Stars confessed in love for sports


Alena Sviridova came to the show, Tatyana Mikhalkov and her former daughter-in-law Daria and her daughter Natasha, Irina Slutskaya with Son Artem, Angelica Agurbash, Factory Group, Anna Semenovich, Soloist Group "Roots" Alexander Berdnikov and Family, Actress Tatyana Kosmachev and Other stars.

Well, of course, this evening a lot of time was given to the issue of sports, since the collection was devoted to this topic. Stars shared their attitude towards physical education, and not only. So, the star of the series "Ship" Tatyana Kosmacheva told that she loves to run in the morning in the park near the house, and she also ended with repairs she did more than six months. "Now I feel great pleasure when I come home, realizing that this is the nest that I wanted to create and about which I dreamed."

Anna Semenovich on the yacht did not abandon the light branch, which consisted mainly of vegetables and greenery. "I am engaged in sports regularly in the gym, I have my own program - I am the coach itself by profession and I can say that in order to reset the extra kilograms, the most effective - cardiotry," the artist card opened.

Sasha Savelyev.

Sasha Savelyev.

Sasha Savelyev arrived on the ship on the principle of "from the ship to the ball", because at night she was sick with Andrei Malakhov in the studio for Polina Gagarin on Eurovision and returned home at five in the morning. "I believe that all girls and young people need to go to the gym," the artist about a healthy lifestyle thought. - Sport takes in my life not last place. My spouse also loves to play sports, and when he has time and it turns out, he is very happy. He, by the way, was very thinning lately. I don't even know what suddenly. I just wanted, probably. We have a sports family at all. "

Anastasia Zadorin and Tatiana Mikhalkov.

Anastasia Zadorin and Tatiana Mikhalkov.

The President of the Russian Silhouette Foundation Tatyana Mikhalkov arrived at the show not just like this: with the designer Anastasia Zadorina, almost friendly relations are associated. "I wanted to look at the sports collection. And I was happily seeing on the show by my granddaughter Natasha, "said Tatyana Evgenievna.

As for the sports topics, Mikhalkov confessed, Mikhalkov admitted that Sport was present earlier in her life, and she had been in the fitness room almost three times on the day. But now because of the employment - only a game of football with grandchildren in the country. "And sometimes we ride sometimes with Artem on bikes on Nikolina Mountain," said Tatyana Evgenievna.

Singer Alena Sviridova and figure skater Irina Slutskaya arrived not only to show himself, but also staged a real holiday to their offspring. Alain - the son of Grisch, who in his 11 years already almost caught up with mom in growth, and Irina Slutskaya - 7-year-old Artyom. For children on the ship, an entertainment program was organized, in which star siblings actively participated. And Artem also acted as a model.

Alena Sviridova with his son.

Alena Sviridova with his son.

Ex-daughter-in-law Tatiana Mikhalkova Daria brought his daughter Natasha. For the girl released on the podium, it was the first show in her life. But, judging by how confidently she kept, obviously not the last. Well, in his free time, the mother's time with his daughter was photographed into memory on the open deck of the yacht.

Alexander Berdnikov and his wife and two children.

Alexander Berdnikov and his wife and two children.

Alexander Berdnikov and his wife and two children also had fun. And his daughter Milan took part in the speech of the magicians and even learned to twist the ball on one finger.

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