On the forehead it is written: how to make the face is kinder and feminine


Elena Vasilyeva graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov. Aesthetic medicine has been engaged since 1999. In 2007, founded the Belle Allure Beauty Institute in Moscow. At one of the congresses in Paris heard about the threads of polyolic acid, I realized that this novelty was a real breakthrough in cosmetology, and caught fire for the idea of ​​bringing the thread to Russia. I concluded a contract, I was convinced that this drug is absolutely necessary on our Russian market. In 2011, the threads were officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the moment, Elena is the head coach of non-level lifting experts not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also around the world.

Today, Elena Vasilyeva talks about the fact that modern cosmetology programs help not only rejuvenate face, but also to make his expression more attractive and having to surround.

- It should be understood that there are negative emotional signs and positive emotional signs. Negative emotional features include "sagging", sad, tired and angry face. And positive emotional signs are the desire to look kindly, feminine, slimmer, softer, younger, more attractive.

- And how is it all connected with cosmetology?

- All these emotional signs may have characteristic physiological manifestations. For example, what is characterized by the fact that a person looks tired? He, as a rule, is lowered by eyebrows, the cheekbone falls. There are bags under the eyes, wrinkles appear around the eyes and poor skin quality. The presence of these signs creates the impression that the person is tired. And when does it seem to us that a person looks angrily? When he has intense lips and chin, wrinkles appear around the eyes and wrinkles around the lips. What complains of patients who have a "superior face"? They lower the cheekbones, deep nasolabial folds appear, puppet wrinkles - this is a lobby-chinful folds; They are usually an uneven outline of facials and poor skin quality. That is, these are the patients who complain about balls and ptosis. In each case, the measures are selected individually. A person comes to a consultation, fills in a questionnaire, which is responsible for which he came to the clinic. In accordance with this questionnaire, we solve its problem.

- It turns out that this is not an anti-Age in pure form?

- Not. With such emotional signs, there may be no age-related patient. Of course, first of all it is worth paying attention to care: peelings, massages, skin moisturizing. But there are patients who, for example, want to look less sad, who simply have such an expression, can hang eyebrows, an eye corner can be omitted. As a rule, they have "Pierrot Effect" - eyebrows tips are omitted. This is a feature of the structure of the face.

- And what can be done when your face, besides your will, creates a repulsive impression?

First, adjust negative visual signs:

The most common problem is "Tired face" When a person looks tired, even if he has just rested. The signs of the "tired face" are, as a rule, hanging the eyebrows, the warer of the temporal fossa, the defects of the tissue of the temporal area are formed, the cheekbone is descended, small wrinkles appear not around the eyes, but under the eyes, poor skin quality. By leveling these signs, the person acquires a rested appearance.

- angry - This is also a visual sign that makes living many people. Characterized by hypertonus of lip muscles and chin. Young people are usually associated with the characteristics of the structure of the face or with the fact that a person speaks a lot, so these muscles are more active. Either it is age-related changes - we eat, we speak, chew. Muscles are in Hypertonus and give our face such an angry, which does not like it or others themselves. By smoothing this hypertonus, eliminating the tension of the lips and chin we get a softer and kind person.

Secondly, create positive emotional manifestations:

- Desire to look Slimming As a rule, it is due to the fact that the patient has a round or square face, and he wants to visually make it "easier", because when the face is light, it always seems young. There is even such a technique - the "triangle of youth of the face", when the skille part is emphasized, and the chin is slightly lowered down.

- You can make a face more feminine and soft By filling the volume and contour of the lips. But it is not about increasing lips, but about light correction, underline the contour - and the person acquires a softer expression. Also softer it becomes when we make the chin more triangular shape. Because all femininity and softness are lips and chin. And of course, the quality of the skin.

- And how to make a face younger ? There will have to work more. In such cases, we restore the volume of the forehead area, because with age it is lost, and the subcutaneous fat fiber gradually begins to slide down - that is why there are, for example, balls or a second chin. Accordingly, there are certain deficiencies: the scope of volume in the field of forehead, the scope of volume in the field of temples, the scope deficit in the area of ​​eyebrows (eyebrows begin to descend and hang), wrinkles around the eyes appear, bags under the eyes, the peeling area is lowered, deep nasolabial folds are formed. That is, first of all, when we begin to grow old, changes go in the upper and middle third of the face. Accordingly, to make a person younger, you need to work with them. And when patients first come for a consultation and ask to remove balls, they do not always understand that while I will not give them up with the upper and middle third person, you will not do anything with the bottom of the third. But if you make the upper and middle third, sometimes with the bottom third already and do not do anything. But if the patient is still in a solid age, then after working with the top and middle third, you can also work with the bottom: we remove the wrinkles-puppets and perioral wrinkles, we remove the uneven outline of the facial oval, we work with the age-related chin changes and poor skin quality.

- the last positive sign - " I want to lookmore attractive . Here we work, as a rule, with an average third part, we change the eye shape and work with the chin. But the approach, in any case, cannot be common - this part of the person has its own, and with the help of proper correction we can always get a beautiful face that does not lose their individuality.

- Do you work with men on the same schemes?

- Emotional signs of similar and for men, and for women. However, representatives of the strong half of humanity, of course, we can not make not mild and feminine, but, on the contrary, a more courageous face. For this, the lower third is a little weighty, the corners of the lower jaw are made more pronounced, some brutality attached to the face. Nevertheless, there are men who also look quite angry or tired - and it is necessary to help to correct the situation.

- How do you feel about wrinkles of smiling people? Is it worth cleaning them, because they just create a positive emotional color?

- When such "smiles wrinkles" are, we always ask the patient. If they do not bring some unpleasant feelings to a person and he is ready to live with them, we will never clean them and can even dissuade them to keep a cheerful look. We only remove the negative, and what beautiful, is positive and some kind of highlight, try to keep, and sometimes emphasize.


- How long does the effect be saved?

- It depends on the program we do. But, as a rule, the result is preserved up to two years. At this time we give a guarantee - provided that the patient complies with our supporting plan, which was compiled in advance with the beautician. In general, the regular and correct care for itself is very important at home, and it is he who is a guarantee that your skin will preserve beauty and youth.

Separately, I want to dwell on the question of the price. It is important that the patient understands what he pays, what makes the cost of the procedure. First, this is the cost of the drug that was spent during the procedure. Secondly, this is the experience of a doctor who is necessary for a good result. Because if a person first makes the procedure, then the probability of getting not the result for which the patient calculates is much higher.


Institute of Beauty BelleAllure.

Address: ul. Small Dmitrovka, 25, p. 1 (Floor 4, Office 27)

Metro: Pushkinskaya, Mayakovskaya, Chekhovskaya

Tel.: +7 495 211-08-66, +7 495 650-33-66, +7 926 030-58-53

Site: Belle-allure.ru.

Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10: 00-21: 00

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