Always in shape with Gwyneth Paltrow


About cosmetics

The best cosmetics from those that came across, I found in French pharmacies. When I turn out to be in France, I will definitely buy in a large number of all sorts of tubes and jars or I ask friends to bring me from there. In my list are necessarily present: lip balm, a gentle milk for removing makeup, natural moisturizing body oil (especially nice to apply it after the bath), exfoliating shower scrub, soothing water for irritated or sensitive skin (it works fine on a hot day) And, of course, the moisturizer for the face.

Oh detox

If I need to clarify the mind and reset a couple of kilograms, I choose a 21-day detox program, specially developed by Dr. Alejandro Gianger. Last year I tried a rather tough diet called "Deep Cleansing", and although the results were impressive, I no longer want to starve in winter and sit on one water with lemon. Therefore, I asked the Council of the doctor, and he assured me that it was not necessary to abandon normal food, especially since it is harmful to liver.

Dr. Dzhanger recommends that only plant food use for three weeks, drink two spoons of well-purified olive oil in the evening (it will stimulate the liver operation), drink a lot of water daily. Some meal techniques can be replaced with fresh juice or vegetable neck.

In addition, to quickly get rid of toxins, you need to regularly visit the sauna and give yourself an aerobic load (all slags will come through the skin). I add still yoga and breathing practices, it allows you to quickly return to the form.

About the refusal of sugar

The last generations of people sharply increased the consumption of sugar. Once we received sugar mainly from natural products (fruits, for example) or used it as a delicacy in moderate quantities. Today, more than a third of a man absorbed by man calories provide sugar and white flour. Our organisms do not cope with such an abrasiveness of the sweet. Sugar instantly enters the blood, but then his level is as quickly falling, and we are straightened by Sweet. These jumps cause stress of adrenal glands and pancreas. From the lack of the usual dose of sugar, the mood deteriorates, we feel tired or alarmed. Not to mention the numerous chronic diseases that rafis causes. Here is just a small list: diabetes, heart disease, immunity reduction, irritable bowel syndrome, increased blood pressure.

Several tips, how to reduce sugar intake:

- Eat regularly: three full-fledged meals per day plus two light snacks.

- Choose whole, untreated products. The more difficult the recipe for dishes, the higher the chances that sugar is included in it.

- Do not skip breakfast. Watch that it includes proteins, some fats and vitamins. The ideal option is a smoothie of fruits and milk.

- Instead of sugar to enhance taste, add spices into dishes - coriander, cinnamon, carnation, cardamom.

- Remember that often sugar "hides" in the usual products - in yogurt, cottage cheese, bread and even in Ketchup.

- Clear the number of hours you need. When we do not fall out, fatigue and bad mood you want to "ignite."

Fashion is frivolism raising mood

Previously, I spent a lot of time tracking fashion trends, reading about fashion, looking at fashionable magazines. But then I have children, and these interests moved to the background. For several years I passed in the same favorite pants and thought it was in the order of things. But there is a distinction between comfortable clothing and frankly bad. In the end, I decided: yes, I don't have time to stand on the hour before the wardrobe and choose the outfit, but this does not mean that I have to pull on myself a shirt that I wore in high school. When I returned to work, I needed simple and at the same time elegant things that are easily combined and do not require the selection of accessories. And then the school form came to mind - as a universal idea, from which you can push off. I acquired several basic sets of clothing in a classic style and began to combine them in various versions suitable for both work, and for a cocktail party, and to meet friends. Believe me, it is impossible to guess the classics.

Help Middle

When someone familiar finds himself on the side of life or faces difficult circumstances, we sometimes do not know how to help. Remember: it doesn't matter what exactly you do is important to do at least something. Often we do not realize that a small gesture from our side can play a significant role in someone's life. You do not need to look for ideal words or ideal actions, just pull the hand of help and act as the heart prompts. Be brave, generous and kind.

According to the materials of the English-language site, Gwyneth Paltrow

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