Nikita Panfilov: "Acting is a disease that needs to be supported."


"Your father was a kind of the theater of the hoochy comedians." Is your first acting experience happened there?

- Yes, I started playing the Father's Theater from five years. The role was in the play "Ivan-Tsarevich". The first impression is standing under the piano, and father: "You can't do not pass in a straight line? Took. Raised the sword. Passed straight! It's so easy! " Such a picture I was imprinted in memory. Probably, I first encountered in my life that someone shook at me at all, I was tasked. Such Flashbek.

- It turns out, your acting fate was predetermined?

- I thought something about what. But fate still leads you to how it should be. The main thing is not to resist. But I constantly tried to wilt somewhere to the side. And in the end, after the army, I thought: why do I even want? And I understood: the only thing that I was impressed, carried away and interested in this life, is the acting profession.

- You studied at the Studio School, MCAT, and you had a truly starry ...

- Yes - Max Matveyev, Mariana Spivak, Katya Vilkova, Anton Shagin ... Probably because the masters were with us 120 percent of their time. In the second year, I counted how many teachers did passages with us. 12 people! And all of them are actors and directors. We, students, slept for 4-5 hours. On Sunday, everyone came to MCAT and worked. And all of the guys who wanted to be in the theater or in the cinema today there.

- What is the game on stage for you?

- This is dope! When I left Mkhat, then two years experienced theatrical breakdown. I was afraid to turn on the TV and get to theatrical production. Probably, drug addicts feel ...

- Why did you leave the theater?

- It was my choice. I deliberately went to the movies. My conviction - you must first earn a name.

Nikita Panfilov:

The new work of Panfilov in the TV series "Winner" will probably become a revelation for his fans

- Are you sure that in the same water can be included twice? And what, becoming famous, can you go back to the theater?

- Sure! When everyone, you can show what you can, then the attitude towards you will be different. Still, MCAT is such a theater to which you need to grow. What am I saying? To any theater you need to grow. It is impossible to come from the institute and start playing immediately all the main roles.

- You compared theatrical breaking with narcotic. Doctors have ways to output a person from this state, and you have a recipe?

- No, just play on stage! This is a disease that needs to be supported. I always try to talk one thing: "If you can not be an actor - do not be them, please. You must be an actor in one case: if you can't do anything different! " So I can not in a different way. Therefore, I have breaking. And someone leaves - and feel great. I have one classmate who is happy that left a profession. Another considers it stupid his admission to theatrical. In general, this is a dangerous profession. A lot of actors do not remain. Sometimes fate is very very broken. Only five percent of graduates of theatrical universities become famous ...

- And some still say that this is not a men's profession.

- No that's not true. Nonsense! The acting profession is very complicated and terrible. You need to be a real man in order to plunge all this. I remember how Mashkov and Mironov said, what complex tasks put in front of them Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov and that they eventually got the scene before reaching the stage. Not being a real man, how to do it? ..

- Are you an ambitious person?

- Yes of course. But here you need to understand: Without ambitions you will not do anything, but with an abrasiveness of ambitions you will not do anything either. Need a gold face.

- Today you have a huge filmography. Tell me, for you there is a difference - participation in the series or in a big meter?

"I can say so, in everything there is a big difference." The series is one thing, the full meter is the second, the short one - the third. Documentary cinema is also different. This is one profession, but different items. Thank God, fate gave me a chance to participate in all this. Some believe that sounding is quite a simple lesson. Nothing like this! It is very difficult. It's how to start learning on a new musical instrument: insanely interesting, but difficult. And beautifully in its own way, of course.

- With such employment, probably, you are very tired?

"You know, one sage said:" If you want a day not to work, find a profession that you love. " It turns out that I did not work for any day. (Laughs.) This is such a pleasant fatigue! I am amusing me all the time when, for example, someone on the site says: "Oh, I have one scene! All guys, while! Do not envy! " Honestly, it is crazy me. And what to envy? You came to the scene, freed before everyone, not tired, did nothing and leave. On the contrary, everyone must regret you. Personally, I am very pleased to come first and go away from the site. I do not know, maybe I'm crazy? (Laughs.) But I really like to come home tired, realizing that I worked, I did something. It seems that the whole wet, sudden, but at the same time filled with energy.

Nikita met Ksenia in social networks. And now she is already shot in the movies

Nikita met Ksenia in social networks. And now she is already shot in the movies

- Recently ended the shooting of the "winners", which will show on NTV. There you had the role of a lawyer of the XIX century. And what role do you like more - historical or modern?

- I like good stuff. And historical, modern whether - not such a big difference. And then the unique product, since everything has developed. But the main thing was insanely beautifully written the text - just a gift of the gods, probably.

- Did you study the profession of your character?

- Sure. I read about the lawyers of the time. Here is another thing: when a script is written beautifully, it already gives 50 percent of your character's understanding. This is one of these cases when you do not need to invent your hero.

- Recently was the information that you had a head on the set ...

- ... Yes, stupidity is all! (Laughs.) Mounted "Sensation" from several news. Head did not break through. The man just missed the playground and the gun broke my head. And in the hospital was taken to the PSA of the graph, because it proportor the stomach on the same shooting.

- Do you often come across such ridiculous rumors?

- Lord, it's all right. The more the person becomes interesting and known, the more he is trying to say about him. They were talking about me more disgusting things for which they only have to smile.

- I heard that after my first divorce, you gave yourself a word no longer marry ...

- ... Yes, it was the case.

- But that did not happen. You married the second time. And even they say, attended when childbirth. Did it really cut the umbilical cord?

- No, no, no, it's again lies. (Laughs.) Underpowder I did not cut. In the most tragic moment they were kicked out, but with the birth themselves I was present. This, in my opinion, the duty of any man. You must support your spouse. For all beliefs, canons and rules, a man must take a child immediately after childbirth. Then the father with the child comes a connection. Energy. You must be the first, whose voice will hear the child, the first hands, which he will feel, - Father. I understood this and realized to what extent it is true to what extent it works. 100 percent!

- Your son has an unusual name - Dobrynya. Did you think up?

- So because the patronymic is what! Nikitich! What to disappear? (Laughs.) If there would be a girl, problems would begin. No matter how you call, you will get Babushkino name: Anna Nikitichna. Some nurse. (Laughs.) And if the Son is easier here. It turned out that Nikitovic can be called, and it is possible Nikitich - such a double standards today. But here I did not think. My son is now present at the playground: "What is your name?" - "Igor. And you?" - "Nikitich!" And the whole sandbox is freezing: "Gone! So it does not happen! From cartoon, what?! "

- How are you calling him affectionate?

- Dobrynchka.

- Dobrynya in something manifest itself? He is already four years old, and you have already played your first role in five ...

- He is insanely creative child. To involve it in the game of the Association is at times! He bathes in fantasies. I recognize myself when I was as much as he now. When I stayed alone in the house of culture for several hours, I had only this most gigantic DC and a small glass ball from toys. And I chased all the floors with this glass ball on all floors. Competed with himself on speed, and the ball was a prize. In general, a lot fantasized. And Dobrynchka, apparently, it inherited. Bread do not feed - let me play in the association.

- You broke up with a mother of Dobryni. What are your relationship today? After all, one time appeared negative materials about you from her words?

- Normal relationship. It is better than any. When I come to Moscow from the shooting, I definitely meet with good.

- Do you take it to the playground?

- Not yet. Now, for example, I am shooting in the TV series "Dog" of the NTV channel in Kiev. Two flights, first to Minsk, from there to Kiev, is hard for him. Why do the baby carry? Maybe later.

Nikita and Ksenia. Very harmonious couple. Nikita now knows exactly: random meetings can lead to a serious relationship

Nikita and Ksenia. Very harmonious couple. Nikita now knows exactly: random meetings can lead to a serious relationship

Gennady Avramenko

- But today you are not alone again. Did you really get to know your current choices of Ksenia Sokolova in social networks?

- It really happened. True, I met her thanks to her girlfriend, who joked and sent me a message from her behalf. I went to the page to see who it was. Looked. Some kind of girl. Beautiful. The correspondence began, and continued to write a friend. Ksyuha did not even know about this. Then he saw horror that her girlfriend wrote me. But we started to communicate in any case. And after some time I invited Ksyuhu, who herself from Peter, to visit Moscow. And then somehow twisted. Apparently, it was like stars that we are together now. After all, Ksyusha could not imagine to take and go to Moscow to a stranger. Yes, and I never got acquainted in social networks. All my dating took place through friends, acquaintances, at parties ... And here everything happened, no one even came to mind. And now for two years as we are together.

- God loves trinity?

- Yes, I really hope.

- You even joined Ksenia to the movies, as they say?

- Yes, she already starred in two paintings. Soon "revenge", where she played a nurse. I saw how her knees were shaking before the filming, but she mastered everything courageously. She also played in one of the episodes in the TV series. There she has a big role. In general, he joined. Over two roles. And this is no longer huchry-flies.

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