Sergey Minaev: "I am for the alley, in life do not need to be afraid to risk"


The interview was held in the office of his company - more precisely, in a stylish, snow-white, almost in a sterile negotiation, where nothing bothered to my visa to be sincere. And somehow it immediately became clear that even if Sergey and strives somewhere else to seem more than to be, it comes out organically, and that, in principle, it is easier for him not to concern some topic at all, rather than filling it with lies.

Sergey, of your interviews, you can learn about your childhood. How did it have it - and is it true that you are Muscovite in the fourth generation?

Sergey Minaev: "Yes. I was a normal city kid, ran in the yard in our river station, played football five years professionally, stood on the gate. Family I have the most common, with an average wealth. Dad - Chemist, Mom - Archivist, Grandma also worked in the central state archive of literature and art. Mostly parents were engaged in their affairs, and I spent most of the time at my grandmother. We went to the center, walked along Zamoskvorechye, in the Patriarch ponds ... and I, like she, - the humanitarian of pure water. At school, accurate disciplines did not go, and I was not for example for the rest. "

As practice shows, Troechniki is best adapted to the realities of life. And you have a clearly adventurous nature of the Osta Bender ... You have already found on Arbat for fifteen years?

Sergey: "Yes. The dollar's exchange rate was officially sixty kopecks, but it was impossible to change it at this price. In the black market, he cost three rubles, five, then seven ... Here in this corridor we bought from foreigners currency, branded things, then they were sold to our citizens. And we offered overseas guests, we offered a dusk, Fedoskino caskets, Palee ... I was practically an expert then in this area. And early began to earn. "

What did you dream of then?

Sergey: "Nothing concrete. I did not want to be a cosmonaut or a pilot of civil aviation. I was not indifferent to the sport, adored the music, although to this day I would not master the game on the guitar, I postpone my studies. (Smiles.) I read a lot. At ten, I liked Dumas, in fourteen - Bradbury, Strugatsky, in sixteen - bunin and all the literature of the Silver Age. We had bookquarters to the ceiling in our apartment. But I was not for everything. I have gaps in Russian classical literature. So, I avoided Dostoevsky, for example. But I still read enough, because there was nothing to do. This is today in children for forty-two television channels, the Internet, computer games, and reading how the form of leisure is no longer fascinated. "

Your daughter from the first marriage Anastasia is thirteen years old. She managed to make love for reading?

Sergey: "Books put on her, but in general it is bad for me. Her society lives social networks, movies, computer games. When we together, talk a lot. She tells me about his resentment, lesions or, on the contrary, about the victories. I also share with her some experience and try not to lie. Suppose it complains about the problems at school, and I immediately convince her not to pay attention, because everything that happens in this educational institution is nothing to do with real life. Nastya learns better than me, but still average. The abilities she went to me. Also, alas, Humanitarian, who is intactable to the life of the creature. " (Smiles.)

You can't tell you that you are disturbing.

Sergey: "Listen, I am extremely lazy person, and everything that I do is exclusively in order to entertain yourself. For several times a week I am talking to myself: "What a happiness that has arranged such a schedule that I don't need to get up early and go to the service for nine in the morning, as millions do it." As a rule, at noon, I just wash myself, and it suits me quite. I am lucky, I live as I want, gambling with companions in poker on Thursdays. (Smiles.) I am for the alley. In the modern economy, even the insurance policy does not work, so it is not necessary to be afraid to risk. "

Sergey Minaev:

Sergey Minaev and Daniel Kozlovsky, who played a major role in the filmms "Spiriness" and "Spirieless-2".

In the second marriage you already have a two-year-old kid. Apparently, you are - responsible, caring dad ...

Sergey: "Of course. And, by the way, the upbringing of the boy is a completely different matter. The guys need to instill the ability to keep the blow in all situations, be able to fight. Life is not an intricate cafe where fun and tasty. This is a tough format, where it is full of scuba, bastards ... Although decent people are found. But it is necessary to resist the negative. More basic values ​​need to know: do not betray, do not throw, do not commit dullness. "

Sergey's son is still quite a kroch, and you have already noticed pronounced talents from your daughter?

Sergey: "No. "Talent" for me is a terrible word. Talent is read instantly: a person lives its activities. He does not leave from the canvas, either playing a day long and nothing else wants to do. And when you and here it turns out, and here it is not bad, and it seems to be worthy, then it is just a system of general knowledge. In the future, I see Nastya in the profession, wherever she does not depend on his employer, and she did not need to go to work daily, which is extremely tedious. Here are people working monotonously for forty years - well, they somehow decide the apartment, they buy the machine, children in universities are pretty, everything flows in size ... I never condemn it, but I could never. This is a real longguing! For twenty-five years I realized that I was not able to live in the rhythm "Work - a house - weekend at the cottage." Routine".

In your biography, it is here that, studying in the RGGU, you worked as a loader, then by the translator, after the brand manager in the firm engaged in wines, and quite soon became partner in it. Is this all the gift of human communication?

Sergey: "Yes, I unloaded the cars and, since I found the origin of domestic commerce, once, passing with the next box past a group of comrades, incorrectly translated faxes, I corrected them - and began to translate business securities. I became a partner not quickly, but in five years. Due to what was able to lead the team, look at the situation in a non-bank, at a different angle of view. Plus I was never afraid to take responsibility. As for communication, to understand politicians, you need to communicate with the loaders. The Pelevine in the novel "Chapaev and the Emptiness" Chapaev acts at the armored train in front of the proletariat and at the end shouts: "Comrades, here is my commander's salary!" Petka then asks what this word is that what comdive answers that he does not know what But the main thing is that it is familiar to the crowd. This politician escales the aspirations of the people. "

You do not seek politics, but you like to talk about her ...

Sergey: "Social and political shows is the most important on television. Such a man's story. And "the right to know" is one of the most rating shows, it is significantly different from similar programs on other channels. We have more discussions, no fierce disputes, aggression. "

And what are you profitable different from colleagues acting in the same role?

Sergey: "I do not consider myself the best leading. We are all the leading political talk shows on federal channels, approximately the same - sarcastic, caustic, cynical ... Well, perhaps, Solovyov Vladimir Rudolfovich stands out on a general background. He is bright. On television, I had a favorite project "Minaev-Live", online show. No one else was sitting, did not drink whiskey with Zhirinovsky, did not forced Pavlovsky there is a tie ... "

"My editor in the publishing state declares that I'm an edge in front of your eyes. I myself feel that I was heavier to write, "Minaev admitted. Photo:

"My editor in the publishing state declares that I'm an edge in front of your eyes. I myself feel that I was heavier to write, "Minaev admitted. Photo:

It seems that you do not look back at public opinion.

Sergey: "So there is. It is clear that I will not make something beyond the face of the human morality, but in everyday life I am not interested in the opinion of others about my person. At the dawn of my literary career, I shared with my own sorrows with my sorrows about the fact that my debut book criticized, and he quickly sled. He said that if this gentleman had been greeted, I would write a review on his work, and not the opposite. "

Do you watch your evolution of the writer? What is it expressing?

Sergey: "My editor claims that I'm an edge in front. And if we talk about your own feelings, it was harder to write. I feel dissatisfaction, scolding myself, I washing a lot, rewrite the paragraphs, chapters ... "

I read that you write literally wooing - go to the office in the evening with a bottle of whiskey and return only in the morning ...

Sergey: "I drink only at the very beginning to disperse, remove some brakes and continue to go to free flight images. I am not waiting for inspiration, but if it does not go, I do not continue - I postpone the next. I am writing blocks - it is so more convenient for me. I always write down some interesting plots, scenes peeped on the street, phrases, cleaned in public places. Sometimes in randomly spoken word more sense than in a specially written story. In any case, literature is a spectacular process. "

Your new book "Selfie" recently came out, and I know that you are already writing a script for its adaptation, inspired by the success of the film "Duchless-2", the script for which you also wrote ...

Sergey: "In addition, I am writing a script about spies - to the TV series Fyodor Bondarchuk. I have long wanted to try myself in this new role. To some extent I dug in vanity: it's great when your characters come to life on the screen! Plus, you kind of how to design the world under a film, which will soon come to life. This is more than a book. Currently, I look a lot of popular American TV series with a pencil in hand. Fixing techniques, I remember the mechanics. "

It seems that you wear a certain shell, and under it - a mild person, sentimental, who does not hide that crying on melodramas or listening to music ...

Sergey: "Society teaches us to protective indifference ... Actually what is your difference, what? I'm not at all interesting to me, what inside the director who has filmed a movie, I liked. Previously, there was such curiosity - I met twice with idols and found that they were full shit. So personally, I am inclined to evaluate only a creative product and do not go into the soul of its creator. "

With the future wife of Elizabeth, Sergey Minaev met the cafe.

With the future wife of Elizabeth, Sergey Minaev met the cafe.

Gennady Avramenko

You give the impression of a very family person ...

Sergey: "Who? I?! Well, maybe. A man must be responsible for his loved ones. "

You first got married quite early - at twenty-three years ...

Sergey: "Yes, and early left home - already at seventeen lived together with a girl. It sought to adult, independent, without care, life. "

You divorced just before the arrival of glory ...

Sergey: "It turns out that so. I had a terrible crisis of twenty-nine years old - on his background, not from a good life, wrote a book, got into generation ... In the others, apparently, it was the same, since such a resonance happened. "

And you always managed to keep friendly relationships after parting?

Sergey: "Almost always. Life is long, do not swear. But in general, you know, I'm not very located to frank on personal topics. Have you noticed that there are no bed scenes in my novels? I read them from others - and realized that it turns out either vulgarity or pornography. You can write about sex only as Vladimir Sorokin. This is the highest pilot! "

Somehow you said that the chemistry of relations is born on counterpoint, on social, age differences ...

Sergey: "Social - hardly. Cultural and partly. Rather - age. And so the meeting of opposites more often gives rise to a short, passionate novel, and not a long relationship that suggests joint interests, similarity of tastes. Cultural code should be united. "

I read that your current spouse Elizabeth graduated from Zhurfak MSU, now leads a website about fashion, and you met in a cafe ...

Sergey: "Yes, thanks to a common acquaintance. This was also the will of the case, successful confluence. "

And love at first sight?

Sergey: "I only have it. What is yours, then you want! (Smiles.) And it does not leave you anywhere. You will definitely get yours. Here I am an absolute fatalist. Obviously there is a certain track card, we are only free to choose some intersection. "

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