Duane Johnson: "My plan of salvation from the element: Run from all legs"



When the ill-fated fear of San Andreas again reminds of itself, causing a nine bullical earthquake in California, the pilot of the search and rescue helicopter Ray (Duane Johnson) and his almost ex-wife Emma (Charles Gudzhino) together are trying to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco to Save their only daughter Blake (Alexander Daddario). But the risky journey to the north is only the beginning, and the real danger expects them when they think that the worst is already behind ...

- Dwayne, tell me how you were preparing for the role in the movie "San Andreas" movie? Have you learned a lot about?

- Along with the director Brad Peyton and the producer Bo Flinn began work on this film two years ago. The picture is dear, so it was necessary to prepare well for the shooting, everything is clearly planned. At the same time, we met with leading global scientists, earthquake experts that helped us in work on the scenario, we thought about the most complex and key points of disaster with us, corrected actual errors. From them I received a lot of information both about the earthquakes themselves and the methods of their prediction, the devastating consequences, about the tsunami. And the other my role preparing was to communicate with the pilots of the search and rescue service, acquaintance with the subtleties of their profession, which is necessary in all corners of the globe. Listening to the first kilome of real stories about how they help people are something incredible. They are special, unique personalities. That is why there are so few people who are capable of doing it. So I really can say that I learned a lot for myself while preparing for shooting in this film.

- Shooting which scene turned out to be the most difficult or terrible?

- Part of the work on the film took place in Australia. There was a largest water tank in the world. Hundreds of thousands of lithres! And a lot of scenes was filmed under water, as the city was flooded after the tsunami. And when you spend 14-15 hours per day under water, it must be recognized, frightening. Such days seemed unbearably long. Even in the pavilion, created for filming, the very idea that Mother-Nature could create such a panicity.

Duane Johnson:

"This is our land, our nature, part of our life, and we can not resist her. It is only necessary to hope that they survive. " Frame from the movie "San Andreas".

- After filming in this film you now know how to survive in a natural disaster?

- Perhaps yes. I told my family about some know-knowing hectares, how to behave in case of a catastrophe. But I live in Los Angeles and Florida. And on both coasts, we faced earthquakes and hurricanes. So, of course, we already have a plan of salvation from the elements. And this plan - run from all your feet! (Laughs.)

- You are not afraid that this can happen truly?

- No, I practically come to this. When you make a film about the most severe earthquake in the world, your eyes open, a clear understanding appears that all this is very real and can occur in life. This is our land, our nature, part of our life, and we can not resist her. It is only necessary to hope that they will survive. So I'm not afraid. I accept that it can happen at any time.

- Have you ever experienced something like that?

- Yes, in my life there was a real natural disaster. I lived in Miami, when Hurricane Andrew happened (Atlantic tropical hurricane of the fifth category, reached the banks of the United States in August 1992. - Ed.). He destroyed most of the city, a lot of people died. It was a real nightmare! My family and I hid in the bathroom. It was very scary, we thought you would perish. And you can prepare as much as you like to pretend to this, but in fact it only remains to hope that everything will cost. Fortunately, we survived. And it was even more solid. So the idea of ​​rapprochement, shown in the movie "San Andreas" film, is very true and will be understandable to many.

"This is your third joint work with Carla Gudzhino after the films" Winches Mountain "and" faster bullets. " You probably already completely easily with her work?

- Yes, this is our third film. I love Karl, I like to remove with her. It seems to me that the film won from the fact that it was taken to this role. She performed the role of my almost ex-wife. Our characters have a story, there is a common child. They love each other, even despite the divorce. And with us with Carla outside the screen, too, there is a story. We have known each other for a long time, we support the connection. Charles amazing. She is a wonderful actress, a beautiful woman and a kinderman.

- Your daughter has already seen the movie "San Andreas" movie? Did not be afraid?

- No, she has not seen him while. She is really afraid to watch him. Usually my films is waiting with impatience. "Cobra Throw", "Hercules" and others she accepted very well, was delighted. But this film is too close to reality. This is not fantasy, it is based on scientific facts. In addition, he tells about the father who saves his daughter. Of course, she is experiencing. But she still's going to see him, because he knows that this is a good movie. (Laughs.)

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