Not my concern: how men avoid duty


Today, no one is surprised by a man engaged in household chores, while his wife can enhance in several works. Gender roles ceased to take a rigid form, and yet some men try to avoid banal help while cleaning, hiding behind phrases, which a woman can perceive, as a reasonless fact. We decided to explore the male tricks that help them deftly see from unpleasant things for them.

"This is not a matter of real man."

A similar phrase can be heard from the "real man", whom Mom has learned from childhood to what a man should do, and what business is exclusively female. And if it takes a little bit from a man, then from the partner of such Alfa will require the fulfillment of duties on the list: to cook lunch for the whole family, wash, sew, "stick" the child, and yes - always be positive in his presence. At the same time helping such a man in the house, of course, will not, for "not supposed".

"Yes, you yourself will cope"

What is interesting is this phrase many women perceive as a positive - the man is so sure of her power, which decided not to even interfere. In fact, the man almost direct text tells you that he is absolutely not interested in the subject of your conversation, and it will be just happy if you are outstanding and go to engage in, let's say, boring out windows, and it will deal with what is interesting only to him. Be careful.

partner can domestic

partner can domestic


"You need, you do"

With such a man faced if not all, then many. It is absolutely not demanding about order, he is not embarrassed by the mountains of unwashed dishes, he does not mind to leave his woman freedom of choice - if he wants, let it wash / erases, he will definitely not be engaged in such nonsense. If you recognize yourself in this situation, try to discuss this question with your man - after all, you live together, and therefore problems you have common.

"You're guilty - I did not remind me"

Not every man is ready to sign in his wrong, and therefore he needs someone who you can dump your missions. In domestic issues a woman comes across. For example, you asked him to buy home products on the way, but he had safely forgotten, but, in his opinion, you do not have the right to make him comments, because "I needed to remind." It turns out that in any case a woman has to control their partner, even in small things, which in the mind of a man do not have a lot of meaning.

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