Anton Batyrev: "Sex relationships will not save"


Anton Batyrev, famous spectators on the TV series "Sweet Life" and "Real Guys," - a person in the profession. Once he, a native Muscovite, for the sake of dreams went to the province to enroll in the theater Institute. And did not regret the decision. The recognition is pleasant, although sometimes the fun situations are connected with it. In an interview, Anton spoke about love for the Soviet family, about relations with the little son of the good and search for inspiration. All this is in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Anton, apparently, you are a targeted person, once went to Saratov. How did parents perceive your departure?

- After graduation, I studied at the Moscow Academy of fine chemical technology - I tried to go along the way that the parents were offered. But, honestly, I did not like it. I began to try to act in Moscow in theatrical universities, but for some reason I flew from the third round. Therefore, I did not go to Saratov, as they write on the Internet, but in Yaroslavl, and there already entered the course of the wonderful Vyacheslav Sergeevich Shalimov. Having studied a year and a half, found himself in St. Petersburg, wanted to translate there. To make money, it was arranged by the bartender, a hot shop cook and a waiter. They paid not bad, and besides you can always eat free. (Smiles.) I worked a little in the theater and not only, but in the summer when arriving again flew from the third round. Returned to Yaroslavl, and in my course the place was already employed by a guy who was translated from Saratov. He said: "Drive in Saratov." So I found myself in this city and has already reached there.

- How did the Saratov seemed to you?

- A good old Russian city, partly built by the captive Germans. Very cozy and at the same time big. Volga spill width, if I'm not mistaken, about thirteen kilometers, there is islands. I generally attract such cities in them, they have preserved ancient and beautiful beginning. In general, at the time in the province of the atmosphere was peculiar. Now I remembered, and nostalgia flooded at that time. Our teacher of Rimma Ivanovna Belyakova loved when men had long hair, and all the guys on our course were wearing such a hairstyle. And local guys did not really like it when other guys walked with long hair. Therefore, sometimes we have conflicts.

Anton Batyrev:

"It was arranged to work by bartender, a hot shop cook and a waiter"

Yana Krivodub

- Have you lived in a hostel?

- At first in the hostel, then I removed the apartment, the house. And then returned to Moscow with a diploma. I thought about staying in Saratov, but by that time probably did not quite ripe. The dormitory is generally a school of life, I will not be afraid of this comparison. He teaches many things, such as new useful dating, defend their point of view, work in a team. There was everything that lacks for recklessness, and even the local always came to us hang out.

- And the parents helped you?

- Yes of course. Help, came. With my parents, I called out once a week, then there were no mobile phones, and I went to the masterpote. There was a fun time, it is even difficult to imagine that only twenty years ago we lived without cellular and the Internet.

- So you returned to the parent wing?

- Not quite like this: we lived a little together, and then I married for the first time. I already had twenty-seven ... in six months we divorced.

- And what so little lasted something?

Probably, the solution in many ways to marry was emotional. It was decided to get married spontaneously, then they began to live together, the life snapped, and we realized that they were not at all approach each other. But this is already in the past, you need to learn lesson and go further. It seems to me that in principle we do not come across bad people, we taught us something,

Something made in our life, and that's it.

Anton Batyrev:

"In many ways, the decision to marry was emotionally a lot of decision to marry was emotional"

Yana Krivodub

- Do you easier with girls from their environment?

- I find a common language with everyone. But not everyone understands me and, let's say, the specifics of the acting profession. For example, they see a bed scene on the screen, but do not know how we rzhely during these filming and as shy. They have a convincing picture before their eyes, and jealousy arises. But this is my job, such scenes are removed from the first time, there is a film crew around, and everyone is concentrated. I want a person to understand this and trust.

- You often get the role of representatives of the law enforcement, doctors, positive heroes. I would like to play something opposite?

- I am interested in different roles - both cops, and doctors, and wipers ... But most of all I appreciate freedom. In the presence of freedom of action from anything you can make candy. Now, unfortunately, the invoice is important, and the actors are looking for roles in it - it is bad. Look at the variety of roles of Soviet actors. They were taken not by texture, but by talent. I do not hide that I agree to participate in some projects only because of the money. But there are also worthy works in which you can prove yourself. From the latter I can call the television movie Anatoly Mateshko "Who are you?", In which I play the investigator. There is a sharp plot, and the love line. In the historic Saga Timur Alpathov "Godunov" I have the role of Ataman Zarutsky. Soon the movie Oksana Bayrak "Nothing happens twice," there I play a former border guard, an interesting character transformation occurs, a temporary segment is described in twenty years. I even reflected the beard for the sake of this role. A year and a half passed with her, then shaved. All these heroes are absolutely different, for everyone invent some kind of "feeds" to make an image bright, and I like it.

- Remember the moment when they realized that they became known, fans appeared?

"I will not say that I have to" cope "with fans, I think that they are not even, I'm not such a magnitude that I guard me at the entrance. Just sometimes write in social networks after the release of some movie, what I liked it or did not like it, okay or badly I played, in their opinion. Began to learn after the "Pyatnitsky" (Anton had the role of Lieutenant of the Police of Oleg Tereshchenko. - Approx. Auth.), And, of course, it is nice. Although sometimes funny stories. Recently, I came to the store a herring to buy. And the saleswoman recognized me and says: "Oh, the titors of the herring buy!" Imagine, and everything else is done too. We, the actors, the same people.

- And how do you feel about long-playing stories? For example, the series "Real boys" in which you also participate, goes on TNT for the fifth season.

- My role in it is small, I play Vadik, the former guy Lera. It has become a long history for the creators, and I believe that spectator interest is quite acquitted here. This is a good, life movie about love, friendship, the adventures of ordinary guys who want to achieve something in life. Some series I watched, although it is not specifically climbing the Internet to admire yourself.

- Wednesday described in "Real Guys", is not close to you?

- Why? After all, I lived in Saratov, and in Yaroslavl, it all flourished to the fullest. My juvenility had to be nineties. I will not say that I myself was a gopnik, but in such companies we sometimes hang out.

- Did you happen in your life conflicts that came the stage of conversations?

- Sure. I can answer for the bazaar. (Laughs.) With age, you understand that any conflict can be solved in words, but sometimes there were situations that had to act differently.

Anton Batyrev:

"All parents with the advent of the child are acute responsibility"

Yana Krivodub

- Do you have your "Code of Honor"?

- Every man he has. It is necessary to be as honest as possible with close people. We must be able to protect them, not to give offense. And still be kinder to others. But this is not a code, but normal human behavior.

"Why did you name the son of Dobryny's son?" This is due to the ideas about how a real man should be?

- Maybe I did not think about it. I always wanted my son's son called Dobrynya, long before his appearance. He is a very good boy, but at the same time can stand up for himself.

- In the courtyard it is not teased?

- What do you! Now such names are given to children! It seems to me that Sasha, Lesh and Sergey will tease. I notice the tendency to return to the roots, and this makes me happy.

- What has changed in your life with the advent of the Son?

- Everything. Attitude towards yourself and the world has changed. I think all parents with the advent of the child are acutely felt responsible, always thinking. Before that, I wanted to buy a motorcycle and become a biker, and then I immediately stopped dreaming about it. Moreover, even by car I go much more careful. Dobryne six years old, this is for me the main person in life. Every evening we are calling on video calls - in Moscow if I, on the playground, whether it is still, I will always take a few minutes to talk to him. For me it is important, I hope for him too. I usually ask how the day passed that it was interesting in the kindergarten, but I don't always receive an answer. He is withdrawn or simply says that he does not remember, he is much more interesting to show something or come up with.

- He will go to school soon. Will it be a regular school?

- Yes, usual. I believe that there is no need to instill a child's feeling of its exclusivity. If everyone is given on a saucer, as pedagogues are made from private "steep" gymnasiums, he can grow spoiled.

- What else does your son teach you?

- Much, not suspect. He quickly grabs the essence of things, teaches me to be restrained, less fuss, not nervous on trifles. Now children are completely different, advanced in every sense ... Although my childhood was really happy, let us not have such an abundance of toys, but we had brains, we were interested in the yard, we were not driving home. I remember, we were told at school that Lenin after the gymnasium was walking a few hours, and only after, coming home, taught lessons ... And when my mother said that, while I don't do lessons, I would not go anywhere, - I was not ready . (Laughs.)

- Remember your reaction when you learned that you would be your father?

- thought: Well, well. (Laughs.) In general, I do not know how to rejoice, what is called, at the bottom. The same in the movie: I am for the naturalness, for the organic. Sometimes on this occasion argues with directors. What I liked to work with Anatoly Mateshko - the fact that he did not give, did not impose his character's vision. According to the scenario in the final there was a bedside scene, but I expressed the opinion that it was too trite, in every series the same show shows. And offered his own option. I love poetry, and two months before that, I had a wonderful poem Gennady Schapalikov. As a result, we abandoned erotica. And everyone did looks against the background of poetry. I think it turned out emotionally much stronger.

- Women's magazines write that sex has become less: both in the cinema, and in life.

- In zero it was the dominance of vulgarity, and now the people have already found this. No matter how cool, we have another mentality. Initially, our film was a psychological drama. And in life, people began to appreciate the relationship more. If not in a pair of respect for each other, attention, care, child sex will not save. Everything is important that it is nearly a close person who will support, which will be supported, and gives a wise criticism to have common topics for conversation.

- Do you easily be a re-education?

- Very difficult. But! I can admit my mistakes. If I was actually proved that I was wrong, apologizing. However, not everyone has enough patience to provide facts. If you simply begin to yell, I'm waiting in the answer. In general, I believe that the main in the family is a man, and I have this feature that everything should be in my opinion. But again, if I hear an argued opinion, I agree.

- So you have a home-building?

- I confess, yes. I like the family of sample Soviet times. It seems to me that it was all right in it. Woman dreams of a strong man, isn't it? "Married" means for her husband. A man must earn more, be able to contain his family. Let the wife also work if he wants, but it should be stronger and financially, and in the rest too.

"By the way, I remembered the Soviet film" Moscow does not believe in tears ", where Gosha was offended that his beloved was the director of the plant, and he was just a locksmith.

- Yes. There is a male dignity. Let it be director, but for a man it is a stimulus strive to become cooler.

- There is an opinion that the house is a place where a man is resting, and the woman works. Agree?

- Maybe yes. For me, a woman is the keeper of the hearth, she is responsible for the comfort. But this, of course, does not mean that it is necessary to hang all the homework. A man should be able to stroke his things and cook dinner. The main person in the family should not lie on the sofa hungry and wait for his wife from work and feed him. But the creation of an atmosphere - curtains, pads, vases - women's care. The man buys wallpaper, and the woman suggests their color.

- If you take that period when you only got dream about acting profession, and the current one - how far did dreams and reality proved?

- Finally they coincide, but five years ago did not converge at all. Now I enjoy work, there is a professional experience, I can have something to offer to the director, but before it did not dare to it. And if you are removed not in the passing projects, you know what has done my job well, Euphoria comes. And in the passing euphoria comes from earned money. (Laughs.) On the set I feel confidently, at the beginning of the career, of course, felt quite differently. But there is one fact that over the years does not change: colleagues and journalists sometimes distort my last name, there is no letter in it and there has never been the letter "E", and it should be pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable. Previously, did not affect this error, but now always correct the person when I hear. It is important for me.

- Is there a theater in your life? Did you play "Tabakcoque"?

- I played one spectacle there. He himself came to work, and I was taken to the play "Fear and poverty in the Third Empire". Three and a half years I played as a guest artist. Then he participated in the entrepreneurs. At the end of February, I will have the theater premiere. There are still suggestions, but I understand that I do not understand with the shooting.

- In your instagram there is a photo of Yuri Gagarin, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergey Yesenin. What are they for you roads?

- There are many other beautiful people and authors there. Cosmonaut Yury Gagarin is a great man, a symbol of the era that I really like. And Yesenin and Mayakovsky - two of my favorite poet. They are very different, but both are so powerful! At the same time, I do not win on some one author. Not so long ago I reread "demons" of Dostoevsky, and if earlier I paid attention to the plot, then I now notice completely different things. His statements about Russian liberalism, his foresight of the future is ingenious.

- Watch poems themselves?

- I tried. It happens, something comes to mind when it stands in a traffic jam, but these are the verses of not such a quality that can be proud of, to publish somewhere. So, pampering.

- Do you have a hobby?

- I have no time for this. Travels and for work enough. And I try to spend all your free time with the son - museums, oceanarium, cinema, parks, rides, - I am wondering myself, I get joy from our communication.

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