February Spleen: Find and neutralize!


A little sun in cold water

Refill the lack of vitamins and trace elements not only at the expense of fresh fruits and vegetables, add vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements. For example, a shortage of vitamin D, which is known to be produced in our body under the influence of ultraviolet rays, is manifested in the form of insomnia, increased irritability and fast fatigue. Fortunately, our smart body knows how to store this vitamin. However, by February, when the Sun is not really getting hard at the sun (unless, of course, do not go for a week-other on the warm sea-oceans), its reserves are hopelessly melting. You can compensate for this using ... fish fat that scared us in childhood. No, you have not needed to drink "this nasty" with a characteristic specific smell. Fish fat are produced in capsules. In addition, it is full of cod liver, salmon and calamity.

Get candy.

Make a list of cases and delete what has already been done. This is exactly what the model of Angela Lindval is coming. "If you are very active and all the time in a hurry somewhere, the best control over stress will be the preparation of such a list," she says. - I personally always do it. First, it is a great way to organize yourself: everything that has to be done is written in black on white and lies with you before your eyes. And secondly, the list allows you to plan a day and put priorities correctly. Do you know that in all this the most pleasant? Of course, strike out what has already been done! It's so great, you seek every time you get candy! "

Indian spices

It turns out that there are products that help to deal with accumulated fatigue. First of all, these are green vegetables (they are rich in antioxidants and help to remove toxins), fruits and green tea. You can also add turmeric to dishes. This fragrant spice contains an incredible amount of useful substances: vitamins C, K, group B, calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. In addition to the gastronomic advantages of Kurkuma, has strong anti-inflammatory properties, helps with colds and strengthens immunity. In the cold season, when our body is wexped and we are already clinging any illness, it is more than relevant.

Weather in the house

Smells, as you know, affect our mental state. Therefore, it is extremely important to surround yourself at home by the flavors that cause you a feeling of peace, harmony and heat. Many companies produce special perfumes for the premises - the main thing, do not confuse them with sprays that are designed to destroy unpleasant odors. "Homemade" aromas create famous perfumes using natural oils and expensive essences. Sometimes among their creations there are innocent works of art. The concentration of aromas for the interior is close to cologne, so they are quite persistent. It should be sprayed in the air and on the fabric, however, from a distance of twenty-thirty centimeters, so as not to leave traces. Unlike perfumed candles, the fragrance of which you need some time to "grow" in your apartment, such flavors give an instant effect.

Nerves are fine

Allow yourself ... yawning! Yes, yes, you all right read. This is a well-known sign of fatigue, but also a sign of restoring the equilibrium of the nervous system, specialists approve. Therefore, it is very useful to yawn.

East is a delicate matter

Buy perfume in which there are notes of spices. They warm even in the most gloomy day. "Nading" cracked oriental fragrance, we seek to go to the exquisite dress embroidered with golden threads and precious stones. Even if your company's dress code allows only strict business suits, you know what they actually came to work. We offer to "try" Allure Sensuelle from Chanel. In this perfume, all the treasures of the East are collected - dear incense and spices. Thinned and sensual, he will allow you to try on the image of the seductive Shareherzade from Arab fairy tales "Thousands and One Night." Candy fruits, seasoned with pink pepper, amber and vanilla, can be "used" in unlimited quantities.

If you prefer "dishes" with saffron, then you will be more suitable for Magnifique from Lancome. In this flower-oriental aroma, the sweet dope of roses, intertwining with a white jasmine, is knocked out no less than champagne. The secret lies in a combination of buds with saffron essence, Tminov, sandalwood and precious naigarm. - Extract of the Indian plant of the family of papyrus.

Step march!

Movement, as you know, this is life. Old as the world of truth, but nevertheless, we often forget about it. To run to buy a subscription into a fitness club is not necessary, and indeed, if you are lazy by nature and no persuasions will make you get up on a running track, the best way to walk. From time to time, forget about the car, bus or subway and just go on foot, at least one stop.

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