5 phrases that can not speak

  1. Never say never

Saying to yourself that you can never do something, you act in advance for yourself to fail. What is the point of trying if you already decided for myself that, for example, driving a car is not yours. The phrase "I never ..." is one of the most destructive for your life. You yourself put a restriction for yourself and throw to go to your goal. Why try to lose weight when I said that you can't get it? Therefore, you can safely continue to argue overnight. We yourself deprive the motivation.

Do not limit your strength

Do not limit your strength


  1. I am too young or old for this

Another demotivator. Age is just numbers in your passport that do not know anything. You are just looking for an excuse for your laziness to change something in your life. The habit of covering your laziness, timidity, indecision, fear of failure age makes in your life destructive changes. You stop trying, searching for resources to decide on something important. It is better to do, and not get the result than not even try. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, it will remain your experience. Follow your dreams and desires.

Start changing, never late

Start changing, never late


  1. I'm not enough ...

Doubting his skills, abilities, experience, you program yourself in advance to fail. A person is not born with a set of certain competencies, he learns, comprehending something new over the years. Believe in yourself, and you know everything and make. We grow and develop only if we do something new for ourselves and constantly leave the zone of our own comfort. Expand your professional and personal horizons. The more experience you have, these are more valuable as a specialist.

Do not be afraid to take for a new

Do not be afraid to take for a new


  1. Do not take your merit

Modesty, it is, of course, right, but no one calls you to brag, just your work and time must be appreciated. Saying "I could have coped with it," you deprive yourself of the rights to the deserved remuneration - and this is one of the key moments of motivation for further achievements. Hawmed yourself, not compare with others. Colleagues and bosses, usually, easily inspired people, they really might think that you do not do anything special and easy to replace.

Take praise without modesty

Take praise without modesty


  1. I do not do everything ...

You need to do something with self-esteem. Probably, you had too strict parents and teachers, scolded you for every mistake, for the slightest slip. Look, and you definitely find what you are doing 100% ideal, and therefore the previous statement is incorrect. Self-making "I do not do wrong" deprive you feeling stability, because you are worried about all the time for what I did and said, and even for what I have not done and did not say. You suffer in advance that everything will go wrong, configuring yourself for failure.

Ideal there is no

Ideal there is no


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