About serious: what is the cause of male infertility


It's not always easy to become parents. Often, wines for inability to become pregnant completely shifted on a woman who begins to seek the cause only in himself, although the man's infertility is also often the cause. In modern conditions, men experience many stresses that affect the quality of biological material, but other factors can be addicted to the weakening of the activity of spermatozoa. Let's figure it out more thoroughly.

What is "male infertility"

In itself, male infertility is a quantitative or qualitative change in spermatozoa, which are not able to achieve their goal. Having learned about your diagnosis, men often lower their hands and cease to fight the problem, and very in vain. Today there are many ways to change the situation in our favor. As experts say, male infertility is often 10% more actively treating than women. The most important thing is to find a good specialist and do not engage in self-medication.

Male infertility meets no less often for women

Male infertility meets no less often for women

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

What are the main causes of male infertility?

Disorders of the endocrine system. Most often, the reason lies precisely in hormonal disorders: spermatozoa is dying or so weakened that it is simply not able to reach the egg.

Vascular problems. The second most popular reason is the extension of the vessels in the testicles, which leads to an increase in temperature in the organ, and spermatozoa does not carry heating more than 34 degrees.

Development Anomalies. With this problem, men face immediately after birth, but it is solved in the first weeks of life under the supervision of a specialist.

STD. Another equally popular cause of infertility. When a man is a permanent client of a venereologist and even after that it is in no hurry to take the mind and more responsibly refers to its own sexual safety, problems with conception can not be avoided.

How to treat treatment

First, you need to get an accurate diagnosis, and for this it will be necessary to bypass one specialist in order to be sure that the reason for infertility is established true. After that, the doctor will start work that takes place in several stages. We start, as a rule, with a lifestyle correction: you must suppress bad habits, start working a more or less healthy lifestyle, try to set food. At the same time, not to leave attempts to conceive.

If no changes are observed at this stage, go to medicinal therapy. We assign funds depending on your diagnosis, we are extremely advisable to deal with self-care, especially on the advice of friends - each person has an individual set of reasons that almost never coincide.

A surgical intervention is becoming an extreme measure, which is shown in the event of a violation of the vessels or when changing in the passability of the tubules. In other cases, doctors try to avoid similar radical measures.

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