Svetlana Permyakova: "It is always interesting to watch the alenushka, but more fun to be a Baba Yaga"


About such actresses sometimes say: "It is created for comedy." Svetlana Permakova does not argue with this and continues to mix the public in the series and on theatrical scene.

- Svetlana, you were filmed in the "Interns", now lead to the TV Medical Transfer. Probably, in childhood, did you want to become a doctor?

- No, I did not want. Here is my mother - yes, I thought about it. He said that a white hat would like me very much. I understood that this is not mine. Play - yes. Maybe the roles of health workers are easily given to me, because he always liked to care, put injections. But to devote yourself to medicine - no. I have another medicine - spiritual. (Laughs.)

- A actress at what age decided to become?

- I always wanted to play. But until the last one did not recognize this. I was afraid. But when I went to submit an application to the university on a philologist, my heart was bleeding. When he was already in the second year, I came to Moscow to enter theatrical. In Vgika, I did not even listen to me. I also went to the pike and soften - they are next to. Well, to the school-studio MCAT, of course. There I looked at me slightly. Something seemed, but chose another girl. I hope that also talented. (Laughs.)

- Your characters in the cinema - necessarily with a sense of humor. Do you suggest such roles or do you give all the characters to your traits?

- The sense of humor, it seems to me, is transmitted from the parents. And I, of course, presented my heroes. For example, the expression "Edrit Madrid" from the TV series "Interns" is mine. I myself offered the director with the glory Tuzmuhamedov: she said that Libe should have some kind of surcharge. I then sinned very much with such parasite expressions, so it may be, this "eating Madrid" so logically sounded from my mouth.

Svetlana Permyakova:

The heroine of any of the "Interns" Svetlana presented his traits. Including the famous expression "Edrit Madrid"

- Have you never been afraid to be funny?

- Never. It's so interesting! Gives some versatility. It is always interesting to observe the Alyonushka, but be more fun to be a Baba Yaga. (Smiles.) Alenushka herself is wonderful, everyone loves her, but what is interesting there? Well suffered, well, I loved, well married. And Baba-Yaga - a storehouse. It can be a alenushka, and a wizard, good and bad. May and repense, and cry, and again become a villain. No, I am much more interesting to be a Baba Yaga. There is so much of all in one thing that I want to realize everything. Still with laughter and humor. The older I get, the more like the roles that are multifaceted. If the role is comedy, I will definitely seek a tragic note in it. The laughter itself is worthless.

- What are your relationship with Ivan Okhlobystin, partner on the TV series "Interns"?

- Good. But the series ended, and we broke up. He is a very busy man. And I do not insist on friendship. It is very nice that I know him. And he knows me. But everyone has their own life.

- He is a believer man, and you too. Do not communicate on this topic?

- Talked little. He basically led the conversation with Vadim Demm. One is a bootiness, as they say, the other is a believer. (Laughs.) They found there any general compromises. It was interesting to observe them.

- Is there any role that you never agree?

- Probably on uninteresting. I am now a performance offered the "Chamber of Business Class", the role of nurse. I refused. He said that this is a continuation of my lip, the cliché that I don't want to play any more. And then suddenly thought: "Why am I so much? "Interns" ended, and people want to continue. They came to the theater to look at you in this role. Why don't you play? Especially since the nurses are different. " Agreed. And I already play the second year. With Seed Strugachev. And very glad to this. Therefore, I will better try first.

- Again medicine ... Tell me, and in ordinary life you hold a healthy lifestyle?

- I went to fitness here. (Laughs.) We had such a family campaign. At first, dad went - the father of our daughter Varvara. Maxim is generally a very sporty person. Then he bought a subscription Vaorya. Well, I did not delay it for a long time. Now we all go together. (Laughs.) With the whole family.

With the birth of the daughter of Varvara Svetlana, she said, began to look at life with other eyes

With the birth of the daughter of Varvara Svetlana, she said, began to look at life with other eyes

- And what about rumors that you and Maxim broke up and do not communicate with each other anymore?

- In the life of each person there are partings and meetings. We especially and did not part. Especially and do not live together. Everyone has their own life. But at the same time we are together. It's hard to understand, do not even try. (Laughs.) In every hut your rattles. In general, Maxim is a producer of our theater company. My director. Papa Vari.

- Your spouse?

- Not really. We are parents of our common daughter. Business partners. Friends. Favorite and native people.

- It does not interfere with work?

- On the contrary! Only in plus. Everything is wonderful and harmonious. You know, if the spouses cannot say something to each other, they are afraid to offend, then we are talking to many things right in the face. We have some even married relationships, and prepressive, when a person can not be offended. And I have the same feelings for him.

- And why can you criticize?

- It happens, lazy. That did not go to fitness. Maxim swore. He said that I need it. I listened to him and went. Or, sometimes, sometimes I let rigor in the upbringing of Varyushi. And Maxim reproaches me: "So it is impossible! You need to be softer! " I answer him: "Come on, you will be softer, and I will be pludder!"

- You gave birth daughter already in adulthood. Fear was not?

- No, there was no fear. On the contrary. There was a feeling of exorbitant happiness.

- Nobody discouraged? Did not say that, they say, coming down?

- Mom gave birth to me at the thirty five years. Then, 45 years ago, she was considered a boring. And now, some other time came. Many women in forty years old are only the first child give birth. My classmate in forty one gave birth. Although everyone said that no hope. And the miracle happened. Probably my generation is some kind of healthy it turned out in terms of mind and physical health. Everything is very good.

- What do you think in your case the attitude towards the child is special?

- It is conscious. I can give more, based on my experience. Somewhere too much. Shake. Varya is a very active child. Looking straw where it is not necessary. Although us here with Maxim recently called crazy parents. All because we did not pay due attention to the child. Varya ran, jumped from the side of the pool, and we just watched her. The degree of danger is present, but Varya sees everything and understands. Maybe I gave her my experience and confidence. Always spoke to her daughter, that there is a mom and dad behind her, who are watching her. Therefore, she goes forward boldly, not even looking around. We and experiments spent. Laging from her and stood watched how far she would leave alone without looking around. She went very far, well, very much. I do not know, it's good or bad, but so far so. In general, I noticed that my mother and grandmother were combined in my face. Some dual state. In some moments I give Mom, in some kind of wise grandmother.

- What is checked by cooking?

- Varysh, we already have poems composes, and songs. She likes it. She is also very sporty. Fascinated football. Boldly flies into the team of the guys, hits the ball. Not afraid. The girl is not quite typical. We have such a kid in the skirt. (Laughs.)

Svetlana Permyakova:

"In the life of every person there are partings and meetings. Maxim with Maxim did not part. Especially and do not live together. Everyone has their own life. "

- What changed in life with the birth of a daughter?

- Everything, absolutely. True, after giving birth, I could not understand the week why I need to get up at night. I want to sleep. And then thought: "So I have a child, God! I got a child! " An amazing state, when forty years you lived without everything, and then someone suddenly appeared. And when it was pregnant, nothing has changed in my life. I worked, traveled ... But when this miracle was born, then I began to look at my life completely from another point of view. And now every day, a month, a year you know more that you live not for yourself. Ambitions left somewhere aside. What I wanted to achieve, reached, but at some point you understand that the Snow Maiden will not play, Ophelia too. You refuse it calmly, because you understand: Other Ophelia will grow apart (laughs), Other Snow Maiden. She now begins life. Therefore, we with Maxim want her more to show, ride with my daughter, see.

- That is, for her, it is necessary to take care of her health. You have somehow mentioned here, which made a colonoscopy ...

- Maybe we would not reach the colonoscopy, but a chain arose: my participation in the program "On the most important thing" and acquaintance with wonderful doctors. Badma Nikolayevich Bashankayev, a correspondent member, friend and consultant of our program, a master of his case, told me once that the colon cancer is in third place in the prevalence. And since it is an intimate and distant zone, people pull up to the last. As a rule, out of ten nine people turn to doctors when it's too late. Although it would be possible to prevent everything in the initial stage, if you just pass the tests. It is only necessary to undergo a specific procedure, which is called colonoscopy. Maxim with Maxim and Gastro, and a colonoscopy. Checked and top, and bottom. (Laughs.) Everything, thank God, good. The doctor says that this should be done after 40-45, when the risk of disease arises.

- People are often afraid of doctors. Where is such a fear? Ashamed? Painfully?

- Probably, both. See the last pull and go online. Well, that he is. Perhaps there you can find the right answers. But sometimes we harm themselves even more, without contacting the specialists on time.

- Just many today are afraid of incompetence of doctors ...

- I agree with you. There are terrible profans. I then heard a funny phrase here in one transmission: "I wish you health and find a good doctor." But there is always a way out. You can find a family doctor. As it was before, when one doctor looks at the child from birth and later for the whole family, knows all the subtleties. As a family confessor.

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