Lose weight and do not go back: Telewares about the fight for the perfect figure


Ekaterina Solomatina (actress of the series "To death beautiful")

Recovered by 30 kg and lost weight by 20 kg

For the role of a bbw Darya, in the body of which the soul of glamor blonde Diana is instilled, the actress Ekaterina Solomatina had to gain 30 extra kilograms: "I came to samples almost immediately after the birth of my daughter. I liked the director, and I was asked if I was ready to gain weight, I agreed for the image of Dashi. " When shooting ended, Catherine took up work on her body - and already weighs 20 kg less.

Ekaterina Solomatina. .

Ekaterina Solomatina. .

"After the filming in" Krasiva's death ", I myself have a little lost myself, without a nutritionist, but at that moment it turned out that artists with my texture and European face became very in demand in Russian cinema. I shot a lot, but at some point just tired of my reflection in the mirror. Since then, I actively work on myself and dropped more than 20 kg. Systematic physical exertion are very important, although now, unfortunately, I have no time for them. But I try to walk more, I move without driving, but I descend in the subway and refused the elevators. I drink a lot of water, I eat fractionally - I arrange the snacks every two or three hours.

Do not lose the initial motivation; I myself can't do without anyone someone spurled me, inspired. It is impossible to stop when the weight is frozen, it is necessary to bring everything to the end. Drink more, move at every opportunity! These advice would give everyone who wants to lose weight.

Julia Kuvazin and Stanislav Madznikov. .

Julia Kuvazin and Stanislav Madznikov. .

Julia Kuvazin and Stanislav Ladnikov (actors of the series "Voronina")

For two dropped 67 kg

Family comedy stars synchronously dropped the weight to the start of the 13th season of the series in 2013. The performer of the role of Nastya Julia Kvavazhina lost 3 months by 22 kg. The actress did not hide the methods of rapid transformation - fitness, consultation of specialists and diet from several simple points: "From the general rules - fractional food, from drinking - only non-carbonated clean water, at least two liters per day, nothing fried, flour, salted and sweet. My wishes to everyone who decided to lose weight - just feel reasonable to your body and make a healthy behavior of life. "

Formal husband Nastya, Lenya Voronin, also appeared in the new season of the project is a fairly confused - actor Stanislav Madznikov dropped kilograms, once specially typed for role. "All kilograms scored for the role of Lomen Voronina remained in the past. Then I tried hard enough: he ate six times a day, he left the flour and sweet, "recalls Stanislav. During the break between the seasons of "Voronin", the actor sat on the diet and increased the number of physical exertion, due to which its weight decreased from 200 to 160 kg: "They saves the pool, a bicycle, gym and the absence of a dense dinner. After the performance, I return home, drink kefir or tea with a spoonful of honey - and hunger retreats. General advice, how to quickly find the form to the summer season, I will not give, since everyone has its own system of recovery. I will only say that you do not need to run after the rapid result, do everything gradually, then the weight will not return. "

Vasily Utkin. .

Vasily Utkin. .

Vasily Utkin (leading IQMoristic show "Big question")

Lost 50 kg

To the launch of the first season of the "big question" Vasily lost 50 kg: "I decided that it would be nice to lose a little. And offered such an idea: I'm losing weight, and the channel comes up for me. We agreed that by the first season I would lose 50 kg, to the second one - another 50, then we will refuse three more seasons - and I will completely disappear. " The arrangements were fulfilled by both parties, and to the subsequent seasons of the Show Utkin promised to reset yet.

Yana Krainov. .

Yana Krainov. .

Yana Krainov (actress series "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva")

Recovered by 8 kg

For the role in the series about the difficult fate of Romantic Sasha, Yana Kravenaya, Yane Krhinova, had to be lost, but gain weight. Picture producers advised her to gain weight: 5-6 kg, and better than 10. "And it immediately after I just lost weight, I began to do dancing and yoga! I needed to eat seven kilograms. Nightmare! But it was the first major role in my life, so I agreed. It became mashed potatoes with salty cucumbers, pasta, cakes, "Jana shares. After filming the first season, Yana quickly returned the previous form, but when it was decided to remove the second season of the series, she again had to gain weight: "When I was told that for the second season I need to recover again, I was afraid. Again there are buns?! I can't watch them! But, fortunately, it did not need to suffer so, because they had to score just a little. "

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