Tatyana Bulanova gathered a disco 90s


The lack of spouse Tatyana Bulanova immediately used the singer Alexander Lominsky. Tatiana and Alexander were sang together on stage, and then sat down in one table. Old conversations that artists have an office novel, broke out with a new force. But Tatyana hurried to calm everyone and called Alexander with a long-time friend.

Together with the star mother, Tatyana's son, an eight-year-old Nikita Radimov starred in the video. However, the young actor at the presentation was not, as well as his father, the football player Vladislav Radimov. Recently, Tatiana and Vladislav's relationship has repeatedly become a reason for rumors. They rummed that the spouses broke up, but Bulanov and Radimov urge not to believe the gossip and say that they are fine. And most recently, one of the astrologers predicted that the girl would soon be born in the singer. "Yes, I was predicted that I would have a third child - a girl," Tatiana said. - But I do not believe it. I have enough two boys. Although let's see. No wonder they say: "Never say" Never. "

In a new video, Bulanova starred her son Nikita.

In a new video, Bulanova starred her son Nikita.

In the video for the song "Childhood", the son of Bulanova Nikita played a boy who survives first love. According to the star mother, the young actor on the filming was comfortable.

Katya Lel and Kai Metov.

Katya Lel and Kai Metov.

Lilia Charlovskaya

In the midst of the party Katya Lel stumbled on an amps and fell right near the scene. The faithful star friends of the singer, including Kai Metov, hurried to the rescue. Breeding without injury.

Sergey Penkin, Natalia Gulkin, Tatyana Bulanova, Alexander Peskov.

Sergey Penkin, Natalia Gulkin, Tatyana Bulanova, Alexander Peskov.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Music has connected. Sergey Penkin, Natalia Gulkin, Tatyana Bulanova, Alexander Peskov and ... The lady is surprisingly similar to Alla Borisovna. True, in the passport, the twin is written: Natalia Buynitskaya.

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