In proud loneliness: 10 scientifically proven reasons for independent walks


Walking meditation originates in Buddhism and is used as part of the practice of awareness. The technique has many advantages and can help you feel more conscious and calm. As a rule, during the meditation when walking, you go in a circle, back and forth in a straight line or in a labyrinth. It is also possible to conduct meditation when walking for a longer distance. The pace is slow and can vary depending on the specific technique. Talks about all the advantages of single walks:

one. Increase blood flow. Walking meditation is often used by people who are held half the day sitting. The practice of walking helps to ensure blood flow, especially for the legs, which speeds up the movement of lymph and blood.

2. Improve digestion. Walking after meals is a great way to improve digestion, especially if you feel the burden in your stomach. Movement helps food faster moving along the digestive tract, which can also prevent constipation.

3. Reduce anxiety. If you want to reduce the level of stress, you can use the practice of sedentary meditation before or after training. Research "Differential Experimental Effects of A Short Bout of Walking, Meditation, Or Combination of Walking and Meditation On State Anxiety AMong Young Adults", showed that walking in combination with meditation is most effective to reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

four. Improves blood sugar levels and blood circulation. A small study "Effects of Buddhist Walking Meditation On Glycemic Control and Vascular Function in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes" showed that the practice of meditation when walking has had a positive effect on blood sugar levels and blood circulation in people with type 2 diabetes. People practiced aware or traditional walking for 30 minutes, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. A group that performed Buddhist walking practice has shown a greater improvement than a group that has been engaged in traditional walking.

to be one too useful

to be one too useful


five. Facilitates depression. It is important to remain active, especially with age. Regular exercise helps to increase the level of physical training and improve the mood - both are at risk of decline in the elderly. According to the study of "Effects of Buddhist Walking Meditation On Glycemic Control and Vascular Function in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes", the elderly has been identified fewer depressed symptoms after the practice of Buddhist meditation when walking 3 times a week for 12 weeks. They also improved their blood pressure and the level of physical preparation, which can be achieved when walking.

6. Improves well-being. When it is possible, walk by nature, for example, in the park, garden, or in any other place with live trees, which will help improve overall well-being and feel more balanced. For example, the study "Effects of Walking In Bamboo Forest and City Environments on Brainwave Activity in Young Adults" found that only 15 minutes of walks per day in the bamboo forest helped the experiment participants to improve the mood, reduce the level of anxiety.

7. Improves sleep quality. To benefit from exercise, there is no need to make intensive workouts. Last year's review of scientific literature "The Effect of Physical Activity On Sleep Quality: A Systematic Review" found that moderate physical exertion positively affect the quality of sleep. Walking can help improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension so that you feel better physically. In addition, you will have more chances to reduce the feeling of stress and anxiety, especially if you walk in the morning. All these advantages can give you a calm, clear mind, so you will be ready to quickly immerse yourself in a dream every night.

Try to walk in nature

Try to walk in nature


eight. Makes workout nice. When studying "Mindfulness and Affective Responses to Treadmill Walking in Individuals with Low Intrinsic Motivation to Exercise", the authors discovered that people who listened to the records of meditation practices, making a 10-minute walk on the treadmill, this occupation seemed more enjoyable.

nine. Inspires on creativity. Practice awareness can bring you more clarity and concentration on your thinking patterns, which, in turn, can stimulate creativity. Research "Mind Full of Ideas: A Meta-Analysis of The Mindfulness-Creativity Link" has established a connection between attentiveness and creative impulse.

10. Improves balance. The "Walking Meditation Promotes Ankle Proprioception and Balance Performance Among Elderly Women" study shows that meditation when walking can contribute to a better balance, as well as the coordination of the ankle joint.

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