Keep the Ear East: the stars who became victims of fraudsters


During the funeral, Anatoly Truchkin revealed an unexpected fact: the writer's friends were surprised and extremely outraged by the fact that Anatoly became a victim of fraudsters. Trucchina was deceived for money, promising an excellent percentage of deposit. This was announced by the musician Yuri Loza. According to the artist, Trushkin filed a statement to the police, where he was informed that he was far from the first one who appeals to them on this issue. The application was accepted, but the writer did not wait for the return of funds.

The victim of fraudsters can be anyone, the stars also often come across the fishing rod. Let's find out who from the artists suffered from the hands of fans of light profit.

Baria Alibasov

Probably, every owner is ready to spend so much money on his pet as it is necessary for full comfort. In the family of Bari Alibasov, a cute cat lives, which gave great regret. Alibasov promised almost a million rubles to someone who would return to chief home. "Good man" found almost immediately: saying that the cat has him, a man demanded a remuneration. The assistant of the artist went to pick up the "Loss", giving the fraudster money, the woman took the cat, but it turned out that the cat was not completely different, just like. Finding a man failed, since his name and surname family and assistants of Alibasov are unknown.

Cat Baria Alibasova

Cat Baria Alibasova

Svetlana Loboda

The singer fell into an unpleasant situation associated with its activities. By giving a few concerts in the Baltic States, the artist suddenly found out that the organizer disappeared along with her fee before her arrival. Loboda was beside himself, realizing that she, and her team simply gave two free concerts. It pleases only that fans remained delighted with visits to the show of the favorite artist.

Lera Kudryavtseva

TV presenter suffered because of his responsiveness, deciding to help a patient subscribed to whom a new wheelchair was needed. Having collected the necessary amount, Kudryavtseva sent money to the needy, but to her surprise, the recipient immediately sent the artist to the blacklist, and the account itself soon disappeared from the social network. Lera was amazed by the arrogance of fraudsters, sorry that did not understand the situation.

Vera Brezhneva

The singer often became the object of hunting fraudsters and got into a situation where the organizer of her speeches decided to save. A few years ago, Brezhnev went to the tour, but in one of the cities, the promoter decided that the singer should not play a show for free: the actress agent received a warranty letter in the amount of about 250 thousand rubles instead of money. His fee for this show faith did not see. A few years later, Brezhnev came across a network of fraudsters spreading fake cosmetics, the singer had to be met in social networks, explaining that she had nothing to do with defective cosmetics and in general to this brand as a whole.

Alena Sviridova

Stars love to travel, travel agencies are trying to please colebritis, thinking on individual routes for them. Alena Sviridova planned just such a type of recreation. The singer did not think that the company gave a company by almost $ 10 thousand, and what was her surprise when she saw the castle on the next visit to the next visit. Phones were also not answered. It turned out that officially such a company never existed.

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