Mitya Fomin spoke about his big love


Parents since childhood pledged Fomin's love for animals, there were always pets in their house. For a long time, a poodle lived in their family, and now the artist himself lives the American Bulldog Snow White and a huge cat of the Mainicun breed named Barmalei. The dog artist presented the composer Alexey Romanov (the group "Vintage"), with which Mitya is friendly from the time of the Hi-Fi group.

"Dogs are my weakness, I chose the breed itself. I needed a sports dog, a companion dog for running, for sports, to ride a bike, for travel, so I stopped at the American Bulldog. She just a miracle, a gift, very calm and patient, lives by the clock. This dog is a symbol of energy saving, no extra movements. She is very rare, almost never. Loves to play with other big dogs. True, it turned out that she did not meet my expectations - does not like to run and swim, although she has to do it. In addition, it is not easy to travel with her: sometimes we fly with her to Italy, but I understand that for her it is flour. Therefore, next time we will go there by car, "the artist told.

Bulldog named Snow White accompanies Mitu Fomin even in beauty salon. .

Bulldog named Snow White accompanies Mitu Fomin even in beauty salon. .

As it turned out, Mitya tried to correct the flaws in the behavior of the animal and even called the trainer, but nothing came out of this: "At first we tried to train her, she had an instructor with whom Snow White was engaged every day, she was taught to teams. But then we realized that this was not necessary. She is very obedient, very slow and prevent any disorder of discipline on its part is not at all difficult. From thought to action, it takes a lot of time, almost all of her actions I can predict. I love it to care for her, I am pleased to walk for a long time, when there is an opportunity, I feed, Ceshu, "Fomin admitted.

Despite the lazy nature of Snow White, she will not miss the opportunity to spend time with his star owner. So, for some time she goes with a fomient on beauty salons. While Mita make a hairstyle, he guards his peace.

Another homemade pet Fomin - Barmalei Cat. .

Another homemade pet Fomin - Barmalei Cat. .

By the way, Cat Mitya Fomin Barmalei, whom a friend presented him, became the main friend of his dog: "Barmalei is a real Buddhist! He suffers all, very calm, loves to not sleep in the sun. They are very friendly with Snow White, the cat loves the dog and often plays with her tail. However, it remains calm for a long time, it is difficult to involve it in the active process. But in the end, the dog gives up, understands that she is not going anywhere, and then a very funny game begins, "the artist told.

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