A New Look


It is believed that the youth of view depends on the state of the soul, and not from age. But banal wrinkles or "bags" under the eyes can significantly spoil the overall impression of the appearance. Is it possible to get rid of them?

The skin around the eye was not initially lucky. It is almost deprived of fatty fiber, there are few sweat and sebaceous glands in it, and its thickness is only half a millionth. But the faithful load, which comes in the eyelids and eyes is incomparably more than the rest of the face. After all, we are constantly blinking, pushing, express various emotions, and women, plus to all, almost daily apply, and then remove cosmetics from the eye, which additionally injures the skin.

Collagen fibers on these sites are easily stretched, so the first wrinkles around the eyes may appear very early, in some - up to 20 years. Upon explicit predisposition to wrinkles at the eye, it is possible to start special care at any age. Cosmetologists advise to resort to one or another cosmetics based on the real state of the skin, and not passport. But there are problems with which you can cope only by special measures, because the creams are simply powerless here.

Problem: "Bags" under the eyes

Causes: Eyefoots under the eyes may be caused by a disorder of the exchange of fluids in the body (in particular, the improper work of the kidneys). The liquid is collected in areas where the skin is thin and easily accumulates water. Edema can also be caused by cardiac diseases and thyroid diseases.

But some people have a genetic predisposition to the formation of "bags". There is a hereditary defect, in which subcutaneous fat under the eyes comes forward due to weak muscles. Exacels the problem of some medicines, allergic reactions, smoking and alcohol.

Methods solutions:

Blephatheroplasty (from Greek. Blepharon - eyelid) - surgical correction of the eyelids by eliminating skin excess and adipose tissue in the field of the upper and lower eyelids.

The operation allows you to eliminate bags under the eyes, folds and wrinkles around the eyes, if necessary, plastic muscles of the periorbital area are also carried out.

"Blephatherallasty of the lower eyelids requires great mastery and accuracy from the surgeon, since excessive tension of the skin can lead to ectopia (in turning the edge of the lower eyelid)," says the doctor of medical sciences Igor White, the plastic surgeon of nanotechnology clinics and molecular therapy of Telos Beauti. - The procedure is carried out mainly under local anesthesia. A doctor through an incision gently removes excess fat and fabrics, then the skin returns to the place and stretches slightly. With the plastic of the lower eyelids, the seam passes directly under the ciliated edge, so the scars after the operation are invisible. The operation is usually carried out in a day hospital or with hospitalization on one day. Within two to three weeks after surgery, tissue swelling may be observed. Bruises pass in 10-14 days. Full rehabilitation occurs a couple of months.

With the help of classic blepharoplasty, both age-related changes and congenital features of the lower eyelids can be eliminated. But you should know that it does not contribute to the complete removal of wrinkles under the eyes, especially in the area of ​​"goose paws", and aimed at the correction of the subcutaneous fat hernia.

Often, the so-called transconjunctive blepharoplasty is performed for the correction of the lower eyelids. It differs from the usual the fact that the hernias are removed without an outer cut through tiny punctures from the side of the century conjunctiva. But it can be carried out only in the absence of excess skin on the lower eyelids. As a rule, this situation is found from relatively young patients with skin in good tone. This technique is not recommended for persons with thin, dry skin - it can "not sit down" after the fear of excess fat and lead to the effect of amplifying horizontal wrinkles in the lower eyelid.

Small cuts are made from the side of the Lower Century's conjunctiva, and therefore there are no visible scars. The recovery period after such an operation is faster - two or three weeks.

In some cases, during the age or genetic weakness of the muscles after classic blepharoplasty, the so-called the inverting of the lower eyelids occurs. In order to avoid such an effect, doctors additionally carry out a cantopsychia - an operation to fix the outer angle of the eye at a higher position. The seams are removed on the third day, the period of disability lasts about two weeks.

Patients often have a question: how to understand that without a cosmetic operation no longer do? Of course, it largely depends on the aesthetic requests of a particular person. But you should know that the edema and excess skin around the eyes are not just visually dried and the face, subcutaneous fat hernias create constant and undesirable pressure on the skin from the inside. As a result, additional wrinkles appear, under the heaviness of the tissues of the tissues, the lower eyelid can be separated from the outside. Therefore, the decision on the operation must be taken, thoroughly examining all sides of the question. "

Problem: Ptosis (omission) of the Upper Century

Causes: The omission of the upper age can occur for a variety of reasons: age aging, congenital pathology, consequences of the suffering disease, the result of injuries and injuries. Ptosis is manifested in the accusation of the upper eyelid, while the clearance can persist (then they talk about incomplete ptosis) or not (full ptosis).

Methods solutions: "The only option is to radically correct the situation - plastic of the upper eyelid," says Igor White, ", in contrast to other types of aesthetic deficiencies, PTOS may require a surgeon intervention in full of medical testimony. The fact is that if the eyelid is omitted more than half, there may be significant impairment of vision. It happens that hanging eyelid leads to increased fatigue of the eyes (due to constant voltage, to support them open) and twin in the eyes.

The surgical correction of PTOs is possible at any age and usually passes under local anesthesia. The incision of the upper eyelid is carried out in the same way as during classic blepharoplasty (seam hides in the natural fold of the century and over time is made completely inconspicuous). The seams are usually removed on the third day, after which the temporary signs of the transferred operation can be completely hidden by cosmetics.

The effect of the upper blepharoplasty is usually saved for a long time. "

Problem: pronounced "goose paws"

Causes: The network of wrinkles in the corners of the eye appears as a result of the facial activity: we pushed, peer into the monitor of the computer, Gmurim's eyebrows, we laugh, cry, and express the sea of ​​other emotions. Sooner or later, "goose paws" become visible absolutely from everyone. Wrinkles are more often formed on fine and dry skin, as well as lovers of an uncontrolled tan (photorestation effect).

Sometimes their appearance can be associated with a disadvantage of natural collagen or hyaluronic acid.

Methods solutions: If, in addition to wrinkles in the corners of the eye, nothing bothers you anymore (the upper and lower eyelids in order), then you can solve the problem without the help of surgeons.

Since wrinkles in this area are the result of the facial expressions, then good indicators can be achieved by reducing the activity of periorubital muscles using Botox injections (botulinumoxin). The essence of its action lies in the compulsory weakening of the activity of the propaganda muscles. It sounds frightening, but in fact the drug simply blocks the nerve endings in the muscles, as a result the latter relaxes, and the skin around the eyes ceases to experience a constant stretching load.

The effect of Botox lasts from 4 to 9 months, after which the folds are gradually returned to the state in which they were prior to the procedure. Understanding the action of the drug does not occur, and maintain the result of the injection can be repeated. "Contrary to the consequences of the press, the injections of botulinum orin do not cause organism poisoning," says Igor White. - The toxin concentration used is so small that it simply does not have enough power outside the place of the injection. The fear can cause another aspect: with the wrong place to introduce the drug or excessive dosage, the effect of mask masks occurs. Fortunately, this is a reversible process, but I don't want to look anyone as a robot, even even a couple of months. Nick Botoululus-toxin must be a qualified and licensed specialist based on the principle of point injection and taking into account the facial expressions of a particular patient, its skin type and much more. Proper dosage and neat professional approach - your safety guarantee. "

Another way to get rid of wrinkles in the corners of the eye is the injection of cosmetic phillers. Since the skin in this area is very thin and sensitive, it is best to use resinking drugs based on chemically modified hyaluronic acid. To obtain a filler gel, high molecular weight, well purified hyaluronic acid (GK) is required.

After administration in the skin gel, not only "pushes" wrinkles from the inside, leveling the overall relief, but also accumulates a large amount of water in this area, which leads to intense skin hydrating. In addition, the preparations of the GC stimulate the synthesis of their own collagen, elastin and glucosaminoglycans.

Hyalurone fillers have a long effect - up to 12 months, and then completely absorbed. Moreover, during the decay, they attract additional liquid reserves to the treated zone and actively moisturize the skin.

However, if in addition to the "goose paws", you also bother you and "bags" under the eyes, then from the fillers will have to abandon. Hyaluronic acid can aggravate swelling due to the properties of accumulating water.

The opinion of colleagues supports Lyudmila Cellin, a dermatocosmetologist, a doctor of the highest category, the coach of the company "Fitogen":

"If we have a habit of pucing from the sun, not putting on the glasses, and also squinting when trying to see something, then wrinkles appear because of frequently repetitive skin cuts. Unfortunately, they may arise in a completely young age. Most often owners of fine Skin. The fastest way to solve the problem is to make injections of botulinum toxin, which for a while blocks these muscle contractions, having rided the skin from permanent mimic fmination. But this is the most short-term solution to the problem, because mimic activity is restored after three to four months. Another way is Use techniques that affect the improvement of the skin structure to restore its quality characteristics. One of them is biographelization. Biorevitalization is a method of injection into the skin high molecular weight, in a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, similar to that produces skin. This allows you to maximize the skin, activate Development of collagen and own gia Luronic acid that return the skin into a younger state. Injections are conducted by a course, with a break in 2-3 weeks, in the amount of 4-5 procedures. How does everything happen? The skin of the eyelid is covered with small injections, almost to the edge of the eyelashes in the lower eyelid and under the eyebrow - on the top. Of course, in this procedure, the skill of the doctor is very important. After all, with bruises, you don't want to walk with anyone. I want to warn that some traces of injection still remain. Already too thin skin leather. But the effect after the course is not noticed! The skin is compacted, small wrinkles smoothed, Sinyan under the eyes becomes less - in a word, the skin of the youth. The effect of the course of treatment is supported by one-time injections at intervals in two or three months.

Problem: loss of tone, wrinkles

Causes: Unlike "goose paws", the loss of tone is accompanied not only by wrinkles, but also the common skin ferryness and, as a rule, is associated with age-related changes.

Methods solutions: If there is still clear contraindications to the breakfast surgery or for it, biorevitalization will come to the rescue. The procedure is an unmodified microinjection (not subject to chemical changes) of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Biorevitals contributes to holding a sufficiently large amount of moisture in the tissues, due to which the skin relief is improved, the wrinkles are cleaned, the tour of the tour increases and the synthesis of its own GK and collagen increases at the same time. The procedure effectively slows down aging and is recommended for the prevention of age-related changes since 25-30 years.

Chemical peelings based on trichloroacetic, salicylic or AHA acids contribute to rejuvenation and refreshing skin, smoothed wrinkles and level the relief. For the area around the eyes, median peels are most suitable (superficial does not give the desired result, and the depths are too aggressive).

Unfortunately, peelings have a number of shortcomings: to achieve visible rejuvenation, a whole course will be required (6-8 sessions at an interval of 2-3 weeks), in addition, even a highly qualified cosmetologist cannot always calculate the degree of penetration of the chemical solution into the skin. Sometimes it leads to a depreciation resistant (the effect of white circles around the eyes).

Microcurrent therapy is another way to return the skin youth and beauty. The procedure is an impact on the skin of the modulated pulses of the electric current of small amplitude. Microcurrents act as charging on the skin, subcutaneous fat tissue, muscles, blood and lymphatic systems. Leather restoration due to optimizing the internal work of cells, improving the metabolism of enzymes, accelerate the synthesis of amino acids, proteins and lipids. At the same time, the products of the exchange and toxins are removed from the skin, muscle spasms are removed, the Lymph outflows increase.

Fractional thermolysis is a relatively new and very effective way to combat adverse skin changes. In contrast to other laser techniques, fractional thermolysis does not lead to the creation of an extensive wound surface, and operates on the principle of perforation: for one flash, the laser "breaks" on the skin 250-500 microrans (laser microcams). Around each of them remain unaffected areas, and damage laser pulses give impetus to restoring the skin structure throughout the treated surface.

With it, you can remove wrinkles in a sensitive and tender eye area, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, update the epidermis and dermis. Moreover, the patient can go to work already the next day after the procedure (the skin is not covered with a crust and does not swell). The entire course of skin rejuvenation consists of 3-6 procedures, which are carried out with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

"A new method has appeared in modern hardware cosmetology, which is capable not only to deal with external age-related changes, but also solves the problem of skin rejuvenation both in the eye area and in other problem areas, such as neck, neckline, hands, - says Nina Rybinskaya, Chief Doctor of Lantant Clinic. - The revolutionary procedure is carried out on the AIRGENT device. It is based on a method based on the rejuvenation of skin cells at all its levels, starting from the top layer of the epidermis to the lower layer of the dermis. Rejuvenation occurs due to the introduction of nanoparticles into each skin cell, as a result of which the old cell is replaced with a new one. The device effectively affects the smoothing of wrinkles, but the skin thickening also occurs - more than three times. Already after one procedure, pigment spots disappear, black circles under the eyes, the venous mesh disappears, and the complexion becomes much better. The effect of this procedure lasts up to three years. "

Another technique, perfectly coping with the signs of age aging of the skin in the area around the eyes, is an ELOS technology. Abbreviation ELOS (Elos) is decrypted as "electro-optical synergy".

The essence of the technology is that the impact is performed simultaneously with two types of energy - light and electric. Energy penetrates directly into the deep, papilla, layer of the skin, stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin. Wrinkles are reduced due to the processing of their ST-nozzles. The skin pulls up, becomes an elastic, the complexion of the face is leveled. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure. The procedure can be done in the clinic of high technology Telos Beauty.

Problem: Schedule and swelling of the skin in the upper outer part of the cheeks, the degros of the middle zone of the face under the eyes

Causes: age-related changes associated with the common aging of the body, the individual characteristics of the structure.

Methods solutions: Cheklift check (CHEKLIFT). "Under the action of gravity forces and as a result of natural aging factors, the effect called" painlight lymphostasis "often appears. It manifests itself in the form of a skin sagging in the field of zoom - grooves and "bags" in the upper outdoor of the cheeks, "says Igor White. - In rare cases, such a picture can be observed in pretty young patients, and even the standard face lift does not solve the problem of this zone. To eliminate the "painting lymphostasis", an operation was developed that allows them to eliminate the declaration of the middle zone of the middle of the face on the eyelids on the centuries, effectively perform blepharoplasty by increasing the muscles of the lower eyelid and exclude the possibility of the pallet of the lower eyelid. In fact, the lifting check combines classic blepharoplasty in itself, an indinctional lifting of the middle zone of the person and described above the cantopsychiance (fixation of the outer corner of the century). In addition, for the accelerated smoothing of scars after surgery, fractional thermolysis is prescribed. As a result, the patient receives an explicit effect of rejuvenation and suspended the entire top half of the face, and not just an eye. This is due to the smoothing of the nasal groove and lifting soft tissues visually remove nasolabial folds. It must be said that any type of blepharoplasty requires a surgeon of a good feeling of measures and jewelry skills, because often after unsuccessful intervention, unwanted effects arise - round eyes, overly stretched skin, in the twist of the lower eyelid. To avoid nervous shocks and corrective operations (and to correct other people's flaws is always more difficult), you should immediately look for a highly qualified specialist. After all, the entire meaning of aesthetic surgery is that, without changing natural features and facial expressions, make the face of the fun and smashed. "

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