Just not three: scrubs you can do at home


Our skin needs to be regularly updated, but not always our body is able to cope with, admit, excessive peeling, the cause of which is often the hyperkeratosis. Violation of metabolic processes leads to inflammation, irritation and many other dermatological diseases. Agree, in the summer I want to choose a swimsuit, and not buy all new means on the recipe of a dermatologist. To help your skin and prepare it to the beach season, you can prepare a natural tool - scrub, and carry out procedures as needed. We will tell about the most interesting and efficient recipes of the cleansing composition.

Scrub - Coconut

What will take:

- Savy yogurt - 100 ml.

- Coconut chips - 100 gr.

- Sugar - Art. the spoon.

All ingredients must be mixed, if necessary, adding boiled water. We apply a scrub on the body, starting with the stop and further in the direction of the movement of lymph. We leave the tool for a few minutes so that the skin gets the necessary moisturizing, then wash off warm water and apply your favorite cream or milk for the body.

Be careful when using scrub - do not try too much

Be careful when using scrub - do not try too much

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Scrub - Almonds

What will take:

- Almond nuts - approximately a handful.

- Almond oil

Probably the most fragrant scrub on our list. It is necessary to grind almonds, for example, in a coffee grinder, then add oil to them. The amount of oil depends on how sensitive your skin: the greater the oil, the softer the effect of the scrub. Suitable for daily use.

Scrub - Latina

What will take:

- Sugar - 50 gr.

- Coconut oil - 3 h.

- One autocado fruit.

- Handful of almonds.

- Cream 11% - 20 grams.

- Lemon essential oil - several. Drops.

We mix all the ingredients so that we have a pasty mass. We clean the skin with gel and applied to the bottom up. According to massage lines, we distribute the scrub and leave for a few minutes. After you wash the composition, try not to use soap a few hours, since the skin needs to restore the lipid balance.

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