Age crises: what you need to know and what to work


The person first faces the crisis at the moment of birth. You will probably be surprised by this, but even more will make you think the interpretation of the age crisis itself. It is believed that the crisis is the moment when the person is most aggressive, selfish and unfriendly in relation to himself and others. In fact, such "symptoms" are far from all - those who will be able to cope with their own "I", to control it, will be taken out of a reboot of a lot of useful. We tell, at what age people face a crisis and how to survive it painlessly.

Crisis 3 years

In psychology, the crisis of this age is associated with the first design of the ego - awareness of "I" as a separate person. The child still does not know how to restrain the emotions, so it can brightly show the character traits - to capricious, refuse to fulfill the requests of the parents, fight with other children and so on. Here, parents act as regulators of the results of the crisis period - in their power to behave calmly, persistently repeating their requests and have a child to themselves. It is forbidden to scream, threaten or beat - it can postpone in the child's subconscious, which will definitely affect his future life in a bad key. Astrologers note that at 3 years on a natal map that assess our identity from an astrological approach is replaced by Saturn sign, respectively, "fracture" is observed - a new stage of life.

It is important to talk with a child calmly

It is important to talk with a child calmly


Crisis 7 years

Now the child's self-consciousness as a separate person faces society - it is no longer limited to the family, closest relatives and friends. The child is included in the "big world": goes to school where new people are celebrating - classmates and teachers. The transition to a new level of education is now the child is responsible for obtaining knowledge and assessments as the result of their estimation. Some children who have not visited the kindergarten or were in the team "gray mice", may face difficulties. Parents can help the socialization of the child, writing it on the circles, sections and additional classes in foreign language and general educational subjects. The more you in line in the child at this stage, the brighter his personality will appear in the future.

Crisis 14-15 years old

The crisis of transitional age is a difficult period not only for the young man, but also for the people around him. At this time, the teenager is aware of his independence from the team - if earlier he got used to to be part of him and think along with others, now he is separated. His thoughts are developing at a higher level, are drawn up on the basis of the experience gained earlier and knowledge. Also at this time, he is aware of its own sexuality, an open interest in the opposite sex and the appropriate experience of intimate intimate proximity is manifested. It is important to give a teenager the opportunity to express themselves - wearing non-standard clothes, paint hair and apply makeup. If your child has a second half - do not interfere in their relationship, until the council ask you, and do not devalue his feelings. As in the previous crises, your task is to be supporting and supporting, communicating with the child and be a friend to him, and not a supervisor.

Teenager aware of his sexuality

Teenager aware of his sexuality


Crisis 23-24 years old

Western psychologists consider this age to come from a publity period, although among the domestic it is common that the teenage age ends before - in 16-17 years. This stage of "zeroing" is associated with the definition of life goals - a person received a higher education, the first work experience. He is ready to decide on what path to go. Often at this age, young people begin the first serious relationships, in which awareness comes to them - what they want to see in a partner, how much time and effort ready to devote to him, with which they categorically do not put together. This is the first crisis that a person lives independently of others, which means it is capable of controlling its flow and influence the results. It is important to spend a few practices - write a letter to the future for 5 years, where you define what you want to see, form approximate life goals, describe the skills necessary for a successful career movement. And most importantly - move in the designated direction. If you are able to cope with emotions, the crisis will pass imperceptibly.

Crisis 28-31 years

This is a complex crisis that does not pass without a trace. At this age, a person can turn his consciousness to 180 degrees, completely changing the life attitudes. It is important to work out all moments of the past, especially those that caused a strong emotional surge - parting, failures in a career, betrayal of loved ones or bad relationships with parents. It is better to seek help to a psychologist who will help you deal with problems. If you work on yourself during these years, you can go to the new stage by another person - with unshakable life principles worthy of the surroundings, warm relationships with loved ones and love partner. Regarding the latter, usually for this age men make a decision to associate themselves with a marriage of marriage, they are planning the birth of children. In women, the nesting period can shift on an earlier period. It is important to find a balance between egoism and altruism in approximately in the middle, the deviation to any of the parties will negatively affect your personality.

At 30, you are a successful person with decorated aspirations and installations.

At 30, you are a successful person with decorated aspirations and installations.


Crisis 36-38 years old

Awareness of the middle of life and look into the past. You evaluate what previous years have achieved - position, property, family, friends, your appearance. To this age, your children are likely to reach a teenage period - wish to separate from you. Getting used to them as kids, it is important to realize your independence and give them freedom. If you are unhappy with any sphew of life, boldly change it - you are young enough to be able to build a new career, taking into account previous experience or refuse the relationship in favor of a new partner.

Crisis 40-43 years old

"Middle-aged crisis, as his psychologists call. During this period, you are reaping the fruit of the latter × 4-5 years from the previous crisis. The "self" is finally drawn up - "I" as a separate unit with its own installations, desires and needs. You want to receive what you dream, preferably quickly and without compromises with the desires of others. It is important to understand that you are not a magician and not a wizard to get everything at first request - you need to be in the balance between your emotions and emotions of people important to you. Consider with the opinions of people who respect and which trust, pay less attention to the rest. You are experienced enough to be able to say "no" and find alternatives.

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