Ben Affleck threw a wife


According to rumors, in the family of Ben Afflele and Jennifer Garner is not all right. A number of foreign media reported that the spouses broke up and are already preparing for the divorce. When terminated, the actors will have to share 150 million dollars among themselves.

They say, problems have pursued a star couple for several years. But usually Ben and Jen negotiated simply forget about the disagreements. However, mutual irritation was copied and eventually resulted in the fact that Garner left her husband and flew into Montreal. Presumably the last straw for the actress was that some time ago, accurate on her birthday, paparazzi removed the Affleck without a wedding ring.

In fact, Jennifer went to Canada to shoot her new film, and three stellar kids remained in Los Angeles with Ben. But a certain insider claims that after the start of the summer school holidays, Garner is going to pick up daughters and a son with himself in Montreal. They say that the actress has long been preparing for the dissolution of marriage: Jen visits a psychotherapist who explains to her how to deal with parting and how to communicate with children after a divorce of parents. She also closely communicates with a lawyer, discussing the details of the guardianship.

According to rumors, Ben plans to officially declare their decay with the Jennifer of the family until June 29 - the Day of the Tenth anniversary of their wedding. And it hopes that the hype in the media about their divorce will take place before the start of the promotion of his new film "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice", the premiere of which will be held in March of next year.

The actors and their official representatives still abstain from commenting.

Recall, Affleck and Garner met and became friends on the shooting platform of the film "Pearl Harbor" (2001). Since 2002, Ben met with Jennifer Lopez, and after their parting in 2004 he twisted Roman with Jennifer Garner. A year later, they announced their engagement, and on June 29, 2005 married. Star couples three children: nine-year-old Violet, Six-year seraphine and three-year-old Samuel.

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