Tired by lack of sleep: get rid of circles under the eyes


One of the most unpleasant cosmetic problems - dark circles under the eyes. They are not so easy to hide, but also it is impossible to leave, as they create the impression of fatigue and non-reliever. We decided to talk about the most effective and, most importantly, the natural ways to combat the defect.

Almond oil

The tool has a pronounced effect due to the powerful composition of mineral components. You will need only a couple of drops that you should apply on gentle skin under the eyes before bedtime. In the morning we just wash off the oil with warm water. We repeat the procedure for about a month, but the effect you will get after three weeks.

Potato juice

The product perfectly brightens the skin at the same time without bringing unnecessary irritation. We rub one potato on the grater and squeeze the juice through the gauze. Welcome in the juice cotton disk and put on the eyes for 15 minutes. After the procedure, wash the composition with warm water. The effect will appear after a couple of weeks, provided you did a potato mask 3 times a week.

Permanent masking is meaningless

Permanent masking is meaningless

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Juice cucumber

It is not necessary to put the juice at all, it is enough to cut the cucumber on the circles, then on the slices. We fold the slices in the refrigerator at about half an hour. Cool cucumber put on the bottom and upper eyelid, the binding components of the vegetable are beautifully fighting with an edema, in addition, the cucumber allows you to slightly brighten the skin around the eyes.

Pink water

Excellent calming agent. The rich natural composition will help to cope not only with the darkened skin around the eyes, but also will calm down, if you, let's say, was a hard day before the computer or simply eyes alone. Natural pink tonic must "settle" on the shelf in the bathroom.

Powerful cooling

If dark circles are your regular satellites, forget about hot water wash. Delicate skin around the eyes will dare even more if there is a continuous effect of high temperatures. But do not get carried away too cold water, it is best to use an ice cube after washing. You can buy ready-made ice, however, we advise you to make it yourself. The composition can be any, your taste, and still pay attention to ice from vegetable juices, for example, those we talked above, or frozen green tea, which has a powerful whitening effect and is rich in antioxidants.

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