How did the stars meet the beginning of the summer?



For the singer, the first June - the day is special, because it is a mother of two daughters - eight-year-old Safina and Seven-year-old Michella. The actress placed an archive photo in the microblog with her girls and wrote touching congratulations. "What is happiness? Happiness is easy. It begins with a half meter of growth. These are dispensers, booties and whirl, the newly described Momin Sarafanchik. Ripped tights, shot down knees, it is painted in the hall corridor. Happiness is a soft warm palm, for the sofa of candy, on the sofa of crumbs. What is happiness? It is easier not to answer: there is it for everyone who has children "(here and then the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - congratulated Alsu's parents.

Gluck'Oza with daughters. Photo:

Gluck'Oza with daughters. Photo:


The artist in honor of the holiday decided to talk about his childhood. "I remember not so much childhood," Natalia wrote. - I remember that I always loved life and my family. I remember many difficulties, and how they influenced the formation of an adult "me." I remember how I was happy with trifles, such as foreign candy, new jeans or toys. I remember Corn, Phantiki, Bit, Turbo, Love Is, Cossacks-Robbers and bouncers. Even the taste of cola and other sodes and chemistry, like Yupi. I quickly matured, started working. Because very early felt responsible for everything that happens to me and close. The time was like - not easy - for the whole country and everyone. I wanted to help. So my first castings happened, the roles, the first money ... I am glad that today my children can give me to give the priceless moments of children's happiness, the children's perception of the world, without malice, without envy. If I asked me what to give you? Your most cherished dream ... I would answer - childhood. Happy and carefree. Happy child protection. "

Ekaterina Volkova with family. Photo:

Ekaterina Volkova with family. Photo:

Ekaterina Volkova

The star of the series "Voronina" decided to explain to her fans why she loves the first day of summer. "I really love June 1 for many reasons. But about everything in order, but while I wish you good morning, have a nice day and mood! " - I intrigued the actress. And then she began to list the causes of their special love for this day. "Happy child protection day !!! Be children! And keep your childhood in your children! We always have time to grow up, "Catherine wrote. - hear children's laugh is our big happiness and reward. I wish you a lot of bright events, adventures and meetings this summer! After all, summer is a little life. "

Jasmine with daughter. Photo:

Jasmine with daughter. Photo:


The artist wrote two congratulations in social networks. The one was addressed to all parents, and the other is personal, son, the seventeen-year-old Mikhail, for which the last call ranked this year. "Children are our embodied dreams, these are our hopes and our little and wise teachers !!! - congratulated everyone on the holiday of Jasmine. "Let's do that in the eyes of our babies, happiness, joy and understanding of the fact that they are sincerely and selflessly love them !!! Happy Children's Day !!! " And for Mikhail Semendueva, the singer created a very personal post: "My dear son, with the holiday of you, with the day of child protection! For me, you will always stay your beloved child, no matter how much you are! Moreover, someone else has not yet grown to the age of adulthood, although it looks like ooooooo adults. "

Zara with children. Photo:

Zara with children. Photo:


Few of the fans of the singer saw the singer ice skating and with the key. In honor of the day of protection of children, she published a very funny photo with sons - five-year-old data and three-year-old Maxim - who are engaged in hockey with mom. "Children are our future, our support and support! My dear, happy child protection !!! " - signed a picture Zara.

Children of Irina Slutskaya. Photo:

Children of Irina Slutskaya. Photo:

Irina Slutskaya

An athlete, judging by her microblog, adores his son and daughter and with pleasure with them fools and having fun. In honor of the holiday, she published a photo of a seven-year-old Artem and a four-year-old Varvara and admitted to them in love. "Happy child protection day !!! Love the kids, their own and strangers! After all, they are the gift of God! My candy, my favorite kids, "Irina wrote.

Tina Kandelaki. Photo:

Tina Kandelaki. Photo:

Tina Kandelaki

The businesswoman remembered how in childhood he broke his leg, as a newly studied to walk the scorch and what the joy and feeling of flight from the first jump after a long break was tested. "We were all ever children: defenseless, dreamy and complete hopes. We believed in miracles and they happened to us, - began their story about the childhood of Kandelaki. - In childhood, I broke my leg and lay in the gypsum half a year. The foot was restored for a long time and painfully. For about a year I could not run scraping. And one day, going the usual dear with my mother, suddenly tried and I turned out. It seemed to me that I was rejuvenated from the earth and fly. I can fly when I want. Children believe in such, but, matured, we forget about magic and magic, which in childhood seemed to us part of life. We are growing up, gaining experience and lose the illusions ... Do you need to devote children early in difficulty in this world? In his complexity and uncompromising? It seems to me that until a certain age, you can upgrade with this, surrounding the child with love, as a shield from the cold world of adults ... Children need to love, you need to give them to feel it every minute that they are the meaning of our life, their experiences and things for us are most important. And if we can cope, the children will grow adults and at least try to make this world better. " It is worth recalling that Tina brings up 15-year melania and 13-year-old Leonthia.

Anita Tsoi with aunt. Photo:

Anita Tsoi with aunt. Photo:

Anita Tsoi

The first day of the summer singer met in Tula. And, taking advantage of the opportunity, he visited her favorite aunt Galya, to which he often went to visit. "Cool day in Tula," Anita told his fans. - Many useful, good deeds for children made. But the main event was a meeting with my beloved aunt Galya (Mamina Sister). As a child, I often came to it to swim on the street of Leteyazen. Go to the cinema in the city of Oktyabrsky, went to a clear clearing ... Today she was proud of me, looking like I perform on the central square to them. Lenin. After the concert, I invited it to the best restaurant of the city, and we celebrated our meeting. How many lights, smiles and excellent memories swept between us in two hours of meeting. Cool day!"

Elena Borscheva. Photo:

Elena Borscheva. Photo:

Elena Borscheva

The actress, who became a mother for the second time on April 1 of this year, gave his little congratulations to understand fans that he was not going to stop on two daughters. I really liked this attitude to readers of her social attitude. "Children-flowers of life, I have 2 flower: a march and dick !!! Happy child protection day! Love them! " - wrote Borschev.

Valeria with daughter Anna Shulgina. Photo:

Valeria with daughter Anna Shulgina. Photo:


A happy mother of three children - 22-year-old Anna, a 21-year-old Artemy and 17-year-old Arseny - remembered when her kids were still small, and published archival photos. "Happy Children's Day, Friends! Children are our meaning of life, our joy and happiness. Let them succeed, let them be more successful, happier than their parents, and we all their life devotedly and definitely continue to love them, "Valery wrote in a congratulatory signature. By the way, together with her husband, Joseph naughty, they raise six children, as the producer from previous marriages have a son Dmitry and two daughters - Danae and Elizabeth.

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