Weaknesses are strong


As polls show, the men of the XXI century are much more concerned about their appearance and maintaining youth than their predecessors. If in the 1980s, only 10% of representatives of the strong half of humanity were caught by their skin, now this figure jumped to 30-40% (depending on the place of residence). Scars, wrinkles and "natural" smell of sweat are no longer considered a decoration of real men. In addition, in addition to wrinkles and acne, men arises a number of specific problems, such as folliculitis (hair follicle inflammation) after shaving.

Dehydrated, peeling leather

From nature, men's leather is more elastic, elastic and better holds moisture than women's skin. However, as a result of neglecting daily care and permanent mechanical damage to the epidermis when shaving, representatives of strong sex are regularly faced with the problem of dryness, struts and peeling.

"To restore the hydrolyphid balance of the skin, creams with natural oils are well suited, which create a protective moisture-hold film on the surface of the skin. But some of their texture may seem like a sticky, "says Veronika Antosik, a dermatocosmetologist of Astreya. - Therefore, in men's lines, light basics with hyaluronic acid, naval algae extract, silk extract, vitamin E is used. It includes moisturizing serum for the face Moisturizing Facial Lotion Men Line from Sesderma. Its active ingredients: hyaluronic acid and unique extract of seaweed and plants - rapidly increase the level of humidifier of the skin, supply it with oxygen, significantly improves elasticity and elasticity, have an antioxidant effect. If, in addition to dry, the skin is also peeling, the bath and scrubs will help get rid of annoying scraps (provided that there are no inflammations on the skin). In the steam soldier, the burdens of epidermis are easily removed from the skin surface, and the complexion is instantly improved. The main thing, do not forget after the bath and peeling to use the moisturizing cream. "

After shaving irritation

Beards are not going to all men. Today, the surrounding businessman or office employees are waiting for the perfect herb, but because of frequent shave, irritation and folliculites arise on the skin.

In addition, when shaving is inevitably the upper layer of the epidermis is inevitably damaged, the natural protective barrier of the skin is disturbed, which entails the loss of moisture, causes irritation. And periodically emerging microwaves facilitate access to various infections.

To avoid all these unwanted phenomena, some use electric razors: they are less injured the surface of the skin, and in the process of shaving, a kind of face massage is carried out. On the other hand, with the help of the electric devices, it is not possible to achieve the perfect smoothness of the skin. What is the way out?

To "wet" shave passed pleasantly and without consequences, you need to adhere to several rules:

- Before starting the procedure, moisten the face of hot water;

- Do not use alcohol based products;

- Use the gels for shaving with a cooling effect and vitamin F (it promotes rapid regeneration);

- Carefully clean the razor after each shave or go to disposable machines;

- Do not forget about the lotions and bats after Shave, which play the role of antiseptics and humidifiers.

To calm the skin, use natural additives - chamomile extracts, calendulas, aloe vera, green tea. Beautiful bactericidal and healing properties have a gel with aloe hidraloe gel from Sesvalia. It quickly removes itching, cools, anesthetics, moisturizes and soothes the sensitive skin, tones it and restores the hydrolyphid balance.

The use of means containing fruit acids allows to reduce the risk of rustling of hairs and the appearance of irritation. These drugs include a gel for skin preparation to Shave Pre-Shave and Pre-Depilation from Sesderma. His glycolic acid, bisabolol, hyaluronic acid, allantoin and juice of alose leaves normalize the skin hydrobalance, increase its protective properties, ensure optimal preparations for shaving.

Acne, acne

Due to the high level of androgens, hasty and sweat glands of men work much more active than female, so the skin they have a more fat, widely prone to seborrhea, rash and sweating.

To successfully solve this problem, it is important to choose care. To begin with - a means for washing with an antiseptic effect, but without alcohol and not alkaline. It is best if it will include salicylic or glycolic acid (these acids contribute to exfoliations, have anti-election and anti-inflammatory effects).

"In addition, it is necessary to regularly use segal-adjusting antibacterial agents based on fruit acids," says Veronica Antosik. - Therapeutic effect with the skin, prone to acne, has a moisturizing cream Moisturizing Facial Azelac Cream from Sesderma. Azelainic acid included in its composition perfectly struggles with skin rashes, irritation, rosacea, folliculites. The cream simultaneously soothes, rejuvenates, relieves irritation and contains reflective green pigment, masking redness. "


The skin of men is denser and richer by collagen, moreover, it is 20% thicker than women's skin, which allows her to preserve elasticity and elasticity longer.

But this does not mean that men are not aging. Male, just differently. With age, they have a more pronounced change of the facial oval (the so-called deformation type of aging), the nasolabial folds are sharply designated, wrinkles appear, and more deep and expressed than that of representatives of the beautiful sex.

Age is a serious opponent for both sexes, and the fight against it requires the involvement of a wide arsenal of funds. As already noted, men are not supporters of oily saturated creams, so light serums offer them in anti-age lines. For example, the bioactive serum of Jalea Real & Ginseng Serum Activo Desfatigante from Keenwell, relieving fatigue, moisturizing and noticeably rejuvenating. Biocomplex based on uterine milk bees, ginseng, albumin, wheat germinal oil and ceramides has powerful regenerating and antioxidant properties.

In the fight against age-related changes, chemical peels are good, but men rarely agree to do it: the skin has a pluglet, then she flashes - dismiss! But the injections of botulinum are becoming increasingly relevant for strong sex, which help to cope with deep mimic wrinkles on the forehead. This fast and effective procedure attracts even those who consider to be walking across salons by an easy-to-face.

Bags under the eyes

Bags and bruises under the eyes of men occur quite often, which is not least connected with smoking and alcohol abuse. Cardiovascular diseases may also be the cause. A plastic surgery can radically solve the problem, but an important factor is the elimination of internal problems in the body.

"With moderate edema and dark circles, it is worth paying attention to intensive agents, helping to level the consequences of sleepless night, chronic stress, drunk on the night of a bottle of beer," says Veronica Antosik. - These drugs include gel for eyelid Eye Contour Gel Glicare from Sesderma with peptide complex, organic silicon and Meliloto extract. He removes signs of fatigue (dark circles, swelling), smoothes wrinkles, has a prolonged action (up to 18 hours). For intensive night care, the concentrated regenerating serum Cellular Life Suero Rdensificante Reparador de Ojos Noche from Keenwell will be well suited. The serum with a weightless texture deeply moisturizes and pulls the skin of the eyelids, eliminates the swelling, irritation, bruises under the eyes, has a lymphatic drain effect. This tool is simply indispensable when the next day you need to look good, and the time for sleep is not enough. "

Rating male procedures

When it comes to salon procedures, men are categorical: no needles and other frightening tools, as well as any long massages or "serial" masks. The strong floor prefers fast, painless, but effective procedures.

"If you make a rating of popular salon care, the palm of the championship will undoubtedly receive laser biorevitalization," says Nina Rybinskaya, Chief Doctor of Lantan's clinic. "Once in the morning a man comes to the mirror and he does not like what he sees there. Some in this case fall into depression, called middle-aged crisis, while others learn from their girlfriends the address of a good salon and recorded at the reception.

Laser biorevitalization allows without injections to increase the content in the skin of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for its elasticity, youth and fresh appearance. During the session, under the influence of laser radiation, skin transport channels open, through them actively penetrates the low molecular weight gel based on hyaluronic acid. Biorevitals launches rehabilitation processes at the level of the dermis, provides long-term moisturizing and regeneration of the skin, a powerful lifting effect. For optimal results, a course of four procedures is recommended.

On the second in popularity of the place - the Cytos-Jet rejuvenation system, designed to fight the genetic aging of cells. In 2003, scientists of Mac-Kinnon and Egra were invented by the method of transfer of biologically active substances through the cell membrane, for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize. Based on this unique method, the CYTOS-JET system works. The skin is applied to the skin, which includes active DNA and RNA complexes, then according to a special scheme, the face is treated with high frequency currents. The method allows you to penetrate into the cell structure of the skin and rejuvenate it from the inside. Through the stimulation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, small wrinkles are smoothed, skin relief improves, after the first session, patients notice the effect of suspenders. The full course consists of 7 procedures with a frequency of 1-2 times a week.

Since men are not particularly inclined to use peelings and scrubs, then another most popular salon service has an ultrasonic face cleaning. It does not require pre-breaking, does not injure the skin, after it you can immediately go on business. The principle of ultrasonic cleaning is based on the properties of high frequency oscillations: they activate blood circulation, massage the skin at the cellular level, restore tissues and improve the metabolism. Ultrasound impact allows you to carefully remove the upper cell layer, opening and cleaning the pores of the skin. The multifunctional apparatus not only lines the skin relief and removes the comedones, but also pulls up and moisturizes the skin. The procedure is completely painless and takes no more than 20 minutes. "

In the cabin

The stereotype is that men do not attend beauty salons, outdated. There are professions in which presentable appearance is half of success: actors, television workers, politicians, leading events, as well as men engaged in PR and Event-segment (Organization of holidays and events. - Approx. Ed.). Appearance as a bank: insert more - you get more. So have phones of a personal trainer, a proven hairdresser and a good cosmetologist in the notebook of your iPhone, a sign of good tone.

According to experts, men who attend beauty salons are divided into two categories. The first prefer all the advanced and scientifically reasonable. Such detail asking for the ingredients of drugs, on the principles of operation of devices in hardware cosmetology, etc. The second category - the aisle-growing townspeople, which are still as useful in the cream or mask, the main thing that the feeling pleasant and the result is noticeable.

"Especially for men, our studio's doctors created a whole complex of cosmetology programs, which includes various procedures," says Irina Kolynnikova, a dermatocosmetologist studio of aesthetic cosmetology and hairdresser's design "Fata Morgana". - The task of each is to eliminate visible aesthetic signs of fatigue, aging, stress. Men are important not to spend a lot of time visiting the beauty salon. We took into account this fact. That is why our suggestions for the strong half of humanity combines the general principle: all procedures are completely painless, not durable in time and efficient. For example, an excellent effect gives a combination of lifting and detoxification of the skin of the face. Detoxification must be done necessarily - it perfectly prepares the skin to further intensive procedures. The duet of lifting and detoxification leads to the fact that the results are achieved much faster and persisted in two or three times longer than with a conventional classic scheme. It is recommended for men with dark circles under the eyes whose skin has a reduced tone and pronounced signs of aging. The procedures take no more than one to one and a half hours, and the result will be visible after two or three. There is no rehabilitation period, you can immediately go to a business meeting or a date. "

In the center of the beauty of "Extra Extra", men are pleased to offer exclusive face care based on Japanese professional cosmetics La Sincere. All products use only natural ingredients: plant extracts, amino acids, proteins, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, E, B12. All La Sincere cosmetics has a gel base. The gel texture was not chosen by chance: it possesses excellent moisturizing properties, does not block pores, well combines with other cosmetics. For skin with signs of photoregments, leaving the poetic names "Japanese Rhapsody", "Living moisture", "Luxury Sakura" and "Silk Touch" were specifically developed. It is gentle, but effective programs that choose men who are not indifferent to how they look.

The care "Japanese Rhapsody" begins with cleansing, after which peeling with the effect of moisturizing. The concentration is further selected depending on the readings: for dry skin or for skin with pigment stains. Then the face massage on fragrant oil is carried out, a restoring mask and an essence that fixes the result is followed.

The biological effect of La Sincere cosmetics is not only in nutrition, moisturizing and protection, but also in the gradual restoration of lost mechanisms of self-regulation of the skin of the skin.

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