Smooth work: the most effective ways of epilation


Fashion for smooth, without signs of vegetation, the skin came to Europe from the east - in the harem was considered the need to remove hair from bodies of concubines. Yes, and in an ancient Rome in terms, there was a popular, let and painful, the procedure is to pull out each individual hairs by screwing onto the thread.

And since then, for many centuries in a row, humanity is fighting (with alternating) success with extra hairs. To date, there are many ways to get rid of vegetation.

Shaving - The simplest of all the procedures known to date. However, the result is kept very short time. In addition, sometimes irritation arises and ingrown hairs;

Epilator processing - Also a relatively simple way, during the procedure, there is even partially destroyed the structure of the bulbs. However, getting rid of hair is quite painful, among the minuses also frequent skin irritation.

Chemical methods (for example, cream depilator) - You can get rid of the hair quickly and painlessly, but the result is very long.

Bioepilation (Shugaring, Vaxing, etc.) - removal of hair without the destruction of hair follicles, for which waxes, vacresses, phytosmols are used, as well as preparations based on honey and sugar. The procedure is often very painful, moreover, often causing irritation. If the skin is dry and sensitive, perhaps the appearance of ingrown hairs.

Hardware cosmetology

However, if you want to get rid of the hair forever, without hardware cosmetology can not do. In specialized salons or clinics offer quite a few ways.

Photoepilation - irradiation of thermal energy. The method is quite effective - the results are visible already after the first procedure, and from the hair you can get rid of several years. Among the minuses are a number of contraindications and the need to carry out several procedures in a row.

Electroepilation . From the side, this procedure looks like acupuncture: at the very foundation of hairs, right under the skin, the finest needles concerning hair bulbs are introduced, after which the electric current is supplied to these needles. The procedure is quite painful: sometimes it even has to apply local anesthesia.

Elos-epilation - A new type of epilation, which summarizes all the advantages of existing technologies - photoepilation, laser hair removal, electroepilation. During the procedure, the hair follicle is destroyed under a one-time effect of high-frequency light pulse and current. It is considered a fairly effective way to get rid of hair, however

In the process can be felt noticeable discomfort.

Qool-epilation - Another new way of removing hair. Epilation is carried out using an invisible laser, the wavelength of which is 1064 nm. Despite its painlessness and excellent results, this method has a wide range of contraindications.

AFT-epilation - an improved combination technique combining laser and improved photoepilation using two new apparatuses - Soprano XL (diode laser, considered to be a gold standard in the field of modern epilation) and Narmony XL (advanced fluorescent technology). The procedure is painless. Despite the fact that new types of epilation are constantly appearing in the cosmetic services market, still one of the most reliable, simple and efficient ways to remove unwanted hair is considered laser. Talk about it more.

What you didn't know

Laser hair removal with all its popularity is nevertheless a rather short history. The world learned about it no more than twenty years ago, when a group of young American scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, USA, in 1986) under the leadership of Professor Dermatology Rocks Anderson formulated the theory of selective photothermolysis, in accordance with which painted human tissues have the opportunity to absorb light selectively. Painted fabrics include, for example, surface vessels on the skin, pigment stains and hair. After absorption of light, the fabric is first heated, and then destroy.

In subsequent years, this technology has been applied in clinical and scientific practice, in the treatment of vascular lesions of the skin, removing tattoos and epilation. In 1994, the first EPILIGHT epilation device was created using intensive pulse light (IPL), and the term "photoepilation" was introduced. In 1997, photographic technology received the FDA resolution (Food and Drug Administration) - Drug Control Management and Food Products USA. In 1998, the first epilight was delivered to Russia and passed clinical trials.

Two years later, the first specialized laser appears on the world market, which was used strictly for laser hair removal. They became Rubi, or a ruby ​​laser, the wavelength of which is 694 nm. The name of the laser went from aluminum oxide crystals, which were activated using chromium ions. The radiation of the ruby ​​laser is actively absorbed by melanin hair and skin, but the use of a ruby ​​laser today is limited, because it can be removed from it only with dark hair and only enough light skin.

In addition, the speed of hair removal when using a ruby ​​laser is very low.

The essence of laser hair removal is as follows: Melanin, in the stem cells of the hair follicle, absorbs laser energy and instantly heated, which leads to the destruction of the hair follicle, while the surrounding tissues containing less melanin are not damaged. The power of the laser pulse is selected in such a way that it is only enough to destroy the hair growth zone, the laser radiation wavelength and the pulse parameters are selected so that the impact on the melanin of the epidermis is practically absent. The destruction of the hair under the action of heat is called photothermolysis.

Similarly, you can eliminate the hair visible on the skin. But in the skin of a person laid reserves of hair lows, which are at rest. After 3-4 weeks, the sleeper follicles are activated and the second wave of hair will appear on the skin - the laser epilation procedure is repeated.

A distinctive feature of laser hair removal is that it is in addition to the death of active hair lows causes a weakening of sleeping. After 2-3 sessions, the patient notes not only a decrease in the amount of hair, but also the change in their color and structure (hair becomes thinner and lighter). With each subsequent procedure, the "hairless" period is extended.

What to prepare

So you decided on laser hair removal. What to prepare? Experts recommend not to use Vaxing 3 weeks before laser hair removal (during this period, hair on the surface estimated surface can be shed or depilated with cream), it is also not recommended to sunbathe with the active sun within a week before the procedure starts. But the careful depilation of cream or shave the treated surface is no later than 4-6 hours before the procedure starts simply necessary.

To understand how effective laser hair removal is from a particular client, you must first consult with your doctor. During the first meeting, a test procedure is carried out, as a result of which the optimal parameters of the laser radiation generation are clarified in relation to the type of skin, the color and structure of the client's hair. A detailed history is going to information about the reception of medical drugs, the availability of diseases and much more, which can affect hair and, accordingly, the success of their removal.

If laser hair removal is suitable for removing hair to this patient, the procedure begins, during which the patient feels warm and easy tingling at the exposure site of the laser beam. For people with very sensitive skin and low pain threshold on the epilation zone 1 hour before the procedure, an anesthetizing cream can be applied (5% Emla). The most sensitive areas of the skin are the bikini and crotch zones.


Laser hair removal - the procedure is unique, since almost no contraindications. Also, this method has no side effects and complications. IR radiation of the laser (wavelength range for removal) on the body does not affect the body, on the contrary, it has a wellness and stimulating effect. The only thing immediately after the session in the zone of the exposition may be observed swelling, but it falls in a few hours.

It is impossible to resort to laser hair removal only in the following cases:

• lactation and pregnancy

• wounds on the surface being worked

• Acute inflammatory skin diseases

• Oncology

• Acute infectious diseases

However, there are cases when even laser hair removal will not be able to help get rid of excessive vegetation. Because the problem is a little deeper. And in these cases it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

"If a woman has increased hair growth, then you need to understand: it does not arise without a reason," says Candidate of Medical Sciences, the Endocrinologist of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure Svetlana Kudryakov. - Most often increased hair growth is associated with hormonal disorders. Therefore, there is a need to consult with endocrinologists before making epilation. It is necessary to understand what we are dealing with - with a failure in the hormonal system or simply constitutional features. In order to understand this, we offer to pass hormonal analysis - sex hormones are examined, adrenal hormones (that is, those hormones that we call androgenic, or male sex) ".

What should any of the women be alert? At what point is the consultation of the endocrinologist?

"For example, that, despite repeated epilation sessions, the hair growth continues not only in other places, but also in those areas that have already been treated, and the hair grows in a sufficiently large amount. Here you can already think about some kind of hormonal breakdown, "Svetlana Kudryakov explains. - To deep regret, in recent years there are more and more such cases, and young girls have become more likely to contact us, a new generation. It is difficult to correct the exact reason for the increase in such stories - either because now much more stresses, whether there is not a very favorable environmental situation in everything. However, the fact remains a fact. We often find changes in the hormonal spectrum.

Well, when the problem is revealed, the question is already being solved, how to solve it - or it is necessary for medication, or sufficient cosmetology. But in any case, there are no other contraindications on the part of endocrinology. "

What is the result

Another advantage of laser hair removal: the results are visible immediately. Although it is necessary to take into account that depend on the type of skin, color and hair structures.

What do we see? Thin hair after laser flashes disappear without a trace. From a rigid hair remains a small burnt plot of a former hair rod. Such burnt flares after 3-5 days on the face and 10-14 days in other parts of the body fall on their own.

During the subsequent × 3-4 weeks, the gradual germination of sleeping hair and the laser epilation procedure must be repeated. After the second visit, most patients note a significant decrease in the number of newly grown hair, their thinning and even change in coloring (hair becomes more light).

To achieve the best effect, it may be necessary to 6-10 sessions depending on the epilation zone. For more accurate prediction of the final result of epilation, it is necessary to take into account the fact of the strong dependence of the growth of hair from the state of the endocrine system of the patient's body, to be more accurate, then from violations in the operation of this system. It is well known that the imbalance of sex hormones, adrenal hormones, pituitary glands leads to the constant formation of new hair follicles, making the purpose of hair removal forever almost unattainable.

In such cases, the task of getting rid of unwanted hair is successfully solved with the help of a joint effort of a cosmetologist with an endocrinologist. In such cases, the patient is important to know that the final result can be given, but the beautiful aesthetic effect it will be observed immediately after each session of laser hair removal. This is the important advantage of laser hair removal to other types of epilation.

By the way, there are more procedures for men, which is due to the peculiarities of their hormonal status. Men's hair with the same success is exposed to thermal destruction during laser hair removal, as well as female, and the dead hair follicles will no longer be sources of new hair growth.

New method

There are several methods of laser hair removal. The basis of all of them is the effect of absorption of the energy of electromagnetic waves by the structures of the hair. However, one of the most advanced methods, many professionals consider Laser epilation of Lightsheer Duet.

"This is a truly unique procedure in which a number of innovative solutions are used to make laser hair removal not only effective, but also highly safe, comfortable, fast and painless," says Elena Radion, head physician of the Beauty Institute. - Here are just some of its advantages.

Diode laser. In cosmetology for epilation, diode lasers with a wavelength of 800 nm are used. Radiation with such a wavelength, on the one hand, it penetrates deeply deeply into the skin, on the other hand, is still significantly absorbed by melanin. Thus, diode lasers occupy a golden middle between the Alexandrite and neodymium lasers.

Optimal wavelength (800 nm) and a wide range of pulse duration (from 30 to 400 ms), the use of external cooling or the use of a unique vacuum gain technology is all allowing to work effectively both with light skin types and dark, including tanned. Thus, today there are practically no restrictions when conducting laser hair removal on the Lightsheer Duet apparatus.

The presence of two handles with different area of ​​the working stain - the ability to work with both large areas (high speed and comfort) and with anatomically complex areas.

The contact cooling technology of Chilltip is based on the use of the unique properties of the sapphire - material with thermal conductivity of the metal, but absolutely transparent for laser radiation. Cooling is calculated in such a way as to effectively remove heat from the skin surface, excluding thermal damage to laser radiation.

Vacuum reinforcement technology Used in HS handle. In the process of the device, the vacuum draws the skin inside the space of the handle. At the same time, the following effects arise:

• Hair follicles are pulled as close to the emitter;

• The upper layer of the skin - the epidermis - stretches, becomes almost "transparent" to laser radiation, i.e. the top layer of the skin does not absorb laser energy;

• vessels stretch - hemoglobin practically does not absorb laser energy - the inappropriate absorption of laser radiation and damage to vessels decreases;

• The melanin layer on the surface of the skin is thinned, also reducing inappropriate absorption;

• All energy is directed towards the stem cells of the hair follicle;

• Due to the mechanical effects of the vacuum, pain sensations from heating the skin with laser radiation are reduced (the theory of "gates for pain").

All these effects allow us to ensure the stream of energy required for the effective destruction of follicles, and make the laser epilation procedure as comfortable and absolutely safe and painless.

It should be noted that with the advent of Lightsheer Duet, laser hair dishes went into the past. Now the laser epilation procedure has become absolutely painless and the most fast and comfortable!

In this way, The main advantages of laser hair removal Lightsheer DUET:

• The time of the procedure is on average 3 times less than in many other laser devices, the processing of large areas occupies few minutes.

• High level of comfort and painlessness of the procedure without reducing efficiency provide two technologies: vacuum gain (HS handle) and contact cooling CHILLTIPTM (ET handle).

• Used on all types of skin (I-VI), including on tanned. It has greater efficiency in comparison with Alexandrite and neodymium lasers.

• Preset operating modes that have been developed based on the enormous clinical experience of Lightsheer make it possible to obtain effective results even novice practices, completely eliminating the likelihood of negative consequences. "

So, the procedure is like for absolute painlessness, maximum speed and comfort, and most importantly, a predicted excellent result. After all, in summer, on the beach, we want to be impeccable. Therefore, it is worth choosing those procedures in the effectiveness of which we are absolutely sure.

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