Gregory Siyatvinda: "We have no children, but there is a ficus"


Grigory and Tatiana Siythintind refute the opinion on the fragility of creative unions. He actor, she dancer, balletmaster. I got acquainted on the shooting of the film - and together for ten years. As Gregory is recognized, which for a long time went to change its status of a bachelor on a family man, thanks to his half, he became much better to deal with the complex relationship between men and women.

- Grigory, you married at thirty seven years. What was before that?

Gregory: Yeah, so I'll tell you! (Laughs.) Even my wife does not know. That is, she knows that she is the first and only woman in my life. In my opinion, this is a wonderful veil that is comfortable covers the past. Personally, I do not want to know that Tanya was before me.

Tatyana: We are the first to each other.

Gregory: Well, what happened? Life, profession, dreams of the future. While I studied in theatrical, I did not think about the marriage. What family?! I conquered completely different heights. So very slowly I approached this issue. I watched, made conclusions, grown to be morally ready for a meeting with the princess.

- Maybe they were simply afraid to change the usual bachelor's life?

Gregory: Sure. When I did the TANA OFFER, I got it all shaking. The words "marry me" stuck in the throat. (Laughs.) And what do you want? Before that, I never lived with a woman - in the sense of one room. Therefore, a lot was afraid. As a child, I did not have my room, and I was scared lacked personal space. And when I was eighteen years old and my family and I moved more to the apartment more, I did not even have time to enjoy it, because I went to the army. Then life in Moscow is a hostel, removable rooms. When I finally removed myself a separate apartment, I was not ready so easy to part with my happiness. Probably there was a major fear: I was very comfortable and did not want to break the harmony. But, as it turned out, it can be even better.

- Tanya, what was the first impression of Grisha?

Gregory: Apparently, bright, since she did not give me me half a year. (Laughs.)

Tatyana: We first met at the rehearsal of the film "Film Festival", I was late, nervous. And in general, the mood was not Ahti: Pooh flew, and I was allergic to him. It came up, said: "Sorry, I was late. Come to rehearse. " There was no special first impression. And I did not know who Gregory Siavinda, although he was already well known in theatrical circles.

Gregory: We have grown up, then they got into the cinema and went each in their affairs. And in the fall, they met in another picture - "poor crumb", in Ginzburg.

Tatyana: Apparently, it was fate. And six months later, Grisha ripened to ask me a phone number.

Gregory: I got courage to a few months! I had the first impression - an indelible.

Tatiana admits that Grigory is the first person with whom she wanted to live together

Tatiana admits that Grigory is the first person with whom she wanted to live together

Photo: Alice Gutkin; Makeup and hairstyle: Anastasia Baranova

- Tanya, when you saw that a man shows activity, what actions have taken? Was the advice of Google or girlfriends?

Gregory: Feed: Google me? But I'm not.

Tatyana: In such matters, I prefer to trust intuition. Of course, I liked Grisch, and he quickly took me in turnover, actively worked. Instantly solved all my problems. Take, pick up - just ask, everything is performed immediately. For half a year we were just friendly: I met, talked, went to the movies.

Gregory: Sometimes kissed at parting, but it was closer to the spring.

Tatyana: And in the spring we have already become living together, in the fall of Grisha made me an offer. For today's standards, everything happened very quickly.

- What still "hooked" Grigory?

Tatyana: The most interesting thing is that this is the first person with whom I wanted to live together. I am also a sociopath, I need my space. Yes, we found each other. (Laughs.) In general, I understand with understanding that the person sometimes wants to be alone. Therefore, I was very worried about the question: how we get along with each other, including in everyday life. But it turned out, everything is not as scary and do not need to stand at the slab and turn into a housewife. Grisha knows a lot to himself. Probably, it surprised most.

Gregory: For the period of his bachelor life, I became a completely self-service male person: I knew how to wash (and with a typewriter, and without it), stroking things, make cleaning, something elementary to cook for dinner. And now he has improved his culinary abilities, I can create something exquisite - the female ventricle is more gentle, and I am preparing in our family mainly me. But, when something does Tatiana, I am a heartless pencil of the championship. I declare responsibly: all these conversations about the fact that men are excellent chefs, lies. Women are preparing better! Dishes created by his wife, mom - something special, magic.

- Tanya, somehow you confessed in an interview that you didn't even immediately take the Grishina Apartment.

Tatyana: Maybe I screwed myself more, but there was really something strange. I could not sleep calmly there, I dreamed of terrible dreams. We moved the bed from place to place. Thought: Maybe it stands not on fanish and need to go to the window? (Laughs.) Household appliances broke, iron hooks, it seemed to be tightly attached. I hung on them a slight jacket - and she suddenly turned out on the floor.

Gregory: I even began to worry about: how will we live together? And then suddenly once - and everything, let go.

Tatyana: Apparently, you have a female house.

Gregory: Probably, on the contrary, male - otherwise you would not agree. (Laughs.)

Grigory and Tatiana Siavinda together for 10 years

Grigory and Tatiana Siavinda together for 10 years

Photo: Alice Gutkin; Makeup and hairstyle: Anastasia Baranova

- Were there any household habits that had to change? For example, one lark, and the other owl, someone needs coolness, to someone warmly.

Tatyana: And someone smokes. And now it does it on the balcony. And before Grisha could calmly resign in the apartment. And in terms of the regime of the day, we corrected each other. I have always been a lark, and Grisha owl. Now I am not clear who.

Gregory: Tanya became a nightly lark, and I was no longer such a terry owl, as before. When the play in the evening and you come home late, it is difficult to immediately drive yourself into bed. You know what tomorrow to work, and so it seems to be another day. Previously, when I lived without Tanya, I could not sleep until six in the morning.

- During ten years, did you still have a romantic need? Who brings some coffee to bed?

Tatyana: Grisch me.

Gregory: Probably, I'm still more. Well, how else? Princess and ... monster. But the truth is the monster. (Laughs.) I know that if I ask, I will also be served coffee and tea. True, I rarely do it - I do not like when they serve me. (Laughs.)

- When two people begin to live together, they energetically influence each other, transform. Including in creative terms it is manifested.

Gregory: Of course. For these ten years I made a giant jump - from Australopitheka to a reasonable person. (Laughs.) Previously, I was afraid of women as a fire, I did not know that it was generally for the creatures. Therefore, when communicating with a beautiful floor, sometimes did some sharp movements. And then I realized that there was nothing to be afraid - and it became easier to live. Our profession assumes that we tell people the stories that happen to other people, and if you clarify some questions in life, then on the stage, and you look more convincing in the frame. For example, in the new series of "Hotel Eleon" at the CTC at my hero, Mikhail Jackovich appeared a love line. If earlier it was disturbed only by the problems of the hotel, now romantic experiences do not sleep. I scored a lot of experience in matters of love, the relationship between men and women, where there is passion, jealousy, affection. And all - thanks to Tanya.

Gregory Siyatvinda:

"When I did a proposal of Tanya, I got stuck inside, the words were stuck in the throat. Before that, I never lived with a woman - in the sense of one room "

Photo: Alice Gutkin; Makeup and hairstyle: Anastasia Baranova

- And what, such a phrase sounded: "Whether you prayed for the night, Dzamemon"?

Gregory: Not. (Laughs.) By the way, why exactly meeting Tanya, I realized that I wanted to marry - I did not feel fear that I would go to someone else from me. Any source of jealousy is the feeling that you are not good enough for a partner. And here this did not arise. Tanya gave me confidence in himself. Moreover, I understand well: to be worthy of the princess, I still grow and grow.

Tatyana: Some women, even getting married, still remain in the search. Do not stop just in case to look around. This is an internal condition, and men, apparently trap it.

- Tanya, have the specificity of life with the actor? How do you feel about grishin fans?

Tatyana: The most difficult thing is to catch the vibration of the mood when a person wants to be left alone. And I understand that at such moments it is better to give the gris the opportunity to be alone. And about the fans - some are even associated with me through social networks, because Grisha does not like Internet activity and in general publicity. And I support communication, I tell how things are at your beloved actor. (Smiles.)

Gregory: Maybe I'm just the audience are so brought up, intelligent. For that I am infinitely grateful. There is a family of avid theatrons, which in every my birthday comes to my performance and gives good gifts. And they are made with a soul: at home we have embroidered pillows, and a pegasus with wings stands in the corridor.

- "Kitchen" and "Hotel Eleon" changed something in your life?

Gregory: I do not want to say that they brought financial stability, although it is important. Because of the recognition, it became more difficult to go outside. It happens, I decide to go to the movies with Tanya, and then recall that today is Saturday. And we decide to postpone the event on Monday morning. Otherwise you have to devote time to photographing and autographs.

Tatyana: Grisha does not bathe in attention, on the contrary, he wants to somehow hide. On the other hand, popularity clings to itself another job. You remember you: yeah, there is such an actor!

Gregory: Several years ago there was another situation: if a person got into a long serial project, he was deprived of other sentences for some time. Producers understood that the actor is very associated with a specific character, and the audience is not easy to rebuild consciousness. At that time, few artists engaged in the repertoire theater were decided to step into the TV. But today the quality of the series above is not ashamed that you are moving there. When I was invited to the "kitchen", I was very happy. I came there already in the fifth season, the series was at the peak of popularity. And the scenarios introduced a new story with the hotel, in connection with which Mikhail Jackovich appeared.

Gregory Siyatvinda:

"Any source of jealousy is the feeling that you are not good enough for a partner. With Tanya, this did not arise, she gave me confidence in herself "

Photo: Alice Gutkin; Makeup and hairstyle: Anastasia Baranova

- Have you brought a lot of your traits to this image?

Gregory: In fact, there is sufficiently brought by the profession of the hero. How it dresses, for example. I never can do it. The authors try to put out some facts from your personal biography and insert them into the character's biography to make it closer. For example, Dmitry Nazarov and in real life is sick for Spartak, as well as his hero Viktor Barinov. I need to hurt for CSKA, but I am that CSKA, that Lokomotiv is the same thing. But I want to change what kind of buzz - play yourself! More nobody knows what I mean. Konstantin Raykin After several years of work in Satirikon, said: I still do not know what his character is. In the sense that I do not show it in any way.

- Tanya, and you can say that you know everything about the husband?

Tanya: No, and that's fine.

- What did you surprise each other lately?

Gregory: Tan, I was very surprised today, seeing these things under your eyes.

Tatyana: Patches. Usually I impose them when Grisha is not at home, but here it shoved, went with them and forgot. The husband came home, I opened the door to him - and saw his amazed eyes. (Laughs.) But if he were in Paths, I would probably be even more surprised.

- What do you think, do you need to fully open each other?

Tatyana: I think no. It is necessary that their personal space is and their inner life. Then you are more interesting together: you can tell how the day went through, to share experiences, emotions. If I lived only with the life of Grisha: So, in two hours you have a rehearsal, where she, with whom, let's talk about it - it would be quickly tired of it.

"Very often, when a woman get married, she gets less girlfriends."

Tatyana: Somewhere in six months after marriage, I caught myself thinking that no one except Grisha was needed. And my close girlfriend, who, by the way, was a witness at our wedding, said: "Siyatvinda, you generally disappeared. So, what happens when you get married? " And it shook me, we began to communicate again, meet. I can travel to rest with girlfriends, and even one. Grisha applies normally to this.

- You said that you never quarrel, and now, looking at you, I start thinking that it is true.

Gregory: Quarrel, of course. Just nobody will understand how much we collapsed! Do not speak as many as three minutes. (Laughs.) This is also achieved by practice. When we just started living together, I strained about our joint exits "in the light." After all, the second half seems to be too. In this connection, I tried to make some adjustments in Tanino behavior.

Tatyana: Up to that: this dish you will eat, and it is not. I was terribly outraged.

Gregory: Imagine! But then I saw in the tanny eyes that her interest to me somewhat swept. Fortunately, in time caught a tendency.

Gregory Siyatvinda:

"We really want a dog! But there is no possibility, the living space does not allow "

Photo: Alice Gutkin; Makeup and hairstyle: Anastasia Baranova

- Usually, the husbands about the frank outfits are nervous.

Tatyana: Just here he did not make special comments. There was some skirt about which Grisha said that he should go close to the bat in order to drive fans. But mini I no longer wear, no one.

- Did you somehow affect each other's style?

Gregory: Of course. Before meeting with Tanya, for some reason I wore all the clothes for two sizes more. I seemed to me, I ran more space. (Laughs.) And now an observer appeared, who suggested me that it was necessary to buy things sized sizes, Maximum M. Previously, I was not interested in fashion at all. Clothes should protect from cold, wind and obscene looks. Everything. In women, of course, another look at it.

Tatyana: I love to dress beautifully.

Gregory: Well, I have to fit. Although I still do not like to go shopping. It would be perfect to create a clone for him to instead I was doing shopping.

- I can't help but ask you about children.

Gregory: No one can bypass this topic. We have Fedor, our wonderful ficus.

Tatyana: And there are no children yet.

Gregory: It does not depend anything at all. People who say they do not want a child, just fly away. And those who are ten years old trying to acquire offspring, remain childless. Apparently, our daughters and sons have not reached us yet.

- Maybe you are not a ficus, and someone more moving to start?

Tatyana: We really want a dog! But there is no possibility, the housing does not allow. We have a studio apartment, it is crazy.

Gregory: We love this pupin in advance, mentally strangled her in their arms. We are both dog lovers. And we are constantly talking on this topic, but so far I have not started anyone. The point is not only in the housing. We love travel, and who then leave a pet? Parents live in other cities, we did not transport them. When this happens, at the first opportunity we will turn dogs, cats and children.

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