Love "Festival"


"I send you my love, my arms and kisses ..." "My Svetik, I want to know everything about you, I want you to write me as often as possible! .." "This photo will remind of our meetings in Moscow, the best, which I had in my life! .. "

In the Tolstoy Folder, which Svetlana Alekseevna brought with him to the editor - dozens of letters and postcards marked with the same address: Moscow, Popololla Lane, house 16/2, ... Borisova Svetlana. Stack of mail envelopes and several old photos - the memory of her first love. Love that woman stores 50 years old.

Kiss through the lattice

In the summer of 1957, Moscow was preparing for an incredible event: into the capital of the country, until the "iron curtain" was dedrated from any "abroad", thousands of foreigners - participants of the VI World Festival of Youth and Students were supposed to go.

"I was only 18 at that time," Svetlana Alekseevna smiles. - a year earlier graduated from high school, but it did not work out to go to the institute, went to work for the aviation plant. I really wanted to know about someone else, foreign life, so the festival was attached to the holiday to walk through the festive city all day, to be at festival events. For such a case, it was even decided to part with their braids and made a 6-month-old twist.

On the second day of the Svetlana festival with a girlfriend, the Tona came to the VDNH. - The girls stood in the crowd on the central square and watched a cheerful film, demonstrated on a huge screen, stretched along the facade of one of the pavilions.

- Suddenly, two young people are suitable for us and ask something in incomprehensible language. Then one of them spoke in English, and here I came in handy school lessons: "Inglish" we were taught wonderfully. It turned out that these guys are from the Italian delegation, are interested in the content of the film, over which everyone gets around. In the course of the explanation met. Of the one who spoke in English was called Enzo money, and his comrade - Angelo, except the native language knew only German. Everything turned out, as if on the order: after all, a girlfriend Tonya also taught him at school. Italians gladly adopted our invitation to show them the exhibition of achievements. So we went to walk in four of us, crashed into a pair of "language principle."

That first walk ended on the corner of the Yauza Boulevard, at the gate of a huge house where girls lived.

- Angelo and Enzo wanted, of course, to spend us right to the doors, but could we show them their wise communals?! - The family of Tony lived in the basement floor, and our room was located in a dilapidated flueplay in the yard ... So, under a faithful pretext, we spoke early, but we agreed about the meeting of the next day, everything is there, on VDNH ...

All the remaining days of the festival, this four in the end spent together. Girls even visited some events with the participation of the Italian delegation.

- But no one at least no longer allowed himself! And Enzo and I have not decided to take each other with each other, and about our suddenly appearing feelings only gazes ...

An international holiday approached the end. On the eve of departure from Moscow, Enzo warned Svetlana: "Be tomorrow by 10 in the morning at our hotel" Zarya ". We must have to see you again! " The girl came, but the planned meeting did not work: barely only the festival ended, all his foreign participants were in isolation mode.

- Approaching the hotel I found that an iron fence appeared around the building, for which no one is allowed. From time to time, buses are brushed directly to the entrance and they quickly-quickly plant delegates living in Zare. "Everything is just like in a camp for prisoners! .. Suddenly I look: some kind of man runs for this iron fence. - My Enzo! So they said goodbye to him - through the grille. He stretched out his arms through these bars, hugged me and kissed me - the first and only time ... returned to home, roaring, mother tries to calm down. Suddenly - phone call. Enzo calls from the station before the departure of the train. Here I could not stand it, I began to shout so much that all the neighbors were overburden.

Playing with footballers

The epistolary period has come in their relationship.

- He sent the first postcard directly from the road, from Kiev. The following is from the border chop ... then letters from Italy regularly began to come regularly, I still remember by heart: Milan, Via Picotzi, 11. I also wrote him often ... No, no signs that our messages read someone outsiders, I did not notice. And what could you find this? - they told each other about her love, remembered the happy days of the festival. Enzo still described the beauty of his country, tried to teach me right in the letters to the Italian language and tried to write some words in Russian himself.

Nevertheless, in the Soviet Union of the 1950s, maintain a regular correspondence with a foreigner, and even living in the Freight, was fraught with trouble. The situation was aggravated by Svetlana worked on a defense plant, which precisely at this time began to serial assembly of the first jet mig.

- One day Enzo wrote me from Austria. He studied in medical and probably turned out to be there in the internship. This letter also attracted the attention of "competent authorities." Suddenly at work they are called to the legal department. Two "comrades" sit there, which I have never seen before: "Did you receive a letter from Austria?"

The following was followed: who writes why, why? - Svetlana had to talk about his festival meeting. "What do you write in letters to each other?" - "About our love!"

- Here these two, having sleeved with each other, laughed - here, they say, fool! And I hurt so hurt. And then - a chill on the back: I realized that now it's the "department" everything that wants to do with me. However, no threats followed. They only warned: "If at least one letter comes, you need to bring it to us!"

The Chekist "Preventive Conversation" worked: the girl was frightened and, although the letter received from the Italian did not wear anywhere, but he herself stopped writing. Her girlfriends, having learned about what happened, only poured oils into the fire on the stories about the Coebeshy "Strashilki", "after all, just a few years have passed since the cruel Stalinsky arbitrariness in the country ... For Enzo, such an unexpected change was unexplained. "I sent you 10 letters, 6 postcards - and not a single answer! What happened? .. "- She so wanted to calm him, explain, - and could not overpower fear.

Alarmed Italian took the most decisive measures. At that time, the "Spartak" football team took the tour in Italy. After the Russian matches with Milan, Enzo managed to get into the Spartakian locker room. What and how the footballers told this cute guy, it is not known, but he achieved the result: the legendary Soviet athletes agreed to become intermediaries between him and his beloved!

- Once I come back from work home, and in our apartment - a stir, especially among the male part. To you, they say, you know who came? - Net, Paramonov and Simonyan! The note was left ... I read: "For you there is a parcel from Italy ..." and the home phone itself Igor Net. How to be here? - For the sake of conspiracy, I went to call him from the street automaton, and the famous footballer appointed a meeting the next day at the Metro "Kirovskaya", on the tram circle ... told your girlfriends, and they let me discourage me: do not go, they are watching them! All famous athletes, for sure, under the control of the "organs" and you immediately cares! - I'm shaking from fear of fear, but still decided to go. And so that "not soothing" came up with a trick. - On the site before the metro lobby, I noted these "connections" from afar: two high men dressed in a clearly overseas coat, "such in Moscow rarely who then wore. Quickly come to them, and right on the go - for the sake of "conspiracy"! - Quietly call your name. They me: "Yes, we are waiting for you. They were asked to convey ... "- and stretch some box. I'll hug her! - And run to tram. Jumped onto the site, the doors immediately closed ... I saw only a window: There are healthy-athletes with a completely awesome view. Surely, they did not even realize that it was this way from a hypothetical chipper "tail" leaving, and took me for a complete idiot ...

In the parcel turned out to be a letter and gifts from Enzo: gramophone plates, a fashionable gas creek and a pair of kapron stocking.

- In Moscow, then it was a unheard of deficit, so I, proud, wore them even in winter, while in a strong frost wonder-stockings did not go to the legs. Plates with fashionable foreign melodies have become a "nail" of our youth parties, but gradually all of them disappeared: some crashed, others from the company of Vthichari took themselves ... but she is still writing to church.

But even the "football" parcel from Enzo could not overcome the svetlands of fears. Letters from her beloved continued to come, but the girl did not risk sending the answer to them, fearing the omnipotent "authorities." And her Italian did not want to give up.

- A year later, some man came home to our home and, without getting me, left a note. Here she: "I came from Austria and saw Enzo money. Come to the hotel "Tourist", in the building 22, number 74 ... "But that evening I did not miss the hotel in the hotel, and the next day the duty said that this gentleman was already left.

True thread

Did it ever never thought to go to fabulous Italy, to his beloved ???

- Even during our Moscow meetings, Enzo called me: "You must come to us! I will show you our country. " However, I firmly learned: it is not-possible. - The fact is that at that time it was among young people such a hobby: a correspondence friendship. And I was still in school years by the editorial board of "Pioneer Pravda" found two "absentee girlfriends" - one of Czechoslovakia, another - from Romania. I was interested: how they live there, I wanted to go to visit, but how? - I took and sent a letter with such a question to the editor-in-chief "Pioneer". And literally a few days later he received an answer to the branded form. Glavred, all my doubts allowed a clear, very concise phrase: "You will never be able to visit our girlfriends because you live in one country, and they are in another!" Here is such a bench-adjacent "formula of life" I have learned since many years.

... "Festival" love looked around in the distant corners of the soul. A few years later Svetlana Alekseevna married his colleague, they had a son ...

- In 1965, we moved to a new apartment, and now I simply could not find messages from Italy. But the life of the family did not work out. When in 1970 decided to disperse with the first husband, so suddenly I wanted to learn about Enzo - how did he live there, does it remember about me? However, I was still afraid to send a letter from Moscow. And here I just introduced the case with secretly to send a news about myself: My friend's husband was invited - like a veteran of Italian anti-fascist resistance, in Italy, where he was awarded the Order. I asked to carry the letter across the border and omit in the mailbox already there on the Apennines. Enzo wrote that I remember that I could not answer his messages for many years that now I have a new address ... - As a result, "Operation" was successful. However, I was unwonded for a short time. After a while, I suddenly detect in the mailbox, then the most "illegal" letter, placed by all sorts of postal receipts, and on them: "Address dropped". That's how my entire conspiracy went to Nammark, and a thread that tied us with Enzo, finally cut off!

Attempts to find his beloved Italian Svetlana Alekseevna from that time no longer undertaken. But I could not forget it.

"I'm already accustomed: in difficult moments, when I feel bad - I remember about Enzo." If I want to make a sense of joy - shelves album with postcards sent to them, reread his letters. More affectionate and warm messages never received ... in the summer of last year, it turned 50 years old by the Moscow youth festival - and so everything again stirred in the soul! I decided to tell us about us with Enzo: suddenly somehow would accidentally read this article and respond?!. Although, you know, I even am afraid to imagine that we can see himself with him: because so many years have passed, we have changed so much ... And yet I really want to know how this person has developed, and still want him to still I learned that I never betrayed him.

X X.

She has an adult son, a beauty daughter, which decided to give birth already in 42 years, a wonderful hockey player ... She knew the shoulders not a fun experience of two marriages that did not save from spiritual adversity. "Did not work out!" Svetlana Alekseevna sighs. But after a conversation with her, I am sure: and it could not work out!

Because in the heart of this woman, there was a single one-one in the heart - a white brunette, who started a letter to her by the phrase "My Love Svetik ...".

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