Laser hair removal: pros and cons


The wave of popularity of the procedure for removing unwanted hair with a laser overwhelmed social networks. Salons are also offering single and complex laser hair removal sessions - amounts are much different. Are you afraid of the pain and exposure to the laser? We will tell about all the nuances of laser epilation so that you can understand whether you want to go through the course or not.

Contraindications to conduct a procedure

Skin infectious diseases, including herpes in the aggravation stage

Oncological diseases

Vessel diseases and vessels, including varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

Pregnancy and lactation first 3 months

Epilepsy, lupus, porphyria

Increased temperature

Blood coagulation disorders and reception of drugs that reduce it

Allergy to sunlight - photodermatosis and reception of drugs that increase the sensitivity to light

The presence of a pacemaker or a cochlear implant

Carefully: Moles, pigment spots, scars and any skin damage; Receiving hormonal drugs and menstruation.

Consider contraindications

Consider contraindications


What are the lasers

There are two types of lasers suitable for epilation - Alexandrite and diode. For the speed of exposure, they are almost the same, only the diode laser has a wider range of exposure - they can be removed on dark skin with dark hair, and there is no on Alexandrite. Alexandrite laser works only on light skin with dark hair. We advise the diode laser - procedures on it are cheaper, they are less painful and faster.

On the device there is a special "ice" nozzle - it cools the skin at the outbreak. It will be a feeling that in the deep layers of the skin is hot, and on the surface, on the contrary, it is cold. The nozzle removes skin irritation due to the outflow of blood from its surface deep. During the procedure it seems that a small current current passes through the hairs - it will be slightly painful. If it hurts much, be sure to inform the master - it will reduce the power of the device.

Stages of hair removal and the duration of procedures

1-2 days before the procedure, you need to remove hair with a razor from the skin being processed. It is forbidden to use the electric razor, wax, tweezers and make shugaring. During laser epilation by a diode laser, the wizard will clean the skin with alcohol solution, will applies to it gel and only then starts to turn on the outbreaks. The procedure on the Alexandrite laser is carried out on dry, after processing with an antiseptic. The duration of the procedure in small zones like the armpits or upper lips - no more than 5 minutes, on the legs and bikini - 15-20 minutes. You will come to the second procedure after 3 weeks, on the third - after 1 month, on the fourth - after 1.5 months, and so on, until you delete all the hair. Usually requires 5-8 procedures to remove the hair. At the end of the course once every six months, you will need to come to the laser to maintain the result.

Using the epilator is impossible

Using the epilator is impossible



It is forbidden to go to the bath, sauna, swim in a hot bath and pool 3 days before and after the procedure

It is forbidden to make epilation by an electric razor, tweezers, walk on shugaring, photoepilation during the entire course of laser hair removal. You can use a razor without restrictions.

If you start taking the drug, warn about it the master

On the session you need to come with clean skin - you can not apply cream or oil, scrast the skin a week before and after the procedure

Summing up, let's say that We are confident - every girl is worth making laser hair removal If she has no contraindications and allow financial capabilities. This will greatly simplify your life and give the skin eternal smoothness subject to the passage of the full course and supporting sessions.

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