5 tips parents from children


Tip number 1.

Sometimes the children themselves ask them to limit them. But after all, the truth, filling the child toys, we compensate our childhood, and he does not need so much. The baby simply disperses attention, he cannot focus on something one. And then we complain to girlfriends: he breaks everything, she has no favorite doll.

Tip number 2.

Talk with a child as with adults. He is the same full member of the family. Your attempts to protect it from financial or social problems will lead to misunderstanding in the future. If you buy everything in 5 years that he will only want, then at 10 he will simply do not understand the refusal in the next whim.

Tip number 3.

From bad habits easier to protect immediately than to eradicate them later. And, example, parents, affected business. You can not drink with a child, smoke and swear - it will be perceived for the rate of behavior.

Tip №4.

Respect the child's opinion. At least in the part that concerns it. You may be incomprehensible and unpleasant to his cries and tears, but they often arise due to the discomfort of the baby, and not from a bad nature. Listen to the "whims" of your chad.

Tip number 5.

A small child is the same person, like you, not a doll, "which does not understand anything yet." Do not insult and do not humiliate him, discussing all his mistakes with girlfriends. He will remember it later.

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