How to look fashionable on vacation


Each of our readers in the journey would always like to always look at all hundred! Often, this desire leads to the fact that the suitcase becomes inappropriate, and in the end, from all the diversity of half the manifold, we do not wear half. Are there any useful lithers that will help save space in a suitcase, but without loss for an appearance on a journey? Designer Anik Karimov will tell us about this.

Anika Kerimova

Anika Kerimova

Prefer casual clothes

On a trip with you, you always want to take all the best and take into account all possible circumstances, because you never know for sure where you will find yourself. Usually, going on a journey, we mentally divide clothes on functionality: for daily walks and for evening exit. As a rule, it is evening clothing that turns out to be superfluous, but at the same time it takes a lot of space (lush dresses, high heels and so on).

More accessories

I suggest you leave most of the evening outfits at home and concentrate on jewelry and accessories. With these small things, your basic daytime things can catch with other paints and turn into a full evening outfit. Try to take smaller T-shirts and more shirts, blouses and simple dresses, all these things are suitable for evening exit.

Jeans and Shirt - Best Leek for Vacation

Jeans and Shirt - Best Leek for Vacation


Even a simple white shirt + jeans will be appropriate to look at a club or a restaurant in combination with bright decorations and makeup. In such a difficult way, you will save a lot of space in the suitcase, and your chic evening outfits will not suffer from transportation.

Take less shoes

In addition, do not overestimate the need to dial a bunch of different shoes. As a rule, what takes up so much space in the suitcase, in the end it turns out absolutely no need, because after a whole day of walking, you do not want to get up at the heels in the evening. Take with you only comfortable shoes and only a few pairs, even in the dodges you will look gorgeous at any event, if you skillfully beat them at the expense of accessories and decorations. If you can't live without beautiful shoes without beautiful shoes, then take some boats with you and one or two pairs of comfortable everyday shoes.

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