Tatyana Gevorkyan: "I am sad to hear conversations about the" tletle of the influence of "Western and European culture"


- Tatiana, there is no accurate date on the Internet, in what year did you start working on the Culp channel?

- I do not remember. We must learn in the personnel department.

- How glad you have moved after the experience of Wi-Jeme on youth MTV on the Culture Culp channel, which has a more serious audience?

- It's not about that audience that surrounds us, but in that person, which is within us. From her and you need to repel if there is no acting education and it is difficult to play the one who is not. I left MTV being far from teenage and worked out all my teenage potential, you must admit, with great pleasure and excitement. But I am such a person - when I understand that it reached the ceiling in the framework of a certain work, I move on, I change something, I begin to do what at the moment I wonder.

- Probably, this transition and increase in status to the leading news program "News" was logical, given your film education, which should "pay off" when working on a channel, where the movie is actually a priority direction?

- It was Lenin believed that from all the arts the most important cinema. But our channel will equally illuminate all aspects of cultural phenomena and events, because full-fledged art exists only under the condition of the multifaceted genres and directions. Honestly, I thought about my education, starting to work on "culture". In addition, there was no sharp change of the forgdemate - there were still programs between MTV and the "culture", including the Triangle.

- How much more experienced kinovy ​​you have become during the time of working on the channel?

- I do not lead a program about the movie, so this "muscle" is not particularly in good shape. At the moment I am just an amateur, but not a professional.

- At one time you starred in two movies as an actress - "Words and Music" (2004) and "Bride at any cost" (2009). Since then, none of the directors offered you to expand your acting experience?

- Recently starred from Sergey Oldenburg in the film "Sex, coffee, cigarettes". There I had the main role in one of the novel. But I am not a professional actress and starred solely for the sake of entertainment and expansion of the working range. There is no acting career in the plans.

- How many times a week you are on the air?

- 2-3 days 3 ether.

Tatiana Gevorkyan is still one of the most stylish leading on our TV, he is interested in reading books in English and recently starred in the movies. .

Tatiana Gevorkyan is still one of the most stylish leading on our TV, he is interested in reading books in English and recently starred in the movies. .

- You have experience in the interviewer in the Triangle program. Did not mature for your own project, which you could offer a channel where you could use your knowledge and experience even fuller?

- For me to interview - one of the most interesting classes, I miss this work and to communicate with living people in the frame, but so far all my strengths are aimed at other projects.

- In addition to the Catura Channel, you have found another intellectual lesson, having decided to share your knowledge by creating an educational project OPUS 21. What skills can people who attend your courses can be seized?

- We have no course, but individual classes. We specifically created a project for people engaged, who want to get new knowledge and skills, but there is no time to visit special courses. Therefore, our teachers have developed individual express courses. Sometimes it is directly related to the profession of our customers, for example, business etiquette, foreign languages ​​or oratory skills. Another I want to be distracted from work and work in creativity - in this case we have teachers of painting, acting skills, vocals, musicians, directors, etc. Art is modern and classic - also in the bullet of the interests of our audience. Requests are the most unexpected - someone wants to learn to remove the movies, and someone make cool teddy bears - we support any hobbies and hobbies.

- How do you have your own English?

- I spend freely, I read and watch movies in English. But I think that I still have something to strive for. Fortunately, I am at that stage, when the rules no longer need to sharpen, and only practice leads to perfection. I was lucky - from reading in English I get no less pleasure than from the Russian language. Therefore, always alternate English and Russian books.

"Tatiana, I won't be mistaken if you call you one of the most stylish leading on our television." How do you manage to combine work with a selection of stylish wardrobe - extinguished in secular events every time you appear on them in the outfits - one creatively another?

- Honestly, I do not understand how people a week before the event, they think about their wardrobe. In most cases, everything happens spontaneously - I ran away after work home something quickly came up with, went further. But, like everyone else, the crisis of "nothing to wear" often happens. It is very important to have the right wardrobe, where all things are successfully mixed with each other. I try to somehow move in this direction, but it does not always work. In the case of solemn outputs, I have in recent years increasingly appealing to Russian designers. In addition to the world-famous names and loved by Igor Chapurin and Alena Ahmadullina, many young talented designers appeared. And I am much more pleasant to go into the world in the Russian brand, because for me it is creative and talented people living with us at one time, one of the reasons to be proud of your country.

- Do you still continue to release a collection of shoes under your own brand?

- No, it was a one-time project.

- Hobbating the creation of shoes began with you when you learned that your grandfather was a shoe master. Parents have a creative job - they professionally engaged in cinema, engaged in selling rights to Russian film directions to other countries, in connection with which you managed to learn in different countries, and school finished in India. Youth, which was held in different countries a positive effect on your horizons?

- Yes, I believe that the opportunity to absorb various cultures from childhood - this is the most valuable gift that parents can give a child, along with high-quality education. I am sad to hear conversations about the "tleronality of influence" of Western and European culture - all this happens, alas, not from good formation and a wide horizons. Although, of course, people are poorly educated and not strong in the essence of things living in the world is much easier.

- One year you even studied in India in Delia College Mary and Jesus - it seems to me that it is very interesting. How was trained?

- The most unusual - college was female, the boys were not at all and, of course, in 17-18 years it was upset. But we always found an adventure, because in the neighboring colleges we have learned friends, and in Delhi were, besides, fashionable cafes and discos. Items for studying, our teenage happiness was a bit - only 4, two of them were the main. In my case, it was classic English literature and philosophy. Like normal students, we not only studied, but also strolled. But, I must say, the classes were really interesting.

- Do you remember something from lecture courses?

- It is from those courses a little bit, although symbolic logic then I was very fascinated.

- And do not forget your karate skills - you have a brown belt? Could you apply if I had to?

- I am not practicing, so the heavy item will be more effective at hand. (Laughs.)

- Does your true friend's faithful friend, the black cat Victor, whom I saw when we met with you a few years ago, or did some other pet appeared instead?

- Vitya Lively all alive and he is my favorite friend! He taught me and all my friends very important things - no need to start the thoroughbred animals. The surest way to find a friend is to take it in a shelter for homeless animals. Or, as in my case, just meet it on the street, small, dirty and patient - who would have thought that it would turn into the smartest, beautiful and black cat in the world!

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