In the footsteps of Sponge Bob: 4 popular cartoon that teach bad


After the Nickelodeon channel post, a serious dispute broke out on Twitter: Fans of the Cartoon "Sponge Bob Square Pants" began to argue about the sexual orientation of the main character. However, official statements about doubtful tweet have not yet been received - it is worth waiting for a response of the TV channel and screenwriters, and not invent your versions. However, this is not the only cartoon that causes doubts: will tell about several animation series, which can stimulate your child to bad behavior.

"Masha and the Bear"

You seem cute at first glance, the cartoon raises a lot of questions. For example, why does the main heroine live in a country house alone if she is a child in the plot? But the main thing in this Miltfilm is not even this, but the behavior of Masha. The girl indulges, does not pay attention to the comments of the bear, offends animals, does not want to learn and so on. It is clear that this is a hypertrophied image of all the negative qualities of children, but it would still be useful if the baby took a lesson on education from each series. Interestingly, the foreign partners of Animakkord's company did not utterly embarrassed by the behavior of the girl - the cartoon sold for broadcasting in the UK, many countries of Europe and even Latin America.

The behavior of the heroine leaves much to be desired

The behavior of the heroine leaves much to be desired

Photo: Frame from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

"Happy forest friends"

The cartoon "Happy Tree Friends" was released in the US in the late 90s. In the plot, several forest animals play with each other, and then fall into trouble that every time he wraps in the death of the characters. Already in the middle of the first decade, the cartoon became popular among the schoolchildren of primary classes. In Russia, the broadcast of the cartoon led the channel "2 × 2", but in 2008 the Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Communications, Communication and Cultural Heritage Protection prescribed to remove the animation film from the air due to the fact that it promotes cruelty and damages moral development Child.

"Luntik and his friends"

In 2006, a cartoon was released about the incomprehensible purple creature named Luntik, who is trying to make friends with insects living in his small community. Most characters of these animated series are kind, but often show negative qualities. So the Kuzazh's grasshopper and the ladybug of Mila is distinguished by egoism - they are and then they swear with each other, not wanting to give way toy, nor sacrificing personal time for others. The caterpillars of Putsente and the Pupsen constantly put a pig to his friends, without thinking that many of their jokes can be dangerous. But Luntik manifests itself worse - he forgives all offenders, showing the absence of emotional intelligence, so all imaginary friends only enjoy his kindness, absolutely not learning about mistakes.

not always kindness is useful

not always kindness is useful

Photo: Frame from the cartoon "Luntik"

"Tom and Jerry"

One of the oldest cartoons existing since 1940. A quarrel of a cat with a house mouse can be ideally understood, but to perceive all their quarrels to children is clearly harmful. That Tom throws Petard, then Jerry is enough for his tail in a mousetrap - some children will gladly test these tricks on their ill-wishers. It is believed that some of the cartoon series were not released and censored, which happened not in vain - the manifestation of aggression here is obvious.

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