Down with the post-acne


Most women in youth faced such a phenomenon as a "teenage prying". Someone has passed almost imperceptibly, and someone had to seriously fight acne. By 30 years, almost everyone can get rid of hated acne, but often they leave the scars that also spoil the appearance.

You can fight the post-acne both at home and in the cabin. So, at home with redness after recent rashes, it is possible to fight with aloe concentration gels greater than 85%. He gently disinfects and does not give the place where he was a pimple, rebuild. As a result, the track is obtained small and almost imperceptible.

A post-acne that has already been converted into pigment specks, can be lit with vitamin C. People's recipes based on lemon are better not to be carried away, since, preparing them, it is impossible to correctly calculate the dosage of active substances, which is why irritations and even burns may appear.

The Mesoroller works well, which causes the skin of the micro-damage, due to which the exchange processes in it are activated. Thanks to the mesoroller, you can significantly reduce the manifestations of post-acne.

But make traces from acne more noticeable can tan, because the place where there are shmicks, in contrast to the rest of the skin, do not darken under the influence of the Sun. You can avoid a spotted face using a cream with a high SPF factor.

In the cabin to get rid of the post-acne, you will be offered laser, fractional and photo techniques.

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