Tracakan from hell


Our paths crossed randomly - about such meetings they say: this is fate. And I jerked my devil to friends to the entomologists on the abundance of domestic cockroaches, who were outwarded before they inspected the contents of my saucepan!

"But there is no such beast," I asked, however, not really counting on luck, "so that they fought these cockroaches as relatives, otherwise to kill them does not allow me an insurmountable feeling of squeamishness?"

- How, like, - a sweet voice answered me, gullible, pleasses and led it in the distant corner, where a unbelled glazed box said. Here they are, the birthplace, the first enemies of cockroaches.

- I take not looking! - I shouted, not suspecting that the surprise is waiting for me in a minute.

I repeat, he was disgusting. All his body covered the Black Armor, on the face we were molded huge, scary to bump glazes, and mustache ... God, what was the mustache! Their length exceeded the size of the taracan itself, which was almost with my palm. In a word, it was a beetle, that's a beetle.

When a cute entomologist managed to lead me to the feeling, I heard a long, entertaining story about the blood enmity of my new acquaintance and homely red creatures. Yes, yes, do not be surprised: it was blood vendetta, and even moreover, a female species. Only one of them could survive and control a certain territory, in this case, my own kitchen. Even just killed after fainting, I understood: Madagascar cockroaches - there are incomparably more chances. - He will devour the whole "your" cockroach, "people convinced me, life gave these tropical cockroaches," he will heather all the masonry, you will not have problems.

- And he? - From the thought that such a monster will hunt in the kitchen, I wanted to cry.

- It? So he is tropical, he needs heat. "You will live for several months, will bring cockroaches and then quietly die myself."

- And he is not ... not a female? Not a pregnant female?

- Offend! What are we, in your opinion, a cockroach boy from a girl is not able to distinguish!

- A ... They are not in their custom international relations? And then how mutants are divided ...

- Do not divorce, do not divorce. Yes, do not be afraid you so, let's hand.

It was ashamed to be afraid, like an adult girl, and I extended my hand. The cockroach froze on the palm. I carefully touched my finger before his back, and ... the treasure cry shook the room. From my, I swear, a tender touch of the cockroach suddenly jumped in one place and desperately endured, at the same moment he flew to the floor, and I was on the meter away.

- He did not crash? - The feeling of pity rearranged a disgust, to take the death of an innocent cockroach in anything.

- Yes, not dead, not dying, "reassured me. "Keep in mind: he is still running, he has very legs.

"Neighbors come, they heard the knock of the hooves," I thought she worryly, carefully removing the box with a cockroach - all the same God's creature! - To my bag. To colleagues, who, not Cool, forced them, would make a poor guest with Madagascar jump and penetrate to the loss of the pulse, the cockroach himself liked, and my wrestling to take it to the house - not very ...

"Think," they exhorted them, "you wake up so far among the nights, and you have a topot in your kitchen, the black cockroach is chasing the red ...

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I was attached - not to throw out. I urgently came up with him the name so that he began to me somehow relative - after all, not some kind of cockroach, and my chick of Philip. Meanwhile, it was cold on the street, and let go of a cockroach in cool cuisine meant to destroy it. I started to leave work early to have time to buy Philip fresh apples. Filling from fear and disgust, I, trying not to disturb the cockroach, I made old pieces of fruit and put new ones. In just a second, Philip sharply unfolded the mustache in the direction of the treat, followed by the second mustache, after which the cockroach himself was sent to the apples. Filippe saked the droplets of apple juice as true gourmet. Once he escaped. I took the box and ... oh horror he dwells! Meet from the cold! The search was crowned with success, Philip was sitting in a chair and hurt the mustache in different directions.

- How do you, infection, moved the lid!

And then on the street Stewmed, and the batteries worked on a complete coil, it was time to declare a great hunt. I opened the lid. Tsy Day Philip came home, in the box, and then disappeared. Three months after that I did not have cockroaches ... Now the redheads are conquered by the territory - where is my Philip? Maybe, did not transfer the transactions of the Russian winter, and what a good one went to the neighbors ... did they not kill the poor man? And recently, some of the colleagues who have not yet forgotten my fili stock, asked if they could not get the same, the cockroaches are overcome. I am also thinking to start another "domestic pet". What? Let one huge cockroach look like loudly in the kitchen than quietly sching the breakfast.

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