Ekaterina Klimova secretly married?


About a month ago, the network has information that Catherine Klimova is pregnant. And today there were rumors that the pregnant actress married the actor gel Meshi. True, the details of the marriage are not yet communicated.

Catherine Klimova 37 years old, its possible chosen one - 29. It is reported that the novel began in the middle of last year during work in the TV series "Wolf Heart", where Catherine and Gela were filmed.

Gela Mesha. Photo: instagram.com.

Gela Mesha. Photo: instagram.com.

If the rumors about the interesting situation of the actress are confirmed, then Catherine will become a mom for the fourth time. The actress has a daughter of Lisa from the first marriage and sons of the roots and Matthew, who were born in marriage with Igor Petrenko. Gela has no children yet. The actor was born in Moscow. His father is half a Spaniard, half Georgians. In childhood, Gela dreamed of becoming a football player, but by graduation I still chose the profession of the actor and entered the School-Studio MCAT, for the course of Konstantin Raykin. Money was busy in many productions of the MHT educational theater, starred in several TV shows.

Judging by the photos in "Instagram" Catherine, she feels great and boasts an excellent appetite: the actress eats even driving a car in traffic.

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