4 source of genetic poverty


It would seem that two girlfriends rose in the same conditions, studied at the same school, graduated from institutions. But one house is "full bowl", and the other lives, interrupting the bread on the water. Why? Psychologists talk about a "genetic poverty", which is laid by parents in our heads in early childhood.


Remember Gogol characters, for example, Plushina or "Box". These types can be found today. Indifference to their everyday life, to cleanliness in the apartment, creates a sense of dreary poverty.

Our grandmothers and moms could still be understood - the good furniture was in short supply and cost decent money. But Romanian and Yugoslav "walls" are still a "decoration" of houses. Why throw out the grandmother's sofa when the protruding springs can be covered with an eaten with a moth plaid. Bitted flower pot - slaughter with sticky ribbon. In the houses are stored, sticks, skimming, boxes, just in case. "What if, come in handy"? All this is covered with dust, overcomes the web.

Poverty accompanies dirt

Poverty accompanies dirt


Why not throw out all this trash, and do not remove the dirt? After all, now there is a furniture for every taste and wallet. And in a nearby store you can buy everything you need, not stored for years. But people live in poverty generations. So accustomed - mentality.


Many lives are waiting for a bright future. They come to work in the prescribed down jacket, not the first youth, but at the same time the fur coat "on the outlet" hangs in the closet. But when it comes to access to people, for example, in the theater once every five years, it turns out that the fur coat ate mol.

At home, they drink tea from a bits of a mug, and in the servant there is a festive service "for guests". True, these guests are extremely rarely - who hunting to come to an apartment, where destroying reigns? It is stupid to postpone life for later, no one knows when she is over. Often, this notorious service gets only on commemoration.

Do not postpone life before the holiday

Do not postpone life before the holiday


The money, pending "on a black day", in our country tend to turn very quickly into ordinary paper, which confirms the experience of the last hundred and more years.

Complex Cinderella

Due to the habit, some parents give younger children to keep the senior things. If there are two daughters in the family, then in a small one, in principle, there is no chance of buying new beautiful clothes. The eldest love to buy things on the grow out. The child grows - jeans are lengthened, turning out of the bottom of several centimeters of the trousers, another color. There are parents who do not see the meaning to buy expensive clothes to buy children, because they quickly grow out of it.

In ruin it is impossible to grow a princess

In ruin it is impossible to grow a princess


As a result, the grown girls simply do not know how to dress, look good, pick up a wardrobe. Of these, the eternal "Cinderella" are frozen in sink pantyhose and stopped shoes. They are afraid to spend money on themselves, and a new dress, instead of joy, spoils the mood - expensive and unnecessary. So the genetic poverty is so raised.


Ann Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote that the cutting walls and dirty corridors are badly affected by the student's ability to learn. Dirt, mud, poverty suppress a person from early childhood. He carries a loser program.

Losers are brought up in dirty walls

Losers are brought up in dirty walls


The words "trouble" and "poverty" one root, a man grows unhappy, insecure in himself, who considers himself unworthy to live better. Poverty is a state of mind.

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