Maskin against influenza


Anastasia Myshina - The winner of the Tennis Tournament "Roland Garros" 2004 and the mother of two sons believe that it makes no sense to run into the pharmacy and buy all the medications there at the first signs of a cold. The most important thing in the struggle for health is prevention. And here they will come to the rescue, such familiar to everyone since childhood, like milk, honey and lemon.

In this fall, we already had everything in a circle in the family, "says Myskina. - Honey, milk, lemon and raspberries are a great help in treating the flu, especially if we are talking about children, because all this is not only useful, but also, as a rule, very tasty.

For example, tea with honey (1 tablespoon of honey on a glass of tea) is an excellent means of softening the throat. Drinking it better before bedtime. And lemon juice mixed with honey (1 lemon per 100 grams of honey) - can be taken as an expectorant.

Also, I do not forget about the raspberry jam, the children are usually loved. Tea with raspberries and honey - you can use like antipyretic.

Tennis player Marat Safin for maintaining immunity once a week begets to the bath and believes that it is for this that no diseases do not stick to him.

In my opinion, it is an ideal means of preventing all unpleasant colds. It is better to bathe in the bath more often and do not hurt at all, than to be treated with pills. After the bath, blood supply, metabolism and the protective functions of the body are improving. In the steam room, the body and internal organs are very warm up, so the pathogens are dying there. I know that heat in the steam room can be served using different healthy herbs. They are very useful to breathe. And after the steam room, drinking tea with herbs and berries. Ideally, after the bath, a massage therapy should do.

Photo: Natalia Governorovova

Photo: Natalia Governorovova

The first racket of Russia Vera Zvonareva notes the same way that during the period of massive diseases with cold and flu is trying to avoid places of large clusters of people, making exceptions for official events related to work.

It is better to care yourself and once again stay at home, refusing, for example, from shopping in the shopping center on weekends, when the most of the people. On the other hand, you should not neglect walks in the park in dry calm weather. Dress up, of course, you need to dress. And sometimes pamper yourself spa treatments. This is also an excellent prevention of influenza. In the salons now many relaxing and soothing procedures. This is a spa program with a Turkish bath, Creole massage using sticks, Thai -s bags. And at home in the juicer, you can make a stunning vitamin cocktail from carrots, apples and beets mixed in equal proportions. It not only increases immunity, but also guarantees a wonderful complexion.

Photo: Natalia Governorovova

Photo: Natalia Governorovova

Tennis player Svetlana Kuznetsova told her recipe that helps to quickly cope with the first signs of colds:

5 tablespoons of crushed dry rose riding fruits need to be pouring 1 liter of boiling water. After the preparation of the mixture, you need to present (best in the thermos) 8-12 hours. Drink warm for several glasses per day or whenever thirst arises. Before use, you can sweeten with honey.

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