What do women desire


On an interview, actor Konstantin Solovyov and his wife Anastasia came in the day in the restaurant with the whole family. The semi-annual lane slept in a stroller, and waking up, sat at the dad in his hands and carefully listened to the conversation. Later came from the lessons of the first-grader Lisa and, having listed, joined us. We talked about love. They met accidentally on the set. In the cold northern capital in the gloomy rainy day between them, passion broke out. She turned into love and a strong family union, which is already ten years old. All this is in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- What is your youth by books and movies was an idea of ​​love? What characters and literary characters did you associate yourself?

Konstantin: In his youth, a strong impression on me was produced by the film "Fly cranes", and the most beloved to this day is "its among others, someone else's among their". In the first - romantic love, in the second - friendship with a ridge of romance.

Anastasia: I read out Shakespeare, and my love was always associated with cunning. And I was ased myself with the Gypsy Esmeralda from the Roman Hugo "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady." This is life, it is true.

- First love passed how to king or how happy a moment?

Konstantin: Worse measles. On the island of Mallorca in Spain, I stood on a rock, soul sobbed, and I solved: rush down or not. And suddenly, like the insight: and if no one knows, and will not appreciate, and maybe it will not even find me? And then they will say: "Another Russian died. Drunk, probably rushed from the cliff. " (Laughs.)

Anastasia: I have never had such experiences. And the first love, and the following relationships were always rich, and partitions are logical, so as not to fight their heads about the rock. (Laughs.)

- Are there any legends about love in your families?

Anastasia: Pope is proud that we are indigenous Petersburgers, and our great-grandfather Larin was crowned with great-grandmother in St. Petersburg at the end of the XIX century. And from the side of mom - Poles, the genus Banhean occurred from Francis and Cleopatra. I even wanted to call the older daughter to Cleopter, but did not dare: in the modern world it would sound too loud.

Konstantin: Both of my grandmothers remained widows after the war. None of any other married, although they were watched. Dad went away from life not so long ago, they lived with a mother fifty years.


Photo: Frame from the series "Random Bride"

- Girls dream of getting married. Do boys dream to marry?

Konstantin: I wanted a family for fourteen and fifteen years. So that I have such a seven-family so that in the evenings I was waiting for, the children joyfully hung on her neck.

Anastasia: I remember how Kostya came home, Lisa hugged him, pressed his head and says: "Daddy, you probably tired, hungry, you need to eat, you have a bite in your stomach!". At the bone, already eyes lightened. My parents are also all life together. They have a kind of Italian marriage. In my opinion, find out the relationship when you are already the eighth dozen, it is unusual. And I should be ashamed, I guess I never dreamed of marriage. And not that not dreamed, but denied it. I understood that, if married, it means, for her husband, it means everything. Looking at Mom, I understood what kind of religious work. She did everything to make dad to be successful in science, and my sister did not need anything. And it seemed to me an incredible victim. The crossed had to tame me for a long time so that I would agree to become it completely. I lost just because love felt. Neither children nor money nor real estate, husband with all amenities, as they say, will not keep me. PETERSKIY PETERSKAYA FOR MOSCOW IT I do not change in principle. My older sister Katya is not married, works as an architect in London, has British citizenship. I had about the same program to bone.


Photo: Frame from the TV series "Blood is not water"

- Instinct is stronger than us, a person seeks to find a couple. You represented what should be the second half?

Konstantin: I felt more than represented. As a joint life shows, imagine, do not imagine, but you need to get along with this person, to take weaknesses, stupidity, sometimes strange actions and words. With us with Nastya, love over the years is flashed. And some inner inspiration arises. I always return home with pleasure.

Anastasia: I imagined such an image: athletically complicated, Greek God, no more. My dad is not my type. He is so cunning, with a kindergarten, always twisted women. Since childhood I liked my uncle Victor Banhevsky. In the summer, I got them in Belarus. He himself built in difficult times. And so caring, everything for his wife and daughter. When the bones and I drove on the car to Europe, drove along the way to Banief, and I was surprised to find that uncle Vitya with bones look like brothers. - What discoveries did you do in each other after time?

Konstantin: Many discoveries wonderful happening so far. Nastya - family generator. She is the focus, where I want to go back, near which you want to warm up, reaching. And a stunning mother. I feel like a wife and turns me, directs.

Anastasia: When you put your energy into a person, it's hard to say that this discovery is because you see how it changes. At the first impression it seemed to me that Kostya is a typical Narcissus and that he has in every city in a girl. But I quickly realized that it was completely wrong.

- What are your relationship with your parents?

Konstantin: Dad Nastya Academician, intellectual. And mom, I immediately understood, the Larina family support point. At first there were a kind of loot. Dad proved me, I'm smart or not, I am an actor. (Laughs.) And I passed this test. And when he learned that I would speak English, it immediately raised me in his eyes.

Anastasia: How many dating with moms of young people were, it was always some kind of mockery. They tried to show me that it was necessary, as it should, and I had no complaints to possess these knowledge. But with a Kostina Mom I was lucky. For a long time we had just a good relationship, but when she realized that I really love costa, melted. I can call her for any reason, in tears even, and complain. She is always subjected: "Nastya, a pistol tail. Hold on! " And, most importantly, I gladly trust Valentine Ivanovna my children.

- Sometimes there are such situations when you need to not climb on the Rod, but to embrace, figuratively speaking, the rag. I taught me a cat. When he mischief, I have grabbed him for the shkir, he immediately rolled his eyes, pressed the tail to the belly and pretended to Durchl. And avoided punishment.

Anastasia: I happened to me that you say about, and to pretend to be so clutter, I needed help her husband, moms, mother-in-law, psychologist and girlfriend. And anyway, I'm not ready for the surrender. But Kostya is very patient. It can ride on it as on pony. Do not observe Rider - nothing terrible. Hold the fee - okay. But if you bring it ... Here is the last scandal with the theater producer: the explosion was such that I was hidden with the younger in the bedroom, the eldest closed at himself. And our cat is usually, if we swear, hiding under the curtain with a face into the corner, and then I go into the corridor, it lies along the entrance door in an unnatural position, pressing the paw to the chest.

Konstantin: I was very frightened, I thought that he died, and immediately grabbed him on his hands.

- Women's tears - tested weapons. Nastya uses this technique?

Konstantin: Nastya strong man, she does not tear. She is angry and begins to beat the dishes. When dishes beats, I know it just needs to wait. And if tears, it is already serious and you need to sit down, talk and calm down.

Anastasia: I rarely regret someone, and no pity even in relation to yourself.

- Often the actors say they would not like to have more actors in the family and that the children go to this profession. You, on the contrary, and the wife and daughter are drawing into this business.

Konstantin: Lisa likes to be with me at the rehearsal or on the set. She immediately meets the director, communicates with everyone. In the classroom, poems read as an actress. She even has fans.

Anastasia: I do not position yourself as an actress. I went to theatrical and quickly realized that it was not for me. When you go on the institute staircase, and on every fourth step, the girl is smoking, then this is a mental hospital. I come to the institute on the first of September and see: a boy is sitting in a cylinder and eats a baby shovel soup for sandbox. Chamber number six! I do not want to be ugly and ridiculous in the frame, I will not get fat for the role. I work the model and love aesthetics, which is saturated with a photo, a peculiar painting of the twenty-first century. And in the cinema of dirt, the "truth of life", as the filmmakers love, I do not carry. I did not have ambitions to raise an actress from Lisa, but she sometimes suggests such things to directories that then it enters the play or film. Once we brought daughter to the Wakhtangov Theater to the play "Cat in Boots" to Ivanov Vladimir Vladimirovich. This is a Kostin Master. Lisone drunk at Pope on his knees, and Ivanov approached, greeted, casually looked at her and said: "Expressive girl." And I don't need anything else! The blessing of such Matra is invaluable.

Konstantin: In the series "Major Sokolov. The game without rules "Nastya was filmed with me in the same scene. With Philipp Pale, two main characters, two such professionals: "Do not worry, the Baby, we will help you." As a result, Nastya perfectly uttered the text, and I forgot my text, I fell by props, Philip demolished the door to the frame. We perpetrated more than she!

Anastasia: Sat in the trailer, was preparing. I do not know how to turn on clicks. Hound, screwed yourself and wrapped up to the frenzy. The microphone petitioner was hidden in the neckline, and the sound engineer says: "Nastya, you are so raging the heart that I can't hear your replicas." And my heart was though like a chipmunk! (Laughs.)


Photo: Frame from the series "Woman of his dreams"

- Which of you is more authority in the eyes of my daughter? Does such that Lisa manipulates you?

Anastasia: My daughter has a moving psyche, and I see her manipulation immediately. If she starts crying to the needs of the public, I am angry. When comes and boldly says: "Mom, like that" - another thing. Although still spiritual conversations love dad.

Konstantin: We try to Lisa to learn to respond for their words and actions. I put a lot in her and already see that something germinates. And from this happiness and pride, I understand that something important is created. We want the child to be our continuation. But in itself the birth of a child is not your continuation, it will be only when you put something into it. Therefore, Lisa, and the Lenochka we grow themselves, without nanny, although it is difficult.

- Have you prepared Lisa to the appearance of sisters?

Anastasia: Lisa begged me and kept her sister to appear. For about three or four years, as soon as it began to figure out. Kostya used this. I pulled the moment how much could. Lisa Lenochka is a real gift. She does not drive her eye from her, plays with her. Maybe even feed, but I do not abuse it, the child is still not a nanny. So to the appearance of babies I had to cook not daughter, but me.

- What needs to be done so that the family remains a living organism, so that the habit does not come and with it are indifference?

Anastasia: As a dancer, I used to live with the feeling that the back goes and comes to your heels, someone is slimmer, younger and technical. And, although Kostya never gave me a reason for jealousy, I understand what should fit him. I love him, it means that he is worthy of the best, and I have to follow myself and develop intellectually. Although he says: "I love you anything," in fact it is such a trap, it is only worth getting into it. And the cost of I stimulate all the time, I say: do it, now it is. I am so capricious that unfamiliar people say that with me, probably, terribly live. (Laughs.) But most importantly, compliments and love. When I am surrounding your husband with my femininity and caress, he has wings.

Konstantin: I want the wife to look at me with delighted eyes, so I try to jump above my head. And what pleasure when my woman's eyes light up, as if on the first date!

- What is your dream?

Konstantin: My main dream came true - I built a family along with the love of my life. And now I'm not a dream rather, but the goal. I want to get better in the profession to be an endless movement up.

Anastasia: I hope to finish your performance, which began to create another student. The fashion week in New York participated in a designer show as a model. One my friend says: "You have such a husband, such children! This is your achievement. " The family is definitely achieving. But the actor is awarded "Oscar", and a wife is sitting nearby. Do you admire it? Not. This is his surname and his Oscar. For too long I lived on bone conditions, sitting on the windowsill and waiting for him with shifts. I gave a man everything he wanted, and now I want to be realized, otherwise to beat the plates. We have two plates of everything. (Laughs.)

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