Lolita was taken to the nursing home


As you know, Lolita Milyavskaya loves to amaze her fans. This time, she decided to remove the original video on the song-heel's song, the director of whom was a 26-year-old singer and composer The Kolya Serg.

"Studeling-heel" is a stern song, so I needed a director who knows how to shoot funny clips, "explained his choice of Lolita. - Looking at some vocabulary of Ki, it became interesting to who director. Then I found the number if, called him and said: "Can I remove you in the clip?" Kohl professionally went to the case, sent a script, locations and storyboard options. And the other day we removed the video - in the government sanatorium, which appears in the clip as a nursing home. And in record deadlines - in 25 hours. "

In the new video, Lolita Milyavskaya played a despotic nurse-nurse in the nursing home. .

In the new video, Lolita Milyavskaya played a despotic nurse-nurse in the nursing home. .

"When Lolita sent me a song, I was immediately born the idea of ​​the clip," she shared his stagnation from the work of Kohl Serg. - According to the plot of Lolita - a strict and despotic nurse-a nurse in the nursing home, which carries for the elderly. But everything changes as soon as the main character of the clip, a nice young man, brings her grandfather there. The heroine of Lolita falls in love and begins to guy the guy's signs of attention that Grandfather takes mistaken on his account. An elderly man thinks that it was she who liked a sexy nurse. As a result, a real love triangle is formed. "

The director of the new video of Milyavskaya was made by Kohl Serg. .

The director of the new video of Milyavskaya was made by Kohl Serg. .

Work on video has passed harrily and clearly, but there were a lot and funny moments. For example, the elderly people involved in the shooting of the video, they are covered right on the set.

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"The picture turned out bright and beautiful. I am sure that the clip will be ridiculous, positive and raise the mood to all the audience, "says Lolita. .

"We had one of the final frames where the elderly lady should kiss a young handsome," recalls the director. - We first slept a young actor for a kiss with her. And then, when he still agreed, an elderly lady was standing in the pose: she was climbed when he learned that she would have to kiss without a plug-in jaw. And it is necessary to get this jaw in the frame. When she still agreed, we had to settle the young actor again ... "

"The picture turned out bright and beautiful," says Lolita. "I am sure that the clip will be ridiculous, positive and raise the mood to all the audience."

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