Turn off the TV: habits that "hold" extra kilograms


Do you know the state when there were no less couple of weeks from the beginning of training, and the weight is stubborn in one place? We are sure that this is often happening. So what is the matter, because you perform all the necessary exercises, but at the same time the figure on the scales is not what does not decrease, but also may grow. Psychologists link the impossibility of losing weight with our habits that we can not even notice. We decided to explore the most popular of them.

You refuse breakfast

Quite often you can meet people who for one or another reasons are abandoned by breakfast. Someone does not want to lose precious time for fees to work, someone simply drinks coffee and waiting for lunch, and someone believes that breakfast brings extra calories. In fact, breakfast is the most important meal, he gives the start to our body, helps to run the metabolism and helps hold out before lunch without harm to the body. Nutritionists have long proved that the skipping breakfast makes women eat two times more at lunch than if they had time had to have breakfast at least a loaf of low-calorie porridge.

Not all useful products are so useful.

We often accept some tips too literally: yes, dark chocolate is useful, but in limited quantities, pasta and nuts are also necessary to our body from time to time. The problem is that many people are deprived of feelings of measure. We agree that avocado, for example, one of the most useful products, but if you eat more than one fetus per day, do not be surprised that kilograms not only do not leave, but also grow.

Do not get distracted by other cases

Do not get distracted by other cases

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You do not control the size of the portions

What low-calorie was not food, eat for myself and for a neighbor - never lose weight. You must have tableware of certain sizes so that you always know how many grams you can mostly use at a time. Try to avoid too large and deep plates, no matter how beautiful they were, your goal is not just not to gain more superfluous, but also reset what is already there. Watch yourself.

In your menu too much low fat products

It would seem that maybe not so with the products where the fatness is practically on zero? In fact, manufacturers always compensate for the lack of high fat percentage sugar, chemical additives or salt in large quantities. You may not even notice to taste. All this leads to the fact that you cannot satisfy and eat a double portion, which we have said earlier. The optimal fat content in the same "ferocker" is at least 1.5.

You eat on the go

Yes, in a big city you do not always find time for a full dinner, which is already talking about breakfast. Many of us prefer to kill two hares - get out early, but while capturing a sandwich or roll. All would be nothing, but the problem is that the food you eat on the go is simply not absorbed and in the end you get no effective weight loss, but problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You are distracted by other cases

Evening meals with news on TV - holy in many families. And yet, our body is not capable of performing several functions at the same time, at least, it is not able to do it well. While your brain is engaged in processing the information received, you still try to make the body to digest food, absorb the necessary elements and at the same time you still need to have time to discuss heard with family or friends. Just imagine what kind of load on all organism systems. Try to divide the processes - first take up dinner or dinner, after that you can start viewing the TV, study the necessary information on the network and communicating with relatives. You will not notice how problems with the "stagnation" of the weight will cease to be such an unresolved problem.

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