Stress will not pass


Permanent stress has become an integral part of the life of many people - especially those who are forced to spend most of the time in the office. However, there are techniques that make it possible to cope with this will. A psychologist and parapsychologist Saon knows several effective anti-stress technicians.

The first reason for the occurrence of stressful situations is chronic fatigue. You can not go to exhaustion, even if you think it is extremely necessary. One day your body can fail. Plan your time and find an opportunity for sports. For example, on weekends you can visit the nearest pool. Swimming not only well strengthens muscles, but also gives relaxation. Spend weekend with benefit for yourself, communicate with friends, attend interesting places. Your task is not to dwell only at work, and even with a minimum of free time find options in order to deal with what will help you switch. Your life should not be boring and monotonous. Only this will help you cope with stress, which in our life every day more and more. However, there are techniques that can help right at work.

Minute with closed eyes

Imagine something pleasant. For example, mentally going to the sea, you can take some reboot of the brain. Our task is to completely disconnect from the present moment and at least for a minute to give our body a vacation.



Several sips of water

It is useful to drink water with small sips, throwing the head with this. If you do it several times - this will help include certain areas of the brain and increase its performance.

Breathing exercises

Controlled breathing, which includes deep breaths, respiratory stops, deep exhalations, promotes the reboot of the body: the abdominal wall is pulled, the diaphragm starts to work. It works in pump mode, lowers, it rises, it leads to enhanced blood circulation of internal organs, respectively, the brain is better saturated with oxygen. Breathe through the nose. Inhale, belly is filled with oxygen. Exhalation, stomach as it should be tightened to the spine. It is better to make nine breathing exercises, while each subsequent breathing slows down: a slow breath, even slower exhalation.

It is very important to be able to control your emotions. It happens that during the working day, when you are tired, you are every, even a small failure, a refusal that broke the call, unaccepting you perceive as something out of a series of outgoing, so they are ready to break because of a trifling. Remember that the awareness of your problem is half of its decision. When you understand that you are having anger, chagrin, you start controlling them. If you are not aware of this, you are driving in hysterics, respectively, spend a lot of strength and energy on negative emotions. Also, you do not need to respond with a negative negative. The best tactic is not to join the controversy, but take the time to think about the situation to resolve it in a peaceful way.

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