From escort - in movie star: Monroe, Hepburn and others


Modern escort agencies offer the widest range of services. Starting from the client's maintenance to secular events, joint visits to bars, restaurants, cinema halls and other entertainment institutions. Sexual services are negotiated separately and for a fee. So not always between an escort model and an elite prostitute can be put a sign of equality. Business men and even women order attractive satellites for one evening to produce a good impression, and are ready to lay out a lot of money. Moreover, the higher the status of models, the higher the cost. So, a certain American Michel Brown organized a whole network of elite escort salons. Representatives of the law argue that for several years she earned about six million dollars. Only registering on the Agency's website without the right to view photos of girls was worth a thousand six hundred dollars, and the price of the night with the elite priestess of love reached fifty thousand (!). Not surprising: after all, the real heroines of the gloss were worked in the agency: Hollywood actresses and top models. Sometimes "Rent" becomes long-term. For example, when a man (especially if he belongs to media characters) you need to hide your unconventional orientation. "Roman" with an attractive girl allows you to look in the eyes of the public respectable. We know a lot of such "love" stories that will never end with a happy marriage.

In general, the field of leisure organization is one of the oldest on the planet. Let us recall the ancient Greek heter, which was specially trained to their craft in order to be a decent decoration of the meetings of famous philosophers, commander, kings and leaders. Their social status was very high, and the proximity with the hetera could arise only at her own desire. Love without physical satisfaction was not accidentally called Platonic. The famous philosopher Plato was hopelessly in love with Arkhaanass heteru, and she tomil his rippled for a long time. The ruler of Athens Pericla was so fascinated by the exquisite manners, beauty and mind of the heterasses of aspasia, which he made it a legitimate wife. Rock Beauty Tais Athens was the subject of the passion of Alexander Macedonsky, and later became the wife of Ptolemy, the Egyptian king ...

In the modern world, escort services "left underground" in 1961, after the premiere of the legendary film "Breakfast at Tiffany". The main heroine, which was engaged in the fact that she grabbed the leisure of wealthy men, played brilliant Audrey Hepburn. What is interesting, in the youth "girl with the eyes of a deer" also worked as an escort model. She accompanied wealthy customers at Parties in Amsterdam and London. At one of these events in 1952, she noticed the famous writer Sidoni chip. Seeing a fragile Audrey with huge eyes, she exclaimed: "This is who will play my heroine in the Musicle" Zhii "!" The young actress was approved for his role, and she moved to New York. Ahead Hepburn expected a brilliant film engineer. But she did not forget the previous experience: apparently, therefore was so convincing in the painting "Breakfast at Tiffany".

Another famous actress, Emmanuel Bear, the need forced to become a girl accompaniment still in his youth. By the way, she believes that it helped her in the profession: "It was invaluable experience! My acting talent has grown many times not in class at the acting school, but at these parties. I learned to understand men, behave naturally, play different roles. "

A vivid example of how to use the features opening in front of the escort model, Marilyn Monroe. At sixteen years, the norm of Jean Baker was married for the first time. And after a year, when the husband went into a long sailing, it turned out to be in the position of "straw widow." Soon the beauty needed money. She even went to work at the aviation plant, but did not stand in production for a long time, so the model agency became its next job. Men really liked a sexy blonde. In the period from 1944 to 1946, Monroe accompanied businessmen, military and politicians for parties in Los Angeles. It was at these techniques that she acquired the necessary connections in the world of the film business.

According to rumors, Dani Richards, and Michel Pfaiffer, and Michel Pfaiffer began through escort. They worked on Madame Alex, the owner of an elite escort agency in Los Angeles. The French actress Melanie Laurent, known mainly due to his role in the Tarantinovsky film "Inglorious bastards", also tried themselves as an escort model. Melanie was only eighteen, when at a party dedicated to the release of the film "Asterix and Obelix against Caesar", she met the Matcher of French Cinema Gerard Depardieu. At a solemn dinner, the girl accompanied one of the members of the film crew, but this did not prevent admiring Depardieu to make her an offer from which it was difficult to refuse. Master invited young beauties to his next project "Bridge between two coast". Although his role played by Lezbeth was small, Melanie is seriously interested in a profession. Now she is not only a famous actress, but also a happy wife, and a charming baby mother named Leo.

Wedding Elizabeth Canalis and George Clooney did not take place due to the dark past bride. Photo: Rex Features /

Wedding Elizabeth Canalis and George Clooney did not take place due to the dark past bride. Photo: Rex Features /

Scandal in a noble family

Not all the stories of former escort models end with a happy marriage. Call under the crown of a girl accompaniment - the occupation is quite risky. After all, it is not known how wide the range of services provided by it. Everyone remembers the scandalous scandalous process of Sir Paul McCartney. Then the British tabloids were man in dirty underwear, savoring the spicy details of the biography of his wife Heather Mills. It turned out that the pious lady, a benefactor and the protector of animals, in young years he participated in very frank photo shoots and provided escort services. Heather advertised the swimsuits of the Ashley designer in fashion catalogs, but this is not limited to this. Roses Ashley used their models and as an escort service. Worked with Heather Deniz Hewit and Parina Montrosis told reporters about their joints with Miss Mills adventures. Among the VIP persons, which they served, appear, in particular, Saudi prince and an international adventurer, a smuggling trader Adnan Hashoggi. And the photo of the young lady Heather can be found in such books as the "joy of love" (Germany, 1988) and "Secrets of Sex" (USA, 1988).

Hollywood actor George Clooney was going to tie himself to Himena's Uzami with an Italian journalist Elizabeth Channelis. The couple spent the fun together, appeared in official events. George even became acquainted with the family of the future bride, going to Sardinia. Elizabeth gave a candid interview: "At the moment I am very happy. And all this thanks to my beloved man, my fairy tale continues. " She admitted that he wanted a family, children, but ... Suddenly, rumors were leaked in the press that the bride in the past was a girl of escort. The wedding was first temporarily postponed because of the hype rising about this, and then the pair was always parted. Now Clooney is married to the reporter Amal Alamuddin, in whose biography there are no dark spots. However, Mademoiselle Channelis also benefited from a ratio with a Hollywood star. Thanks to the peculiar PR, she received a solid contract in a modeling agency.

In Russia, too, there was a similar story. The star of the Russian hockey and playboy Alexander Ovechkin seriously became interested in the escort model of Valery Sokolova. The athlete represented the girl as his bride, but did not in a hurry to tell the "love story". It turned out that the 22-year-old beauty Ovechkin chose ... according to the catalog in the escort service agency. The Vika model began her career in the Penza ELIT STYLE agency and was very popular with local Tolstosums. This is what the director of the agency Alexey Sztuto told the press: "Valeria has a serious level, it is considered the main top model in our agency. Her fee is very different from the earnings of other girls. As for escort services, this is her personal desire. She wants to continue communicating with a man after an event that works, "will remain overnight. Does not want - it will not remain. But we get such proposals regularly. " It is clear that Alexander's relatives sharply opposed this alliance. The novel of the hockey player with the model lasted for a short time. Now Ovechkin meets with Anastasia Shubskaya, a young actress, the daughter of the faith of verbal. This is a much more decent party.

From escort - in movie star: Monroe, Hepburn and others 37836_2

Lena Lenin announced his blog that he would give the holidays in "good hands." Photo:

Celebrity for holing

Sometimes stars and themselves provide escort services. After all, they have access to the most prestigious and closed parties. Shine in the Society "Diva from the TV" is very flattering for male vanity. Although the pleasure is expensive. "Fast friendship with a star" is a service, very popular in Moscow. For the decent amount of American dollars Celebriti accompanies the customer to the club, to the secular event, on vacation. As a possible bonus: gossip about the novel with the celebrity and photos in the secular chronicles. They say, at one time, such a type of earnings did not disappear Zhanna Friske, Anna Sedokova, Victoria Daineko and Katie Topuria.

Shooting TV presenter and writer Lena Lenin announced in his blog that they with her husband under certain conditions "will give guests in good hands" and are ready to leave together with those who wish to relax. At the same time, Lenin had a reservation that the near Moscow baths are not interested in their husband, but the invitation to the Maldives will be happy with joy. The cost of "rent" is not specified. If the service becomes popular, Lena is ready to attract to business and his friends from show business.

Lindsay Lohan has big debts. Thus, tax services require you to pay two hundred thousand dollars, Chateau Marmont's hotel in Los Angeles actress owed fifty thousand dollars, and the lawyer Shonna Holly, who saved it from prison, three hundred thousand. To solve financial problems, the star decided to provide escort services. This, in particular, wrote her father Michael Lohan. He said that billionaires pay all the expenses of Lindsay, ranging from transport and ending with expensive decorations. So, the actress met the new year in the company Prince Haji Abdul Azima, for which he received a hundred thousand dollars. Lindsay's father called her behavior disgusting.

To pay with debts, Lindsay Lohan decided to provide escort services. Photo:

To pay with debts, Lindsay Lohan decided to provide escort services. Photo:

Often and relatives of celebrities are trying to extract some benefit from their blood ties. Marati Carey's sister, the former drug addict Alison Cary Scott, also decided to sell herself as an "adult escort." For a minute, "girl" in fifty. Nevertheless, there are those who wish to spend time in the company of the native sister pop star. "You have no idea how much I need cash now," Alison said. - That's why I leave for customers. But I do not get money for sex, this personal support. People sometimes need sexually looking girls with whom you can go somewhere or talk about something. I work under the name of Deniz and take two hundred fifty dollars per hour. "

Striptease Show Katrina Darling (Kate Middleton's pseudonym) began to enjoy greater popularity, after she had a successfully threatened with the British royal family. The Catherine's show called God Save the Queen ("God, King's King") and supplemented the stage costume with crown and "mountainous" furs, like Elizabeth II. Former, the girl performed in one of London clubs, but now moved to New York. It is possible that it was the urgent request of the Buckingham Palace. Katrina also has escort services, and in a recent interview with The New York POST admitted that "ready to go beyond striptease." Of course, this behavior of a relative does not make honor of the Duchess of Cambridge. But before getting married to Prince William, Kate Middleton honestly admitted that in her family "not without freaks": Kuzina Katrina Darling - a stripper, Uncle Gary Goldsmith served in prison, and Brother James loves to arrange orgies ...

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