Alexander Ustyugov: "Live with the actress for the second time I would not want"


Alexander Ustyugov in all signs that the hero! And courageous, and beautiful, and talented. And talented in everything - he actor, director, musician, restaurant and owner of the restoration workshop. He is a devotee and the most real romantic - dreams of opening the museum of the Russian wooden toy and pulls out and paints them. Our hero is not afraid to start everything from scratch, changing professions, place of residence, and does not know how to live families when love goes. All of this - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Sasha, you have a crazy number of classes, without taking even the theater and movies. I do not know where to find time for all this. In addition, they say that they are more finished by those who beats at one point, you are primarily an actor ...

"I do not consider myself a big talent, especially when I see my colleagues who are just kissed by God." I relate myself to intellectual artists, I understand what a profession is, I studied for a long time and went to this, I know how to do and I can or can not. When I have just entered the layout, one artist told me: "Acting should not be the main thing in your life. If you do not have something more good, you have to come up with it, because otherwise the profession will devour you. " Therefore, having come to the theater, I soon said: "Guys, let's pay me nominally salary in five thousand rubles (officially she was forty-two, or forty-six thousand rubles), I do not want to fight for a penny, but leave I have the right to choose where to play. "

- How did such a conversation happen?

- I was late for almost forty minutes, I tried to explain that I have good reasons for me. I was told that they would deprive fifty percent of the salary plus a reprimand with entering a personal matter. I offered to deprive me of money entirely, but never returned to such humiliating conversations. Then the order was posted: "Artist Ustyugova to deprive one hundred percent salary for being late for the performance." For some reason, it caused me enthusiasm and inner liberation, and I suggested that it was left. And I could ask for a painting from Alexey Vladimirovich Borodina, saying that I have an interesting job, and not to invent that I broke my leg in order not to come to the rehearsal. I will say absolutely honestly, I don't know why my life will go in the future, whether I will stay in the profession or will go somewhere in the village and will breed the hare.

Alexander Ustyugov:

"I do not believe in fairy tales about eternal love"

Niko Nicholas.

- Kaif brings only what is good, goes easily, successfully?

- What does not work requires more attention. Although all the time I want to smell your hand. Two months ago, I shouted that I would stop doing the joinear, I close the workshop to the damn mother (laughs), because everything began to pour, irritation went, but in the end I said: "No! You can not give up. " After the New Year holidays, I had an illusion of lifting, and I like it. I'm not used to just to retreat, I want to make a full-fledged business from it.

- In business you are the maximalist, romantic even. And in personal relationships? After all, it was already married three times - never gave himself promises to be together for life?

- Never! I do not believe in fairy tales about eternal love. Both in the profession, and in personal life I want to keep yourself the right to enjoy relationships. I have always been honest with my women. (Laughs.) I do not want it to be in a burden.

- Why do relationships become in the burden, what happened, thought?

- A lot of things happen. I am emotionally moved, I fall in love, wean, it happens, cool. I do not hold the idea that the relationship is the work that they should be built, plastering, fasten again.

- In any case there are periods of failure or cooling, but you do not immediately throw it ...

- The point of non-return occurs when through brain activity, and not an emotional impulse, you come to the conclusion that the relationship went into a dead end. They can be reanimated, create some kind of illusion, but suddenly the meaning of this is lost. I'm not saying that once, the light bulb went out, got up and went. Not. You talk, try to negotiate, introduce some rules, but at some point you understand that there is no reason to fight for the relationship, because they fought. Common sense says: "Wait, right there is a house, an apartment, a child ..." - but everything becomes no matter. Although your decision can even hurt someone, you are sure that it will be better, and in relation to yourself you remain honest, you do not live in lies. Time passes, and clearly realize that it was right.

- You and I have lived enough to live together, raised daughter. Did you really feel at least regret that everything ended?

"I don't have a feeling of guilt that someone found something, I do not promise anyone that it will be on the century. I do not like the relationship of ninety nine percent of my acquaintances, where in the picture a beautiful life - two children, a country house, and at the same time two more mistresses. And he feels great, having labby between the flows of lies (laughs) and emotions. It is difficult for me in such a relationship. Unloved wife, unloved work ... Although I am sure that the majority lives in such a real.

Alexander Ustyugov:

"I will say honestly, I don't know why my life goes in the future"

Niko Nicholas.

- Do you have only the first of my wives - actress?

- Second. Popularity came when I already lived with Yana Sokolovskaya, and everyone interested it, and I myself did not particularly advertise the past. With all the love of actress, I understand the material perfectly (laughs), and I would not want to live with the actress for the second time.

- Now, as you say, your status is "free." What are


- I have no discomfort for this about this. Somewhere in the depths of the soul, probably, I even am afraid of strong emotions. If it happened to me now, I would go rug and said: "Not on time." Large feelings go from God, they can not be stimulated, and flirting, love, which, as they say, for the eye and mood, are of course present. I am not in a state of despondency. Feeling freedom for me is comfortable, I have no crisis, although I listen to myself.

"You recently said:" If love is nevertheless, it will be madness. " How many years maybe madness or will it go, will love and love?

"If I were a director and asked me how to play love, I would answer that love is increased attention. At the energy level. Wherever you are, what kind of remoteness is neither, your soul and brains are all the time in touching the intangible body - soul. What with her? How does she experience? How does she feel? Is it smiling now, or not? If not, why? And this is not an effort, everything comes in itself. Naturally, you want this soul to smile more, got joy from life, you want to participate in it. When does it dull? There is such a fashionable book "Love lives three years" Begmedra, I read it with a volley about thirteen years ago. There appeared the idea of ​​the development and transformation of passion and love, and then I thought about this phrase. And at some point even agreed with the author. So yes, I also say that love lives for three years. And then it should go to some other bed.

- What kind of relationship are ideal for you?

- My ideal of relationship is the union of two strong, absolutely independent personalities. This is not a story about two halves of one whole. For me, this is a meme, a story for the young one, because still we fall in love with people who promise us some kind of spiritual growth and development. Knowledge each other should not repel them, but on the contrary, give the feeling that you are yourself with this man. These are not role-playing games: I am a strong man, and you are a caring woman, you are preparing, I will hunt. If we are talking about creative people, they need to periodically be alone. In general, the ability to love is very important. But it is like a very small percentage of people, I'm sure of it. And everyone else imitates it by drawing from books, movies and everything else. Most men, this is also my theory, can just live on your own, without a woman. I often watch this habit next to the creature of the opposite sex. This is such infantility and helplessness, that is, at first he lives with her mother, and then - either with one woman or different. He needed this duty and dewing "Well, eat, I said," "Naughty's hat, cold on the street," that is, such female care. Such couples live together, as a rule, long and happily and happily, worry together, treason, loss of work and everything else, because there is a share of the mother-maternal or fatherly relationship. But this is not love.

- How often do you have a need to see my daughter?

- The need is always. But the graphics of my daughter is more complicated than mine. (Laughs.) It happens that she has a vacation, and I'm busy. Or free, come, and she has preparation for the reporting concert. But then I accompany her to school, I take the dances and wait until it finishes, that is, all communication takes place on the road. And we have some ridiculous meetings. Recently I was invited to a premium, I called her. We are usually interested in us a little, we enjoy each other and fool. I have a shoot, I call her: "Zhenya, come! Here horses, sabers. " But we lived in the same way. After school I fled to artist. It was a drawing six hours, then three more - sculpture, came late at night, and the next day there was a box. And this is a plus theatrical circle, public and school load - drawing the wall newsletter, drummer and hill contests - were a combination of incompatible. Sometimes some fermentation happened, but, as a rule, to the detriment of something, for example, they did not reach the art school and instead, the fool was failed, playing football.

- Is it still playing Zhenya? Does she feel the future actress?

- She feels the actress. (Laughs.) She wants to film. But I don't want it yet, because for children a very large psychological load is a test of glory. And the theater is still somewhat different.

Alexander Ustyugov:

"I'm closed, unavocative, even time awkwardly ask on the street"

Niko Nicholas.

- Do you communicate with her like a girl or with your boyfriend?

- I'm not trying to do boys from girls, and vice versa. If it is interested in something from my affairs, the same motorcycles, I like it. But eleven years is still too early for this. I always say that all my motorcycles are her, and add: "If the guy is asking:" What is your old man? "- And, having received the answer, it will be delighted, it means that he is our person, and if he says:" Fu, nonsense, "do not communicate with him." (Laughs.) Zhenya fashionable, she has its own style vision. If we leave somewhere, she calls, asks what I will wear, remembers the whole wardrobe, chooses me jacket, jeans, shoes in accordance with your outfit.

- You say, she has a difficult character ...

- It is categorical, to itself first. In some ways, our characters are similar, I am also demanding and principled, it is difficult for me to communicate with people who have no goal in life. I hope that it will be a creative person first of all, and the consumer's creed is very different.

- Yesterday you created something on the lathe ...

- I have another idea - to revive the Russian wooden toy, accurate. This is a big story to whom everyone does not care, and I want to make a toy museum. I am very sorrowing this idea while no one supports her, one fighting on the barricades. The first wooden toys appeared in Peter the first, he himself pulled out. Such toys in the USSR stood in the servants, then it became uninteresting to anyone, but drawings were preserved, drawings. They will not be toys no longer, because children are now playing in iPhones, but it is possible to sharpen it to save it and paint. And I myself make a third series. The first - "Soldiers of the Semenov Regiment", and now the series is devoted to Boris Godunov. I want Andrei Merzlikin, my comrade, to give Shuisky, whom he played in the series.

- For you there is a difference between friends, buddies and friends?

- This is complex gradation. At my age, friends are already difficult, there are people who are pretty me with whom I would like to be friends, but it does not work because of distances, and meet with them short, but always festive and joyful. In addition, I actively operate a motorcyclist, there is a power supply, and it is large enough throughout Russia. I call friends who are close in spirit. And, of course, a close friend - the one with whom you meet, without seeing the year, even more, and from the first minute there is no barrier, the feeling that you did not part. I have friends with whom I communicate and forty years, and twenty, and this is also a considerable time. We are quite free in relations, not intrusive. In addition, with one you can drink fun, with others - to make music, talk about it, but they cannot be taken in the mountains, for example. They honestly say: "I will not get there!" (Laughs.) And there is nothing wrong with that. And there are friends who do not play on the guitars, but with them I will go to the mountains, because they are reliable and strong, strong in spirit. (Smiles.) There are friends who will never fit to the motorcycle. Therefore, with one I will go to the edge of the world, while others will wait for me and listen to the stories about how I went. (Laughs.) I have no idea "should" in relation to friends. I love them with all their weaknesses and small betrayals.

- And if they show indifference to you, and in the most difficult moments?

- For God, they are friends. This is a magnet that pulls! When comrade comes, we strive to meet. And after fifteen minutes we can send each other to the damn mother, because they did not come together in something. I do not have a consumer attitude towards friendship. I do not care, attention, and I myself can skip by virtue of some employment a great drama in a friend's life, but this does not mean that I do not empathize.

"It seems to me that in many ways there are" scissors ": you and the leader, and a single one, acquaintances and friends you have a lot, but at the same time you closed. Is it probably creating great difficulties?

- Yes, that is. (Smiles.) I just be in contact with people through a profession, although I myself am a crowded man, unavocative, time awkwardly ask on the street. (Laughs.) I can be long enough for loneliness. I am very comfortable in it. I even seeking him, because all the time is forced to be in humans. I'm going to the coupe with an unfamiliar man, I am lucky to shoot an unfamiliar driver, a lot of unfamiliar people fit me on the site, and I have to say, joke, show them your location and a good mood. You can't be yourself, because as soon as you silence, immediately ask: "What happened? Are you okay? " (Laughs.) Then I'm waiting for loneliness to reset the mask, I get tired of it and ask you to take a ticket to one in the coupe. As soon as I break to my apartment and close the door, understanding that I have a day, two, three and I can not walk for food, nor for cigarettes, I feel just happy. True, as a result, Nicotine starvation wins (laughs), and I am forced to get out of my burgoot, but it is quite difficult for me. But I can not imagine what kind of person will be able to be with me in such a state. Therefore, we usually answer the proposal to rest: "I am a very boring person on vacation." (Laughs.)

Alexander Ustyugov:

"Knowledge each other should not repel, but, on the contrary, give the feeling that you are yourself next to this person"

Niko Nicholas.

- In your life there was a lot of changes related to the profession, including moving ...

- Peter registration I have since 2014, but I was shot in Petersburg from four to six months a year thirteen in a row in St. Petersburg. When I was asked: "Are you a Moscow artist?" "I answered" Yes, "what I heard:" Oh, and for some reason we thought that Peter. " It enjoyed me, because being the Petersburg artist in my presentation is the status. (Laughs.) I did not move to Peter, just at some point did not return to Moscow. And considering that on the mother's line everything is blocks, Leningrads, then staying in this city I have always caused delight. Probably, some of my blood breathed by Leningrad dampness, and somehow at the genetic level it responds with goodness. And with Moscow, I had a very strange stretched story. I remember how to comrade from Siberia came to me, we met him, and he said: "Come on, show me your favorite places in Moscow." We stood near the ram, and I suddenly clearly realized that in the fifteen years of staying in Moscow they did not appear. I started to carry something about clean ponds, we went there. There I told something, but felt that this is not my text and this is not my favorite place, I'm just trying to give it now for my own. At that moment I realized that you need to change something. And about Petersburg I can tell infinitely, it opens for me every time in a new way, it is all the time sincere curiosity. Every time my plane arrives in Pulkovo, it is delighted with me delight and tremble. I go out and feel: at home.

- So you did everything right. Somehow you said that I win when the bet is great. Can you give an example?

- My departure from the "Mental Wars" is a big bet. I left a successful project and tried to go to television on the other hand. This is a risk, because people do not want to see you in a different way. You can sit for years on the roles of positive investigators and calmly exist, as many actors do. And when you conquer, you understand that I started almost from scratch. And so with everything. Suppose with my musical group "Ekibastuz". The most frequent question: "Why am I doing this?" - And I have no answer. Ask: "Is this commerce?" - "Not yet". "Hobby?" "I say," No, I go to the market as a producer, not knowing his laws. " And this is a big bet. I could go in the evening to light up on some premiere, to walk there with a glass of champagne, talk to the right people or rehearse the performance, and then ride the cities with him and earn. But I go to my musical rehearsal base. And I like it. If you play the little things, nothing will happen, and when the "bet is more than life" (laughs), your brain is mobilized to the highest degree, the courage arises and the same luck comes.

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