Signs prohibiting to be cleared in the house


We all want to make a living space as cozy as possible, for this it is necessary to periodically clean the house. But do you know that there are signs forbidding to clean? Not? Then we will tell.

During cleaning, we do not just throw away the garbage and remove the dust, it is also the process of energy cleaning at home. Signs are associated with this side. In a world that is not visible to our eye, there are many creatures that create this very energy, which is why there are certain signs and beliefs.

Vacuum cleaner can pour out the house at night

Vacuum cleaner can pour out the house at night


When it is undesirable to clean the house

The most popular beliefs:

In late hours / night

When close on the road

After the view of the bride

Church holidays

With open windows

During cooking

If we say about each accept separately, the following is obtained: in the evening hours it is impossible to clean up, as it is considered, you can "reissued" positive energy from the house or wake up the house that gets out and starts to hide things.

Another interpretation: a dark one comes to replace the positive energy. After cleaning, the emptiness is formed in space, which this dark energy can fill.

As for the houses, then, if you need to spend spelling in the evening, simply put in any delicacy.

During cooking, it is better to postpone with washing

During cooking, it is better to postpone with washing


Relatives on the road

It is believed that the washing of floors after the guests dries these people from your home, so if you want to see relatives more often, having time with cleaning at least a day. But if the guests are unwanted, here without washing the floors can not do: cleaning you will remove the negative energy from the house.


On the day, when there are looked, it is better to postpone all the mops and brooms, otherwise the likelihood is that the wedding will not take place. Yes, and after the wire, guests are usually not up to global cleaning.

Church holidays

It is already more difficult here, because in every religion there are days when cleaning is undesirable. On a holiday, it is better to go to the service, meet like-minded people, pray at home. Cleaning can wait.

Open windows

The people say that open windows during cleaning is a bad sign. It is believed that the quarrel in the family is not far off. However, this is a more rational explanation: if you open the windows, the dust will figure out all over the apartment, and this will significantly complicate the process.

washing floors after leaving guests can

Floor washing after guests can "cancel" their subsequent visits



Floating in the kitchen, do not try to "generate" simultaneously. As it says signs: cleaning and cooking are incompatible due to the possible deficit of products.

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