Only topless!


However, if this vacancy turned out to be no more than a joke, then other plots of erotic rollers have long moved from the monitors screens to the real sphere of domestic services. For example, in just 10 thousand rubles nagging and, wonderfully, a professional cleaner will separate your bachelor's nest to shine. You can elongate and your loved one - in the beauty salon for gentlemen, the expression "haircut naked" becomes a new context. There is a service for real erotic gourmets: a girl is a living table, served sushi or fruit, will provide not only bread, but also a spectacle.

Who and how booster makes the way in a small business? We study nude suggestions on the metropolitan labor market.

"The main thing is not topless, and light in the eyes ..."

The professional skills of the topless cleaners are at least the ability to undertake to unwind before a stranger. But, it seems to be interested in my parameters or degree of discrepancy, Elena's Cleaning Company Hospital and was not going. Instead, a real exam arranged.

- At what temperature will you stroke a plastic shirt?

- Well, degrees 150? - I estimated, gathering all my few knowledge of the mens shirts.

- Yeah, and burn. Work start with cuffs, collar, main part?

- Of course, first with large details ... - Bourge is not quite confident.

- everything is clear with you. And parquet floors will wash hot or cold water?

I didn't even answer for the last question: Helen's tone was clear that it was no longer hoping to pull me out at least on Troychka. The exam was failed. To somehow justify your unpreparedness, let the last trump card.

- I thought it was a show! Well, there, dance with a broom ...

- Of course, the element of the show in the topless cleaning is present: girls should move beautifully, take seductive poses. Sometimes customers order the exclusively executive program for which we separately make a scenario. But more often, people want to combine a pleasant with useful: and to see girls, and the house is put into order, "explains the employer. - If divorces will remain on the windows after such a cleaning, and on the shirt they are poured, even the most outstanding topless will not save!

In the cleaning business, Elena Novice: Her firm exists no more than a year. Topless services in the price list appeared and at all a few months ago.

- One trading company ordered our cleaning in our new shopping center. Seeing our employees at work, they invited them to work for the discovery, but already in Bikini. Beautiful girls, sea foam - win-win marketing stroke. That day the store, probably, did a monthly revenue: there was no place to be parked on the neighboring streets. We liked the idea. Placed an ad on site. And the first calling Customer hinted: Is there topless? Created and decided: you can. So went, went.

Elena assures that the models are specifically for the new service she did not gain. Out of the belt from the "clean" motivation, those who are interested in the company's employees. At the same time, the magnificity of the cleaner cleaner for customers is not the main thing. Only once the client requested a lady with a breast size at least fourth.

- Here the main thing is not physical data, but a light in the eyes! - Heads head. - We have a girl of model appearance, but there are two ladies very thirty. And they are also in demand.

Vacuum cleaner - the main instrument of cleaners in negligee

To order we leave at noon Saturday - to the most sought-after erotic time. It is understandable: wives - in the country, children - grandparents. The bachelors are also needy for the knight's feats on inter-brave Niva.

Before the start of Elena clarifies today's mission: "One-bedroom apartment in a luxury residential complex. Customer - Gennady - 42 years old, he is the owner of the store. It is necessary to remove the living room and wash one window. " At the same time, the last task of Elena announces with genuine surprise.

- Such risky customers can be counted on the fingers. Basically, Topless window washing ordered country real estate owners for a solid fence. From the hosts of panel high-rise buildings, orders received only five. Yes, and from a few later refused: in front of the neighbors are inconvenient. In addition, no one wants the wife of his wife about the desire of a spouse to recognize the wife.

But our Gennady apparently not from timid.

Meanwhile, the partner twists the car. At the sight of her years 27. In my idea of ​​the housekeeper - a sex bomb, hoped from erotic rollers, a girl clearly does not fit: slender, red-haired, no make-up trail, jeans and a lightning sweat. "Alena," the girl nods in my direction and stretches the bag. - That's, I estimate the uniform ... "In the Kulk, a black mini skirt is found, stockings in a mesh and shoes on such a huge stiletta that girls come pay extra for" high-altitude work ".

The partner of my comment does not hear: she diligently loads the bottle with detergents, mop and package with sponges.

- And here is the main instrument of topless cleaners! - With these words Alena unbutton ... Case of the vacuum cleaner. - For some reason, in the fantasies of each third man, erotic cleaning are associated with this household unit.

All this time, two young people of suspiciously athletic physique are looming around the car.

- Mr. Muscles? .. - I am a Kalambource.

- Yeah, guard, - Laugh Alain. - Although customers on the phone and warn that topless personnel - as a museum exhibit: you can watch, it is impossible to touch, but the excesses still happen. Two weeks ago, the man ordered the man - he introduced himself to almost the chief accountant of the solid company. We arrived, and he has several friends at home. And went, went: first Skable jokes, then the plugs for the ass ... When I asked to remove my hands, one of them took a knife from the table and sent it to my side. Well, the guys on the cry came in time.

- And what, a lot of such naughty?

- Every third hopes for sex. And this is despite the fact that by the phone you warn everyone: we do not render the services of this kind. But almost everything is trying between the case. It is good that under the contract it is not obliged to talk with the customer. No, of course, you can answer a couple of questions, but in conversations for life we ​​do not enter.

However, the rest of the customers have complete freedom of action. And some are not shy to take advantage of her right with girls.

"One peasant completely looked around: right with us began to masturbate. It was one of the first working days: I was even shy then. And here is this! But more for all the time of work did not happen.

Separate type "Cleraul" - lovers to pry into the keyhole.

- These immediately put us in firmness: they say, get away, as if I am in the room, I will leave half an hour. But the door is not closed to the end, leave yourself a crack, "says Alena. - But this, as they say, clinical cases. Basically, customers just sit who awesome from such a spectacle.

"You don't need to wash the window, maybe better stroking ..."

Gennady meets us with a parade. Rather, first the perfume's murderous fragrance meets us, it seemed that I had to leak even through the iron door, then the modern talking about the heart and soul, and then - in a suit and even with a tie - in the corridor, the customer himself is materialized in the corridor. "This is clearly far-reaching plans," read in the view of Alena.

- Girls that will drink: Wine, champagne, whiskey? - On the last word Gennady pressed especially.

Only I decided to agree to a strong - it is necessary to take something on the chest for courage, before setting it on the universal review, - as Alain chopped the ends: "At work - only tea!"

Severe and discuss the front of work go to the kitchen. On the refrigerator, the view clings the note with ordinary instructions from the spouses left for the weekend. At the end of the attack: "You can finally wash the windows." Three exclamation marks.

Eh, Gennady, Gennady! But the spouse will praise you ...

We change clothes in uniform. "You, most importantly, do not close and do not turn to the customer with your back. If it is absolutely awkward, you can unstable, as if you wipe the dust, cover the broom. The erotic part of the show is on me, "Stakhanov's obligations of Alena must take over.

Quickly seed at the heels-lads to the cabinets, in order to take themselves with the work. The partner at the same time disapprovingly wrinkles from the corridor. "The face of the goods, face," she is trying to tell her lips, while I felt a pantomime, as if she had two milk-making holes in her hands. I realized that there are few hopes for me, Alena takes the initiative to his hands. She sails out of the corridor with a vacuum cleaner and begins to shove so skillfully, as if it squeezes in his hands not a hose, but a pole for striptease.

Gennady focuses on whiskey, only occasionally hanging out ... no, not compliments, worse - non-free jokes. They are reduced to about one: "You know, and in the bedroom so much dust accumulated!"

The next step is the sink of the window. But barely we go beyond the sponges as Gennady stops us. "The window is not necessary, maybe it is better to stroke ..." A languid smile appears on his face: with such an expression they invite to go to a cup of coffee.

"Sorry, but you should warn you that we do not have the services of this kind," I'm trying to leave the client forgotten. And immediately I get a few tunes in terms of Alena: "Gennady means a shirt."

Already in the car on the way back, Alena will tell that the ironing of the linen is another fetish of men from the area of ​​household services: "1-2 shirts we ask for hard to stroke almost always. And once the young man laid out in front of us a whole pile of challenged shirts. It turned out that his housekeeper left for two weeks on vacation, and here it turned up such a chance: combine pleasant with useful. "

After cleaning, a slightly cooled Gennady still does not want to let us go - everything is riveted to sculpt the champagne or order sushi. Soothes, only when the conversation goes to support "Mr. Muscles" - it turns out, all this time they sat in the kitchen.

- And to the quality of cleaning, customers make complaints? - I am interested in Alena, while we are going to the elevator.

"You still ask whether consumer rights protection is not addressed to the society," the energizes partner. - We will not make topless cleaning in a very dirty apartment. Before ordering to appreciate the front of work, the manager even comes to the place. If in the apartment in the corners of the web - first we suggest to make ordinary cleaning, and only then you can talk about the topless. True, ordered this service mostly people wealthy, who have a housekeeper. It remains to smell dust, spending, stroke. Make it is easy, what a hack of ...

Haircut naked

In the metropolitan hairdressing salon for men, they decided to go even further - here the employees were completely denied to the costume of Eve. Moreover, it is possible to split here the whole team, starting with the masters of a pedicure manicure and ending with the administrator. The bid on the wrong nudity gave its results: while ordinary beauty salons are bankrupt with an unenviable regularity, the nuclear hair barber does not close the doors during the day or night for 13 years.

- Actually, first there was a thought just to open a beauty salon for a strong sex - recalls the host of the Maxim institution - that's just the men treated in Soviet times: if you were not accustomed to the hairdresser: if you started the hairdresser, then you have ordered a haircut of a half-fox or "under the machine " There was no speech manicure-pedicure. I needed a marketing stroke. Here we understood that nothing attracts a man as erotica.

In anticipation of the master, I get acquainted with the Price List. "Head haircut - 2999, manicure - 2999, haircut intimate - 7499, massage employee - 6999 ..."

"No, this is not what you thought about," I suddenly appear at my back, a girl with a complete set of scissors-combs in his hands. Contrary to expectations, in clothes. - Despite all the warnings that the staff cannot be touched, some men cannot cope with them. Too persistent you have to pay a fine, which, not to offend the guest, is called a "collaborator massage". Usually after this, men do not switch the face, but just in case there is an alarm button on the wall.

- And often you have to use it?

- No, just a couple of times it was. True, there are those who want to be with us on equal. There are no problems - for an additional fee, the guest can also undress ...

While I explain to the master of the nuances of the haircut, the girl dumps the dress and remains completely naked. Honestly: Whether I am a man, hardly asked the procedure without penalties. However, sometimes guests go to other tricks.

- I remember one young man I had to cut several times. That bang seemed very long, he demanded that he demanded that he remembers the girl. - As a result of the salon, he came out almost bald, but very pleased.

However, according to Elena, the majority of men come to the nails not at all for erotic experiences, but for psychological unloading.

- Yes, the first ten minutes they are really sitting as in the strip bar. And then they begin to upload everything about their lives: divorced his wife, girlfriend went to another ... He just needed to talk to heard, advised. And one of our guests, which comes to the salon is constantly for several years, directly says that we save his family. Moreover, it is surprising, certificates for a visit to the salon gives him a spouse. It believes that it is better than if he was looking for erotic impressions with the challenges.

The host of the temperamental salon admits that in search of personnel, not only not suffering from modesty, but also not deprived of professionalism, there was a lot of time.

"Actually wishing to put in the capital of Uyma," says Maxim. - True, most of them do not have the slightest idea of ​​hairdressers. Therefore, many had to be lured from ordinary beauty salons.

The girls assure that they are accustomed quick to new working conditions. The only inconvenience is recognized by the girls, this is the absence of apron, where it was possible to put combs and scissors. "And after the procedure, you go all in the hair," the hairdressers complain.

Looked, drank, bit

Would you like not only the spectacle, but also bread? There are no problems: a naked girl - a lively table will turn a boring banquet into the plot for erotic fantasies. The classic version of the ladies serving is sushi or fruit.

- A girl lies on the bar rack or the table, and snacks are laid out on palm leaves, "explains the technology of serving the living table, the director of one of the firms on the organization of holidays Igor Dobrov. - It will cost such a banquet from 11 thousand rubles per hour. At the same time, the menu can be in principle any, but most importantly, so that it can be chopsticks or hands. No forks and knives.

However, the girl can be left for dessert.

- First, fruits lay out on the model, and on top poured the "table" chocolate. It turns out such a promoted topic as a blonde in chocolate, "says Igor. - In this case, next to the live table, it is even necessary to arrange - otherwise the men instantly forget about the spoons and are rushing to lick the girl. There is another unexpected offer - this is a tequila show. In this case, the girl is headlong on the bar stand and spills tequila. On the chest and on her legs, she lined with lemon and a few pinch salts.

The girls themselves are confident: the main thing in their work is not even a lack of constraint, but an incredible excerpt. Otherwise, try to fly without movement for several hours. True, longer than two and a half hours, order a similar service will not work anyway.

"If it suffers thirst" is not scary: you can ask the manager to bring a glass with water and drink through the straw, "the girl is divided by the secrets - the live table Maria. - But when the legs begin to fall, the manager will no longer help. You have to gently change the position so that no roll is on the floor. And some especially mischievous comrades are also trying to talk you ...

No confusion in such work, naturally, it does not do. Masha recalls that one day the guest was so inaccurately picked up the rolls that they failed to her right between the legs.

"The young man, apparently, decided to return them back to me on the stomach and began to draw them with chopsticks. At that moment his spouse was found. So we still have a dangerous work - not every wife will adequately respond, finding a soul mate in such a pose!

Naked queen of benzocolontics

But perhaps the most popular service in topless industries is a car wash. Plowing on the metropolitan autofors, we found several addresses at once. Just arriving at one of them - on Rublevo-Assumption Highway, we did not find girls in bikini. Is the office loomed?

"That you are, this is a very profitable move," Alexey Mironov's owner reassured. - Just if last year the girls worked daily, then this year we switched to the weekend schedule. We arrange thematic parties.

Three girls work on the car wash - all professional strippers. Moreover, as Alex assures, the initiative to wash the car with a naked torso belongs exclusively to them.

- Initially, the topless speech did not go: I just invited girls to work in swimsuits for the sake of attracting customers, "the man remembers. - "We can and topless, - after several days of work offered girls. "The main thing that the boxing doors are closed."

Moreover, it is surprised, the cost of such an unusual service is low: 500 rubles will have to pay 500 rubles for the bikini, the topless is twice as expensive. True, for this money, the car will wash the car only outside. For cleaning the cabin will have to pay extra.

- And you imagine, some customers are also indignant because of this! - indulge girls. "We arrange such a show, and then they begin to demand that we also have a remorse. Havalers ...

However, for the most part, car owners belong to the work of topless mooring with understanding: "Almost no one sticks, the excesses were never. Even the camera is cleaned about the first requirement. And the teas do not deprive! ".

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