My first teacher: what to do if a child has conflict with adults


In relations, the student and teachers often emerge misunderstanding, and no reason: imagine that you need to organize a group of 30 children, keep their attention and still spend a lesson. The occupation is not easy and not for the faint of heart. It is not surprising that the teacher is difficult to pay attention to all, and if we are talking about younger students, the task is complicated several times.

What if the conflict still happened? Let's figure it out.

Need whether to intervene

Probably the most frequently asked question to psychologists parents. In fact, much depends on the situation, how old the child and how he himself belongs to it.

There are parents who believe that the child in high school must solve its problems itself, thereby developing independence. In general, it is right, but only the child himself will not turn to you for help. If he is to blame for a conflict situation, it is better to just help with advice, namely go and apologize to the teacher. However, if there is a hostility from the teacher, which is poured into unreasonable criticism and understate assessments, parents need to intervene.

Talk to the child

Talk to the child


Observe in the situation

Suppose you decide that it is still worth intervening, in this case it is important to find out the reason for the conflict, instead of accuse the teacher from the threshold. You also do not need to immediately accuse the child: listen both sides of the conflict, remember that you can always agree if a person behaves normally and adequately. Try not to raise your voice, communicate calmly, you will not get anything scandal, except for response aggression.

Dialogue with teacher

It is important to make it clear that you are not going to blame the teacher stand in the way, your goal is to figure out what is happening.

Judge himself, a fascinated parent approaches the role of the interlocutor and can hardly agree with him about anything.

Therefore, before the meeting, notice the plan: you come, listen to the opinion of the teacher at a matter of exciting you, then compare with the version of the child and already at the end you draw conclusions.

Teachers are pretty difficult to cope with so many children

Teachers are pretty difficult to cope with so many children


What if the fault lies on the teacher

You do not need to run to the director and demand immediate dismissal of the teacher unwanted to you. Go directly to the teacher, sit down at the table and try to find a compromise. To any teacher is hard to recognize that it is difficult for him to establish contact with the student, because it is his direct responsibility, and this conflict only emphasizes its incompetence. Explain that you do not doubt it at all in his professionalism, but do not want this situation to repeat again. Of course, it is not a fact that the teacher apologizes in public: it is difficult. In this situations, talk to the child and tell me that everyone is typical of mistaken. It is important that the child does not lose respect for the teacher,

And if the child is to blame

In this case, you will also have a serious conversation, but this time in your own chad. It is important to indicate the child for those moments in which he behaved wrong, tell me how to act in such situations so that the conflict does not repeat.

It is desirable that the child apologize to the teacher, it is not necessary to do this at all, even better if the child comes to adult after the lesson and recognizes his guilt, asking for forgiveness.

Try to find a compromise with the teacher

Try to find a compromise with the teacher


However, children are very stubborn and are not always ready to do as the elders say, even if they understand that the problem for the most part arose because of them. It still remains to be followed so that the conflict does not acquire even more scales. Nevertheless, if the child is to blame for the situation, sooner or later he has exhausted himself, even if the disciple with the teacher will not be able to reconcile.

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