Wedding Fashion becomes personalized


Fashion designers assure: the wedding fashion is finally becoming personalized. Creative sets and laconic dresses come to the change of white tulle and curtains. And the bride to the bride includes unexpected colors of wedding dresses - dark beige, sand, gray and even the palette of bright neon shades.

Contrast accessories - belts, bows, brooches are very relevant. The last classic pastel tones and boiled white colors are leaving. However, if the bride, like Alla Pugacheva, herself a tendency, the outfit should be out of a series of outgoing. Not like everyone else. For example, a long "corporate balachon" of cold red, and instead of Fata - a wreath of huge scarlet roses in the form of Kokosnik. And necessarily straight hair! Sergey Sysoev believes that such a bold image can afford only a real Russian star.

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In turn, Igor Glyaev, who has recently updated the enclosure of the Cashmere Cashmere Cashmere's wardrobe with trim from Chinchilla, is confident that for the wedding ceremony, women feeling equal to Alla Borisovna, it is necessary to refrain from frightened dresses. Outfit to choose polyaconic and calm tones, and attention to focus on fur and diamonds.

"For any bride, a white cape, even if the rabbit is obligatory for the ritual. But women close to style Alla Borisovna, quite another matter. They should choose fur products in status - from a sable, ermine or chinchilla. Well I will look at bulk things - kimono and poncho. They are now at the peak of popularity. And they will be appropriate even under a wedding dress. Although the cape-bolero or the fur coat of the color of the gentle rose would fit perfectly. The groom, let's say, the same Maxim, on the contrary, should put on the tuxedo of traditional black and cashmere coat with the finish of the same fur, which will be in the wedding decoration of the bride, "the fashion designer recommends.

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