his naked foot and mentally calling Alex ...

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