In the stream


To understand how the indelible means works, let's try to imagine what happens with the hair at the moment when their shampoo washed. Even the highest quality and soft, it is primarily created to remove all sorts of contaminants, which is due to an alkaline medium, in which scales covering the hair surface are revealed. After rinse with water, they remain open, so the hair becomes completely "indomitable": cling, they are confused, they cannot be combed, and even more so make laying. In order to solve this problem, specialists are recommended to use balm or air conditioning. Possessing a dense cream texture, such drugs moisturize and feed the scaly layer, thereby smoothed the surface of the hair, make them soft and obedient. Unfortunately, even after such a care, hair still continues to be confused, which is fraught with damage.

"The washed balsams, air conditioners and masks are certainly necessary," says Olga Antonova, a stylist-technologist of Sharm Distribuschn. - They perform an important role: cover and smoothed most of those scales, which were "disturbed" during washing, but, unfortunately, they do not guarantee a hundred percent result. For this, immentable funds are created, the task of which is the so-called final grinding of hair, as well as their protection against environmental impacts. Of course, such drugs also take care of hair - depending on the components included in their composition. It should be remembered that the immentable funds do not replace, but also do not cancel the use of balms, air conditioners and masks. This is different, but the same need care for those who want to preserve the beauty and health of the hair in a modern metropolis. However, on vacrass, such "helpers" are even more needed, as marine water, wind and insidious sun require the most reliable protection. Staying on the hair until the next wash, they honestly fulfill their tasks, which means that the day of the day remains and the beauty of the hair is retained. The main thing is to observe the regularity and use such means then, "when there is time", but to apply them after each head washing. It is much more convenient to do this while the hair is still wet - so you can control the amount of product and ensure the maximum penetration of beneficial components. However, there are also preparations that are applied on dry hair, such information is necessarily indicated on the label. "

We counted them!

Like balms, masks and air conditioners, any incommable tool should be selected, focusing on the type of hair, their initial state; It is also necessary to take into account what effect, in addition to protection, you want to get as a result. A large amount of indelible means is produced in the form of fluids based on silicones, which fill microcracks on the surface of the hair, cover the vaccinated scales, due to which the hair becomes smooth, shiny and protected. The only minus of such drugs is that they should be applied very carefully, especially if the hair is too thin, there is a big risk to overdo it. In this case, the perfect option is liquid forms (in the form of spray), which are sprayed on the hair.

"The advantage of sprays is that they are easy to apply, they do not" overload "hair," says Olga Antonova. - A special form allows you to distribute the tool easily, quickly and efficiently, which saves your time. Such a drug is suitable for thin hair: Even if you are "stopped", the hair will not look like "cobbled". The composition of such products is distinguished by a large variety, but mainly proteins and vitamins that protect against the sun, heat, static electricity, as well as facilitating combing and laying. For example, "air conditioning unhappy soy" SOY Tri-Wheat Leave-in Conditioner from the Healthy SexyHair line from SexyHair is based on soy proteins that restore, strengthen and protect the hair, saturated with their necessary proteins and amino acids. Another type of liquid air conditioners - means for curly hair, with which the "small demon" turns into a universal admiration. As an example, you can cite the "Curling Detangler Curling Detangler from the Curly SexyHair line. It performs several important tasks at once: displays curly hair, facilitates combing, protects against cutting and protects against moisture. Contains amino acids, provitamin B5, soybean and wheat proteins. If the hair requires a special care (heavily suffered from discoloration, chemical curling, hot laying or just very dry and brittle), in addition to everyday protection, you will have to connect "heavy artillery". In this case, drugs with a dense creamy texture are becoming indispensable, which provide optimal nutrition, or incommable masks that have even deeper effects. For example, the "mask that is insised on the argan oil" Soy Renewal Mourishing Styling from the Healthy SexyHair line contains clean argan oil. It nourishes and healing hair, damaged by dyes and hot laying, and instantly returns to them shine and softness. Such a means is perfect for brittle and thin hair, it protects against the effects of UV rays and other negative environmental factors. Immediately after applying, the hair is transformed, they become soft, shiny, they want to touch them. "

It will not be hot!

Hot laying is a special moment in the life of the hair, which requires close attention. After all, it is possible to cut and even burn your hair in a couple of seconds, whereas the weeks go to their restoration and even months.

"The protection against high temperatures provide most styling funds from polymers and silicones," explains Olga Antonova. - The problem is that there are a lot of people who do not use them, but simply dry hair with a hairdryer, completely forgetting that it is also a considerable stress for them. Remember the Gold Rule: Even if you do not plan to create a masterpiece of hairdressers, hair requires protection from hot air. For this purpose, immersible drugs based on various oils are optimally suitable, which have a natural protective effect, and at the same time nourish hair, making them with flowing and shining. For example, in the line H. Airspa there is "Care on argan and hemp oil" containing vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids. This drug is suitable even for thin hair, as it is easy to apply and does not lose strands, but at the same time it has a number of indispensable properties: nourishes the skin of the head, protects against UV rays and has a thermal protection action, seats the sequencing tips and gives the hair natural shine. A huge advantage of such a means is that it accelerates drying time by 30-40%. If you prefer even lighter forms, choose oils in the form of sprays, such as "care-spray restoring with argan and macadamia oil." This gentle, weightless cloud is instantly absorbed, moisturizes, healing and protects hair, gives them soft and glitter, and also speeds up the drying process. "

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