Unlike all: what to do people who began to process


In Russian culture, it is customary to work a lot and positively refer to non-ruled schedule. It is difficult to submit a person who gets up because of the office table as soon as the time tries to go home. So far, in Europe, employees are asking for additional hours of work in Europe, people are happy to work in our country to work more in the hope of achieving raising. But it's not a good one who sits at a computer at 12 o'clock, but the one who includes his head. Provides logical arguments in favor of compliance with the established schedule.

Look at the indicators, not the clock

How long have you been discussing with the head plan for a year and calculated what results in material or physically want to achieve? Unfortunately, so act units, and in vain. To enhance you will be a habit of demonstrating the results of your work and emphasize their importance for the company, and not excellent adjacent in compliance with the schedule and the failure of lunch for the increase in hours. If your absence in colleagues falls out of the hands - it is not you indispensable, and the company does not have interchange rate. Talk to your colleagues and learn to help each other, and not insert sticks into the wheels.

Agree with the boss to set goals per year

Agree with the boss to set goals per year

Photo: unsplash.com.

Brain must relax

The smaller you sleep, the lower your concentration of attention and the ability to creative thinking. Read our material about day sleep - scientists experimentally proved that it is necessary to observe the day of the day and take a break for rest during the day. So spend your dinner for a walk to your favorite cafe, a leisurely cup of coffee on a lit by the sun, a veranda or a walk in the park with a coffee on a removal. Review your day plan: training in the hall is not a rest, but an additional load. Reading a book on business is also not a vacation. Your brain rests when you meditate, walk with friends or go to the movies. Learn to devote at least 2-3 hours in the evening to "shut up" to the TV, stroll through the park or even scroll through the social network tape.

At the beginning of the day, pay the working hours

At the beginning of the day, pay the working hours

Photo: unsplash.com.

Learn to plan

Calm confident actions - what is needed in the first weeks in the office after a long break. No need to rush between folders with documents, new projects and discussing problems with colleagues. At the beginning of the working day after the Planner, sign tasks - remember that more than three major matters you do not be able to do. Less important entrust the subordinates, and leave the largest to themselves, not forgetting to break them on subparagraphs. Observe the schedule will help the alarm clock - put it on the technique that you are comfortable. It can be two working sessions for 20 minutes and one recreation session, or 45 minutes of fruitful work and the same rest.

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